• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus
  • Indexed by Core Journals of China, Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese Science Citation Database

2021 Vol. 56, No. 5

Display Method:
Lightweight Web Visualization of Massive Road Traffic Data
ZHU Jun, WU Sihao, ZHANG Yunhao, HUANG Huaping, GUO Yukun, CHEN Yidong, LI Weilian
2021, 56(5): 905-912. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200107
In order to further improve the dynamic visualization efficiency of large-scale road traffic data under the network environment, a lightweight visualization method using streaminglight is proposed to express traffic situation under the network environment. The hierarchical organization method of roa...
Influence Mechanism of Bridge Sign Complexity on Cognitive Characteristics of Drivers’ Electroencephalogram
LI Xuewei, ZHAO Xiaohua, HUANG Lihua, RONG Jian
2021, 56(5): 913-920. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200109
Normative documents about design and application of bridge signs are unavailable, while the complex bridge signs affect drivers’ recognition, which further impairs traffic efficiency and traffic safety. In order to clarify the influence of bridge sign complexity on the cognitive processing of driver...
Calculation and Evaluation Method of Passenger Flow Distribution under Urban Rail Transit Failure
LIU Fengbo, ZHOU Tingliang, WANG Xiaomin
2021, 56(5): 921-927, 966. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200602
In order to accurately obtain the impact of urban rail transit failures on passenger travel, the interaction states between passenger flow and train are modeled for passengers’ waiting, boarding and alighting processes. A calculation method is established for passenger flow distribution such as wait...
Evaluation of Activity Location Recognition Using Cellular Signaling Data
YANG Fei, JIANG Haihang, YAO Zhenxing, LIU Haode
2021, 56(5): 928-936. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200086
In order to investigate the recognition results of individuals’ activity locations using cellular signaling data, the field experiment for collecting cellular signaling data was carried out. The GPS trajectory data and the travel logs were collected synchronously as the real data for reference. A th...
Influence of 40.0‰ Maximum Gradient of Metro Main Line on Running Characteristics of Trains
WANG Zhonglin, ZENG Yong, YI Sirong
2021, 56(5): 937-944. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200025
When metro lines cross mountains or rivers, properly increasing the maximum slope standard of the metro main lines will help reduce costs and difficulties of design and construction. In order to study the feasibility of applying the maximum gradient value of 40.0‰ on the metro main line, combined wi...
Mechanical Properties of CRTS Slab Ballastless Track on Bridge under Temperature Gradient Loads
ZHANG Pengfei, TU Jian, GUI Hao, LEI Xiaoyan, LIU Linya
2021, 56(5): 945-952. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200244
In order to study the influence of transverse and vertical temperature gradients on the longitudinal mechanical performance of CRTSⅡ slab ballastless track on the bridge, on the basis of the beam-slab-rail interaction principle, a refined spatial finite element model is established for the continuou...
Representation and Estimation Method for Technical Station Capacity Based on Three-Parameter Interval Gray Numbers
XUE Feng, YUAN Ye, HU Zuoan, BHARAT Pathak
2021, 56(5): 953-959. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20190982
Capacity is an important index to measure the production efficiency of railway technical station, in order to reflect capacity scalability and improve measurement accuracy, the applicability of three parameter interval and universal grey number for capacity representation was analyzed. The three par...
Effect of Reflective Thermal Insulation Coatings on Temperature and Stress of Track Slab
JI Lei, WANG Xin, ZHOU Yihang, ZHOU Gan, ZHAO Jincun, CHENG Yonghong, SUN Zhiyuan
2021, 56(5): 960-966. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200006
To reduce the slab temperature and internal stress of ballastless track and alleviate damage caused by ballastless track expansion during high temperature period in summer, a reflective thermal insulation coating for ballastless track was explored with titanium dioxide, glass beads, and other compon...
Master-Slave Interpolation Modeling of Compressor Healthy Parameters Based on Kriging Algorithm
ZENG Li, CHEN Renxiang, DONG Shaojiang
2021, 56(5): 967-972. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20191118
In order to solve the problem that the accuracy of the model is low due to the lack of compressor flow coefficient in the process of digital modeling of gas turbine compressor, a master-slave interpolation model for flow coefficient is constructed based on the Kriging interpolation algorithm. The di...
Fault Detection of Axle Box Bearing Based on Matter-Element and Negative Selection Algorithm
ZHAO Congcong, LIU Yumei, ZHAO Yinghui, BAI Yang
2021, 56(5): 973-980. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20191103
In view of the difficulty in obtaining the fault data of high-speed train axle box bearings, a fault detection method combined matter-element model and negative selection algorithm (NSA) was proposed, which did not need prior knowledge. Firstly, detectors of NSA were constructed by means of multi-di...
Optimization Research on Mixed-Model Multi-manned Assembly Line Balancing Problem of Type I
YANG Wucheng, CHENG Wenming
2021, 56(5): 981-988. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20191135
Owing to the incapability of the traditional approaches in solving the mixed-model multi-manned assembly line balancing problem of type I (MMALBP-I), a new mixed integer mathematical model is built to minimize the number of stations/workers and to balance the load between stations by introduce new v...
Complexity Measurement Model and Methods of Crowd Intelligence Collaborative Innovation for Design Activities
ZHENG Qing, DING Guofu
2021, 56(5): 989-994, 1010. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200238
Crowd intelligence (CI) innovation has become an important product innovation tool in the environment of Internet as it can amass huge design resources outside the enterprises through online community. It is an important way for enterprises to expand design capabilities, solve design problems, and r...
Data Mining Model Based on Neural Network and Its Application on Anti-Climber Device
CHE Quanwei, LEI Cheng, LI Yuru, ZHU Tao, TANG Zhao, YAO Shuguang
2021, 56(5): 995-1001. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200266
Given the low efficiency of traditional finite element analysis method in calculating the crashworthiness of locomotive and vehicle structure, machine learning method is introduced to analyze and predict the crashworthiness and crash safety of vehicle structure on the basis of the existing simulatio...
Masked Face Detection Model Based on Multi-scale Attention-Driven Faster R-CNN
LI Zechen, LI Hengchao, HU Wenshuai, YANG Jinyu, HUA Zexi
2021, 56(5): 1002-1010. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20210017
For the purpose of masked face detection, a multi-scale attention-driven faster region-basedconvolutionalneuralnetwork (MSAF R-CNN) model is proposed. First, given the Faster R-CNN model architecture and the multi-scale information of the face, Res2Net, a grouped-residual structure, is introduced to...
Partial Discharge Process and Feature Extraction of Air Gap in EPR Cable Terminal
GUO Lei, CAO Weidong, BAI Longlei, XING Limeng, XIANG Enxin, ZHOU Lijun
2021, 56(5): 1011-1019, 1028. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200157
Due to the nonstandard manufacturing and installation of the ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) cable terminal for high-speed railways, air gap appears in the terminal, and the partial discharge at the air gap seriously affects the normal operation of high-speed trains. In order to analyze the partial ...
Urbanization Attribute Evaluation for Prefabricated Substation Based on MCD-AHP
WANG Feng, LIU Bofeng, CHAI Shuying, WANG Danlu
2021, 56(5): 1020-1028. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200172
In order to improve the urbanization attribute effect of the prefabricated substation construction for urban rail transits, it is necessary to make an accurate evaluation of its urbanization attribute index. First, an evaluation system of prefabricated substation urbanization attribute indexes is bu...
Safety Assessment Method of Collector Shoe-Rail Relationship in Urban Rail Transits
JIN Shoujie, LI Kunpeng, ZHAN Dong, WAN Yongsheng, ZHONG Wei, FENG Chao
2021, 56(5): 1029-1034. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200075
In order to realize the safety assessment of the relationship between the collector shoe and contact rail before the initial operation of urban rail transits, the laser imaging, ultraviolet photoelectric sensing, and fiber bragg grating strain sensor are used to measure the dynamic geometric paramet...
Experimental Study on Coefficient Value of Subgrade Reaction in Seismic Analysis of Underground Structures
XU Kunpeng, JING Liping, BIN Jia, CHENG Xinjun, LIANG Haian
2021, 56(5): 1035-1042. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20191073
In seismic analysis of underground structures, the precision of the coefficient of subgrade reaction directly determines the accuracy of response displacement method. Considering the deficiencies of relevant research on the coefficient of subgrade reaction, a quasi-static test method was proposed, a...
Experimental Investigation of Masonry Shear Strength Under Compression
XIN Ren, WANG Meiyao, WANG Qinglin, WANG Yan
2021, 56(5): 1043-1049. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20190444
To avoid the relatively cumbersome strength-testing methods for the existing masonry structures under the combined action of shear and compression, an improved test device substituting uniaxial loading for biaxial is provided to test masonry shear-compression strength under different stress ratios b...
Impact of Sudden Change of Wind Loads on Running Performance of Vehicle on Bridge with Wind Barriers
XU Xinyu, LI Yongle, CHEN Xingyu, ZHENG Xiaolong, LIAO Haili
2021, 56(5): 1050-1055, 1093. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20191201
To investigate the impact of sudden change of wind loads on a vehicle passing through the transition section with wind barriers, a multi-span simply-supported beam bridge of high-speed railway was taken as the research object. Aerodynamic characteristics of the vehicle-bridge system were studied by ...
Wind-Resistant Safety Analysis of High-Speed Trains Passing Through Bridge-Tunnel Transition
HE Jiajun, XIANG Huoyue, LONG Junting, LI Yongle
2021, 56(5): 1056-1064. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20190623
When a train travels from a tunnel to a bridge, it bears a sudden wind load, and the response of the train changes abruptly, which will threaten the travelling safety. Taking a bridge-tunnel transition of a passenger dedicated line as the research background, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simul...
Review of Recent Progress in Durability of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete
ZHAO Renda, YANG Shiyu, JIA Wentao, ZENG Xianshuai, JIN Hesong, LI Fuhai
2021, 56(5): 1065-1074. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20190993
Geopolymer is a new type of chemically activited cementitious material which has been actively investigated across the world for more than 10 years. It may become a green cementitious material to replace cement. In view of the relatively weak durability of alkali activated fly ash (AAFA) geopolymer,...
A Review on Aseismic Bridges Crossing Fault Rupture Regions
JIA Hongyu, YANG Jian, ZHENG Shixiong, ZHAO Canhui, DU Xiuli
2021, 56(5): 1075-1093. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200162
Under the background of strategy impetus of building a strong transportation country, the construction of bridges across active faults is an inevitable challenge in the development of Chinese highway and railway networks in recent years. This problem is prominent in planning, design and construction...
Calculation Methods of Ultimate Tensile Strength for Screw Anchors
CHEN Zhao, WEN Tao, WU Haonan, LI Fuhai
2021, 56(5): 1094-1099. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200404
Screw anchors are a type of post-installed concrete anchors with the advantages of convenient and fast installation and removal, good construction adjustability, and short critical margin distance. Therefore, it has been used more in the field in recent years. To ensure that the requirements of bear...
Flexibility Curvature Eigenvalue Method for Debonding Damage Identification of Unit Slab Track
ZHAO Pingrui, XU Tianci, LIU Wenxing, QU Chaoguang, BI Lanxiao, DING Chenxu
2021, 56(5): 1100-1108, 1124. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20191149
In order to identify and locate the debondingdamage on the bottom of the CRTS Ⅲ ballastless trackslab, firstly, the flexibility matrix of the track structure is obtained by its modal analysis, and the flexibility curvature eigenvalue matrixis constructed with the use of the noise reduction data proc...
Application Error of Traffic Speed Deflectometer for Asphalt Pavement Structure with Semi-Rigid Base
WU Chaoyang, JIANG Xin
2021, 56(5): 1109-1115. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200247
In order to evaluate the applicability of traffic speed deflectometer (TSD) in asphalt pavement structure with semi-rigid base, the 2.5D finite element method is employed to establish a numerical model subjected to the moving load of TSD. Firstly, the reliability of the 2.5D finite element program i...
Calculation Method of Deformation Load of Deep-Buried Tunnel under Influence of Excavation Method
WANG Mingnian, WANG Zhilong, GUI Dengbin, ZHANG Xiao, ZHAO Siguang, TONG Jianjun, LIU Dagang
2021, 56(5): 1116-1124. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20191124
In order to study the influence of the excavation method on the deformation load of the surrounding rock, the law of its influence on the deformation load was clarified through theoretical analysis, literature research and field test methods. Considering the influence of surrounding rock grade, tunn...
Dynamic Characteristics of Silt Considering Time Intermittent Effect
NIE Rusong, DONG Junli, MEI Huihao, LENG Wuming, LI Yafeng, CHENG Longhu
2021, 56(5): 1125-1134. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20190642
Train dynamic load is the premise to reveal the real dynamic response characteristics of subgrade. The train load is regarded as a continuous dynamic load in previous cyclic triaxial tests without considering the time intermittent effect. Dynamic triaxial tests of silt under continuous loading and i...