• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus
  • Indexed by Core Journals of China, Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese Science Citation Database

Current Issue

2025, Volume 60,  Issue 1

Display Method:
Influence Mechanism of Long-Span Arch Bridge Deformation on Running Stability of High-Speed Trains Under Crosswind
LI Xiaozhen, ZHOU Yanxi, WANG Ming
2025, 60(1): 1-9. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220598

In order to explore the influence mechanism of arch bridge deformation on the running stability of the train under crosswind, the horizontal and vertical displacement of the mid-span was obtained through the wind, vehicle, and bridge coupling system, and the running stability of the train under diff...

Review on Intelligent Image Recognition of Apparent Diseases of Stay Cable
ZHANG Hong, JIANG Xiaogang, ZHU Zhiwei, XIA Runchuan, ZHOU Jianting
2025, 60(1): 10-26. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220647

The stay cable is one of the main load-bearing elements of cable-stayed bridges, and the disease of its outer sheath is easy to penetrate inside the cable and affect the health of the steel wire. Therefore, it is significant to use the video image method to intelligently identify the apparent diseas...

Extremum Conditions of Response of Maglev Guideway Under Train Loads
XIANG Huoyue, LIU Kehong, LI Yongle
2025, 60(1): 27-34, 136. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220835

To reveal the variation law of dynamic response of maglev guideways, maglev trains were simplified as moving uniform loads, and analytical methods were employed to obtain the analytical solutions for dynamic response of simply supported guideways. The variation laws of the maximum response of guidew...

Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis of Shear Behavior of Studs Embedded in Engineered Cementitious Composite Bridge Decks
LIU Yiming, ZHANG Qinghua, BU Yizhi
2025, 60(1): 35-44. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220824

In order to study the shear behavior of studs embedded in engineered cementitious composites (ECC), model tests and the numerical analysis of finite elements were carried out. The failure mode of studs embedded in ECC was determined based on push-out model tests. Then, parametric numerical analysis ...

Vortex-Induced Vibration Response of Bridges Considering Both Spanwise Variation of Vibration Amplitude and Correlation of Aerodynamic Forces
YANG Meng, WANG Yunfei, ZHAO Jiabin, ZHOU Jing, WANG Yongjing, LI Yongle
2025, 60(1): 45-52. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220714

This paper aims to study the effect of spanwise variation of vibration amplitude and spanwise correlation of the nonlinear aerodynamic forces on the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) response of bridges. Firstly, a nonlinear aerodynamic force model of the bridge represented by polynomial functions of v...

Flexural Performance of PP-ECC Beams Under Coupling of Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Bending Loads
LI Fuhai, YANG Zongchi, LIU Gengyuan, LIU Menghui, WU Haonan, CHEN Zhao, LI Guhua
2025, 60(1): 53-62. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220645

To investigate the effect of freeze-thaw cycles and coupling of freeze-thaw cycles and bending loads on the flexural performance of polypropylene fiber cement-based composite (PP-ECC) beams, seven experimental working conditions were set up. In addition, the three-point loading method was adopted to...

Seismic Performance of Concrete Composite Columns of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Precast Pipe
OU Zhijing, CHEN Weilong, CAO Lei
2025, 60(1): 63-71. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230073

To investigate the seismic performance of concrete composite columns of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) precast pipe under low-cycle repeated loads, three concrete composite columns of UHPC precast pipes and one reinforced concrete (RC) column were subjected to quasi-static tests, so as to an...

Axial Compression Performance of Concrete Columns Confined by Ultra-High Performance Concrete Reinforced with High-Strength Steel Wire Cloth
DENG Zongcai, WANG Tianyu
2025, 60(1): 72-82. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230096

In order to master the constraint effect of new high-strength steel wire cloth reinforced ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), a study was conducted on the influence of the surface density and number of layers of high-strength steel wire cloth on the axial compression performance of confined conc...

Centrifuge Test on Bearing Capacity of Energy Piles in Sand Affected by Thermal−Cool Cycles
CHEN Long, HU Yifan, CHEN Yonghui, ZHU Lei, ZHANG Tilang
2025, 60(1): 83-92. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220740

To study the bearing capacity of energy piles in sand affected by thermal-cool cycles, a centrifuge model test on slender energy piles buried in Fengpu sand with different compactions was carried out. The change rules of the axial force, side friction, and individual bearing capacity of energy piles...

Axial Compression Test and Bearing Capacity Design Method of Cold-Formed Steel with Unequal-Leg Lipped Angles
YAO Xingyou, HU Chengli, LIU Yafei, GUO Yanli
2025, 60(1): 93-102. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230010

To study the buckling performance and bearing capacity design method of the cold-formed thin-walled steel (CFTWS) with unequal-leg lipped angles under axial compression, the tests were conducted, and a finite element program was used to analyze the buckling performance and ultimate bearing capacity....

Maximum Temperature in Bifurcated Tunnel Based on Synergistic Effect of Longitudinal Ventilation and Air Curtain
LI Tao, YANG Yunping, MI Chun, CHEN Zhengquan, WANG Chunxiang, CHEN Longfei, ZHANG Yuchun
2025, 60(1): 103-110. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230157

To investigate the effect of synergistic longitudinal ventilation and air curtain on the control of tunnel fire smoke in urban bifurcated tunnels, the 1∶10 small-sized bifurcated tunnel fire experiments were conducted, and the along-travel and maximum temperatures of bifurcated tunnels under the syn...

Theoretical Analysis of Bearing Mechanism of Pipe Sheds
ZHANG Jian, YAN Songhong, WANG Wen, SUN Weiyu
2025, 60(1): 111-118. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230425

Establishing a reasonable and accurate theoretical analysis model for pipe sheds and solving it are of great significance to promoting the development of pipe shed pre-support technology. By analyzing the construction process of tunnel excavation and support and the reduction of the restraining reac...

Mesoscopic Study on Mechanical and Deformation Behaviors of Reinforced Buried Pipelines Under Vertical Loads
WANG Zhijie, CHENG Biao, YANG Guangqing, GAO Gushun, WANG He
2025, 60(1): 119-127. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230046

In order to deeply study the protective effect of geogrid-reinforced buried pipelines under vertical load, indoor model tests were carried out, and a discrete element simulation analysis model was established. The mechanical response and deformation behavior of geogrid-reinforced buried pipelines an...

Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Loose Particles in Direct Shear Test at Different Rates
WU Xin, LUO Xiaoyu, LI Longcan, LIU Yonghong, ZHU Xu, LIN Huali
2025, 60(1): 128-136. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230179

Loose particle accumulations are widely present in nature and industrial production activities. In order to study their mechanical properties and instability processes, acoustic emission (AE) technology was used to explore the evolution law of acoustic characteristics of loose particles in a shear p...

Nonlinear Prediction and Inversion of Civil Engineering Cost of Urban Rail Transit
MENG Chuncheng, QU Daoyuan, DUAN Xiaochen
2025, 60(1): 137-146. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230209

The traditional prediction model for the civil engineering cost of urban rail transit lacks decision-making credibility. To address this issue, First, critical factors affecting the civil engineering cost of urban rail transit were retrieved utilizing the feature selection and knowledge judgment met...

Short-Circuit Characteristics Analysis of New Continuous Cable Traction Power Supply System
2025, 60(1): 147-155. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220290

New continuous cable traction power supply system (CCTPSS) can achieve long-distance transmission and reduce the number of electric phases. However, the two-stage power supply mode leads to the complex structure of the system. In order to reveal the short-circuit characteristics of CCTPSS, the two-p...

Simulation of Dynamic Coupling of Metro-Earth-Grid for DC Interference in Rail Transit
LIU Wei, LI Songyuan, TANG Yuning
2025, 60(1): 156-165. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230052

In response to the problem that direct current (DC) bias current of neutral grounded transformer is affected by dynamic stray current leakage and depot grounding of rail transit, a metro-earth-grid coupling model of stray current distribution and diffusion under multi-train operation was proposed, a...

Vehicle to Grid Optimization Strategy from the Perspective of Supply and Demand Game
DAI Chaohua, YANG Shuai, YE Shengyong, FAN Wenli
2025, 60(1): 166-174, 193. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230097

With the explosive development of electric vehicles (EV), the contradiction between the impact of charging load and grid support capacity is highlighted. In response to this problem, an EV charging and discharging (vehicle to grid, V2G) optimization strategy was proposed from the perspective of the ...

Fixed Point Evolution Algorithm
SU Qinghua, HONG Nan, HU Zhongbo
2025, 60(1): 175-184. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220079

In order to design an efficient and robust evolution algorithm, the fixed point iteration idea in solving equations was first introduced into the optimization field. The optimization process of an evolution algorithm was regarded as the gradual display process of the fixed point of an equation in an...

First-Order Logic Clause Selection Method Based on Multi-criteria Decision Making
ZENG Guoyan, XU Yang, CHEN Shuwei, JIANG Shipan
2025, 60(1): 185-193. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230023

First-order logic-based automatic theorem provers (ATPs) are important for the research on knowledge representation and automatic reasoning, and heuristic strategies are a critical research topic to enhance the performance of ATPs. Mainstream heuristic strategies select clauses by describing clause ...

Collaborative Computing Method for Highly Available Operation of Digital Twin Manufacturing Equipment
DING Guofu, LIU Mingyuan, XIE Jiaxiang, ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Haizhu, ZHENG Qing
2025, 60(1): 194-204. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230074

In digital twin technology, the operation of complex models and production logic consumes a large number of resources. Meanwhile, differences in hardware capabilities and user requirements make it difficult to ensure simulation accuracy and real-time performance, reducing system availability. To add...

Fracture Mechanism of Cologne-Egg Fastener Clips in Rail Corrugation Sections
CUI Xiaolu, PENG Shuangqian, XU Jia, ZHONG Jianke, QI Yayun
2025, 60(1): 205-213. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230025

As typical rail damage of the railway, rail corrugation is often accompanied by the fastener clip fracture, which seriously affects the operation safety of the train. Moreover, the small-radius section of the Cologne-egg fastener experiences frequent rail corrugation. To explre the fracture mechanis...

Adhesion Adaptability of Dual-Source-Powered Electric Multiple Unit on Qinghai−Xizang Line
WANG Bo, LUO Shihui, WANG Chen, QU Tianwei, MA Weihua, LEI Cheng
2025, 60(1): 214-224. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220843

In order to analyze the feasibility of a dual-source-powered electric multiple unit (EMU) with enhanced operational efficiency on the Qinghai–Xizang Line (Golmud–Lhasa section), the dynamics model of EMU was established and verified. A dynamic method was adopted to study the relationship among the t...

Refined Traffic Flow Model Based on Cellular Automaton Under Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System
LI Xun, CHENG Shuo, WU Dandan, ZHANG Lei, WANG Xiaohua
2025, 60(1): 225-232. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220830

The cell size in the classical cellular automaton-based traffic flow model makes it difficult to express the position relationship of vehicles accurately. Therefore, a scheme to improve the symmetric two-lane cellular automaton (STCA) model by refining the cell size was presented. Firstly, the posit...

Identification Method for Key Nodes in En-Route Network
TIAN Wen, FANG Qin, ZHOU Xuefang, SONG Jinjin
2025, 60(1): 233-242. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220532

Accurate identification of key nodes is of great significance for enhancing network resilience and improving operational capabilities. In order to improve the identification accuracy of key nodes in the en-route network, a comprehensive evaluation method based on the technique for order preference b...

Comprehensive Comparison of Inversion Performance of Urban Traffic Congestion Source Parameters
ZHAO Xueting, HU Liwei
2025, 60(1): 243-252. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230008

In order to accurately grasp the main parameters and diffusion and propagation laws inherent in urban traffic congestion sources and realize scientific control of traffic congestion sources, the Gaussian plume model for air pollutant dispersion was introduced and improved. The urban traffic congesti...