Citation: | LI Xiaozhen, ZHOU Yanxi, WANG Ming. Influence Mechanism of Long-Span Arch Bridge Deformation on Running Stability of High-Speed Trains Under Crosswind[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2025, 60(1): 1-9. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220598 |
In order to explore the influence mechanism of arch bridge deformation on the running stability of the train under crosswind, the horizontal and vertical displacement of the mid-span was obtained through the wind, vehicle, and bridge coupling system, and the running stability of the train under different wind speeds and train speeds was analyzed. The contribution of bridge deformation to horizontal and vertical acceleration of the train in the wind, vehicle, and bridge system was quantified. Combined with the sensitive wavelength of the acceleration response of the train and the time-frequency characteristic of bridge deformation, the influence mechanism of bridge deformation on running stability was analyzed. The results show that the vertical displacement difference of the bridge is smaller than the horizontal displacement difference, and the main displacement is caused by the vehicle-induced bridge deformation. The maximum value reaches −9.2 mm. Under the action of train and wind load, the horizontal and vertical displacement of the bridge is more significant, but its influence on the stability of the train is mainly reflected in the position of the junction pier, which is about four times the response of other positions. Except for the junction pier area, the running stability of the train on the bridge is mainly determined by the wind-induced train vibration and track irregularity. The spectral density distribution of horizontal and vertical acceleration power of the train is closely related to the wavelength of track irregularity, and the corresponding sensitive wavelength range is less than 120 m. The horizontal and vertical acceleration of the train is mainly affected by the bridge deformation caused by the vehicle load, while the bridge deformation caused by wind load is mainly distributed in the main span, and the wavelength is larger than 120 m. Therefore, it does not exert a significant impact on the acceleration of the train.
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