Citation: | TANG ChangYi, XU Yan, CUI Kai, CHEN Feng, HOU Weisheng, ZHANG Shengjie. Flexural Bearing Performance of Prestressed Concrete Pipe Piles with Hybrid Reinforcement under Influence of Prestressed Control Level and Hybrid Reinforcement[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230393 |
The actual flexural bearing capacity of prestressed concrete pipe piles with hybrid reinforcement (PRC pipe piles) is different from the theoretical design value due to the influence of prestressed control level and hybrid reinforcement, which leads to the potential risk of pile body damage or performance degradation during its service. In order to study the actual flexural bearing capacity of PRC pipe piles, the flexural load test of PRC pipe piles under different prestressed levels and hybrid reinforcement was carried out. The monotone continuous loading method was adopted in the load test. The bending moment-deflection curves of different PRC pipe piles were recorded to determine the flexural load variation rule. Finally, the experimental data were compared with the theoretical calculation value of relevant bending moment bearing capacity in current standards. The results show that the deformation of the hybrid reinforcement method improves the bearing capacity and ductility of the pile body. A higher initial prestress-to-tension control ratio indicates a longer elastic deformation section of the specimen, a larger cracking moment, and a delay in crack occurrence. When the initial prestress is 0.5 times the tensile force, the ductility of the specimen is the best; the bending deformation ductility is greater than 10; the maximum deflection is more than 54 mm, and the crack width is 1.05–1.5 mm. The member deformation under simultaneous tension of steel bars for prestressed concrete (PC steel bar) and screw-thread steel is relatively slow, and ductility and toughness are better. When the non-prestressed steel bars contribute to the prestress, the ultimate bending moment is increased by about 2.5%, and the cracking deflection at the end of the elastic stage is larger. The measured cracking moment of different PRC pipe piles is 1.25–1.50 times the design theoretical value, and the measured ultimate bending moment is 0.96–1.07 times the theoretical value.
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