• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus
  • Indexed by Core Journals of China, Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese Science Citation Database
ZHANG Jingke, ZHU Tao, WANG Xiaorui, XIAO Shoune, YANG Guangwu, YANG Bing. Comprehensive Evaluation Model for One-Dimensional Crash Energy Management of Trains[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021, 56(6): 1329-1336. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200034
Citation: ZHANG Jingke, ZHU Tao, WANG Xiaorui, XIAO Shoune, YANG Guangwu, YANG Bing. Comprehensive Evaluation Model for One-Dimensional Crash Energy Management of Trains[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021, 56(6): 1329-1336. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200034

Comprehensive Evaluation Model for One-Dimensional Crash Energy Management of Trains

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200034
  • Received Date: 18 Feb 2020
  • Rev Recd Date: 26 Apr 2020
  • Available Online: 14 May 2020
  • Publish Date: 14 May 2020
  • In order to configure and evaluate the train collision energy scheme more scientifically and comprehensively, the maximum average acceleration, maximum instantaneous acceleration and energy utilization rate of trains were taken as evaluation indexes, and a more reasonable comprehensive weight coefficient was derived by using the subjective and objective index weights obtained by the order relation analysis and entropy method. A comprehensive evaluation model of train one-dimensional collision energy management was obtained by fusing weight information and evaluation index information with nonlinear weighted synthesis method, then 15 energy allocation schemes of a certain type of train were comprehensively evaluated by using this model. The results indicate that the comprehensive evaluation results are consistent with that of the change range of all indexes, and it has better applicability and reliability. Scheme 4 is the optimal scheme, in which the maximum instantaneous acceleration index decreases by 14.03%, but the maximum average acceleration index and energy utilization rate index increase by 4.92% and 19.44% compared with scheme 8 respectively. These results both reflect the importance of the maximum average acceleration index, which has the greatest impact on safety, and comprehensively considers the energy utilization rate index related to economy.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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