• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus
  • Indexed by Core Journals of China, Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese Science Citation Database

2006 Vol. 19, No. 2

Display Method:
Overview of Fuzzy System Structure Identification
XIAO Jian, BAI Yifeng, YU Long
2006, 19(2): 135-142.
Fuzzy system identification is one of the main approaches of fuzzy system modeling.Optimized fuzzy system structure is the key of fuzzy system identification.The state of art of fuzzy system structure identification was briefly reviewed.Widely used methods of fuzzy system structure identification we...
GeneralH ierarchicalFramework ofAgent in MAS EnvironmentBased on UML
TONGXiaoyang, WANGXiaoru, HANXudong, GAO Shibin
2006, 19(2): 143-149.
The agentmodel in amulti-agent system (MAS) environmentwith the restriction of time and resourceswas investigated, and a generalhierarchical framework of the hybrid agentwasproposed. This framework has a four-layer structure with feature declaration, mental status, computing and processing, and info...
Compound Approach of Predicting Fault Gases Dissolved in Transformer Oil
ZHOU Lijun, WU Guangning, SU Chong, WANG Hongliang
2006, 19(2): 150-153.
To improve the prediction result for transformer faults,a compound approach combining GM (1,1) model with self-learning BP-neural networks was proposed to predict fault gases dissolved in transformer oil.In this approach,the concentration and development trend of gases dissolved in transformer oil a...
Multipath Routing Protocol Based on Source Routing
ZHOU Xun, MA Hongge, LU Yu
2006, 19(2): 154-158.
To further effectively utilize network resources,the multipath mechanism was used to improve the network performance of OLSR (optimized link state routing),and a source routing-based SR-MPOLSR (source routing-multipath OLSR) protocol was proposed.In this protocol,MPRs (multipoint relays) are used to...
Recognition Approach of Signals Based on Short-Time Comparison Distribution
GAN Quan, LIAO Cheng, HU Laizhao
2006, 19(2): 159-162.
To recognize signals rapidly and effectively in the time-frequency domain,the concept and core function of short-time comparison distribution (SCD) were proposed for short-time signals through analyzing the short-time signal’s ambiguity function in the time-lag domain.As a result,a new approach of r...
Answer Set Semantics for Ordered Logic Programs
ZHOU Yong, ZHU Wujia
2006, 19(2): 163-167.
Based on the fixed-point theorem,a new method to treat the priori order was proposed in order to unify and extend the different answer set semantics resulted from different ways of dealing with the prior order in logic programs with a rule order.With this method,the rule order was taken into account...
System Reliability of Continuous Composite Beam Based on European Standard
XU Haiqing
2006, 19(2): 168-173.
The reliability calibration of continuous composite beams shows that to a continuous composite beam designed as composite section classes Ⅰ and Ⅱ and with 2 to 4 spans,its reliability,as a system,does not meet the requirement of EC1 (Eurocode 1) even though all sections are designed according to EC ...
Redistribution of Longitudinal Shear Force on Interface of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams
MAO Xueming, ZHAO Renda, WAN Zhen
2006, 19(2): 174-178.
By taking a simply supported composite beam under uniformly distributed load as an example,the redistribution of longitudinal shear force,induced by the plastic deformation of flexible connectors such as studs,was investigated.Based on the actual working condition of the connectors,the mechanical fu...
Analyses of Stresses and Force Transmission Route in Box-Shaped Anchorage Zone for Cable-Stayed Bridges
ZHANG Yuzhi, LI Qiao, MAN Honggao
2006, 19(2): 179-183.
The finite element method was used to investigate stresses in the box-shaped anchorage zone for a cable-stayed bridge in order to give the quantitative description of cable force distribution along principal welding lines,the mechanical characteristics of the main plates and the cause of stress conc...
Centrifugal Model Test for Ground Surface Subsidence Caused by Metro Tunneling in Saturated Soft Clay Strata
QI Taiyue, GAO Bo, MA Liang
2006, 19(2): 184-189.
To choose the optimum construction method for metro tunneling in saturated soft clay strata,the control effects of pumping,dynamic pumping and un-pumping construction methods on ground surface subsidence caused by metro tunneling in saturated soft clay strata were compared through centrifugal model ...
Shaking Table Test of Composite Foundation Reinforcement of Saturated Silty Soil Ground for High Speed Railway
JIANG Guanlu, LIU Xianfeng, ZHANG Jianwen, ZHAO Ruyi
2006, 19(2): 190-196.
Three shaking table model tests were conducted with a geometrical scale of 1:10 using a large-scale laminar shear box to investigate the reinforcement effects of compacted gravel column-net composite foundation and cement fly-ash gravel (CFG)column-net composite foundation on the saturated silty soi...
In-situ Test of Anti-washing-out of Red-Bed Soft Rock Slope Protected by Plants
ZHOU Lirong, XIANG Bo, ZHOU Depei
2006, 19(2): 197-201.
An in-situ washing-out test was carried out by the artificial simulation of rainfall to quantitatively investigate the anti-washing-out of a red-bed soft rock slope protected by plants.Some parameters,such as runoff amount,rainfall interception and erosion volume,were measured in the conditions of d...
Adjusting Model and Algorithm for Application of Arrival and Departure Lines in Technical Stations
WANG Zhengbin, DU Wen
2006, 19(2): 202-205.
To meet the requirement of application of arrival and departure lines and reduce the mutual interference of operations and routes,an adjusting model for the application of arrival and departure lines was set up to railway technical stations.From the characteristic of nonlinear programming of this mo...
System Dynamics Model for Pricing of High-Speed Railways
SHUAI Bin, SUN Chaoyuan
2006, 19(2): 206-209.
An SD (system dynamics) flow chart for rational pricing of high-speed railways was drawn.Based on the flow chart,a simulation model and the corresponding equations were presented.The SD model can be used for simulation during the pricing process.The ideas of price policy makers can be reflected in t...
Optimization of Flash Butt Welding Parameters for Welding of U75V Rails
DAI Hong, LUO Deyang, TAN Keli
2006, 19(2): 210-213.
Welding procedure tests were arranged with orthogonal design on 13 important parameters to optimize the welding parameters for welding of U75V rails.The factors affecting the welding quality were analyzed according to the results of the welding procedure tests.Among the 13 parameters,feeding speed i...
Fatigue Reliability of Contact Wire
WAN Yi, DENG Bin, LI Huijie, TIAN Zhijun, KE Jian
2006, 19(2): 214-217.
Vibration equations of contact wires were used to derive the formulae for calculation of mean and standard deviations of stresses.Statistical characteristic of fatigue strength of contact wires was obtained by comprehensively considering such coefficients as stress concentration,size and surface qua...
Damping Characteristics of Microfluid on Perforated Disks with a Centre Hole
WANG Weidong, JIA Jianyuan
2006, 19(2): 218-222.
Based on the equations of gap flow and squeezed flow,the viscous-modified solution under the slip boundary condition was obtained to calculate the damping characteristic of microfluid acting on a perforated disk with a centre hole.The correlation between the kinetic damping and dimensions of the per...
Linear Detection Method for Multiple Damages in Structures
ZHANG Jiping, CHEN Qiu, CAO Jixing
2006, 19(2): 223-226.
The definition of variation rate of the first modal was presented.It was proved that the variation rates are superpositionable,so that the variation rate of the first modal caused by multiple damages is obtained by superposition of all variation rates of the first modal caused by all the damages.The...
Dynamic Three-Dimensional Game about Advertisement,Service and Price
WANG Zhenhui, TAN Deqing, YAN Honglin
2006, 19(2): 227-230.
According to the characteristics of dynamic multidimensional game,a model of dynamic multidimensional game with complete information between two firms about product pricing and expenditures on advertisement and services was established,and its equilibrium solution was obtained.The two-dimensional eq...
Axiomatic Analysis of Serial Cost Pricing
ZHENG Liqun, WU Yuhua, XIA Qing
2006, 19(2): 231-235.
Axiomatic system of the homogeneous cost sharing was proposed,and serial cost pricing was analyzed axiomatically.The axiomatic characters of this cost sharing method are proven.The relation between the serial cost pricing and the axioms of upper bound,lower bound,free lunch,controllability of demand...
Consistency Improvement of Comparison Matrix Based on Geometric Consistency Index
ZHOU Qunyan, TIAN Peng, TIAN Zhiyou
2006, 19(2): 236-240.
A new criterion,consistency-credibility degree,of comparison matrix was defined by introducing the principle of "possibility-satisfiability degree" to overcome the deficiencies of available consistency improving methods.Row geometric mean method (RGMM) was taken for determining weights,and geometric...
Order Allocation Model Based on Profit Maximization of Horizontal Conglomerate
XIANG Jinqian, HUANG Peiqing, WANG Ziping
2006, 19(2): 241-244.
Order allocation among member enterprises of a horizontal conglomerate is the key problem when the conglomerate headquarter is responsible for obtaining all market orders.A 0-1 programming model was established for allocation of market orders by taking maximum profit as the objective.In the model,th...
Computer Aided Decision-Making System for Staff Promotion Based on Fuzzy Neural Network
REN Xinxin, LI Qiang, WU Zhenye
2006, 19(2): 245-249.
To analyze the factors influencing staff promotion,the Takagi-Sugen model,a method of fuzzy neural network,was modified.The input variables in the modified model include fuzzy and non-fuzzy ones.An extended pi-sigma artificial neural network algorithm,in which summation,multiplication and minimizati...
Entropy,Information and Evolution of Structure of Enterprise Organization
XIN Zhihong, HU Pei, YU Xiang
2006, 19(2): 250-252.
The correlations between an open system and its subsystems were analyzed quantitatively based on the theories of entropy and information.A model was established for describing the evolution of enterprise organizations.As the development of an enterprise,it has to find a new organizational structure ...
Asymptotic Analysis of Nonlinear Two Species Competition in a Reaction-Diffusion System
2006, 19(2): 253-255,263.
A class of nonlinear two species competition singularly perturbed initial-boundary-value problems in a reaction-diffusion system in biomathematics was studies using the modern method of differential equation.The existence and asymptotic behavior of the solution for the initial-boundary-value problem...
Rules of Inference in Lattice-Valued Propositional Logic Lvpl
CHEN Shuwei, XU Yang
2006, 19(2): 256-258.
To describe reasoning methods such as minimizing,multiple reasoning,multi-dimensional reasoning etc.,corresponding rules of inference in lattice-valued propositional logic Lvpl are introduced.These rules are composed of two parts,semantics and syntax,and there exists a certain consistency between th...
Construction Method of Fuzzy Concept Lattices Based on Residual Implication
SUN Shibao, QIN Keyun
2006, 19(2): 259-263.
The residual implication generated from lower semi-continuous triangular norm was introduced.Fuzzy concept lattices with respect to a fuzzy formal context was derived,and their hierarchical structure,fuzzy concept generated from fuzzy set and the fix point of Wille operator were discussed.Examples w...
Performances of Dominant Strains for Degradation of COD in Leachate
QIU Zhongping, YANG Lizhong, LIU Dan, LIU Yuanyue, WU Min, WANG Yanjie
2006, 19(2): 264-268.
Five dominant strains that can effectively degrade COD in leachate were selected based on a series of experiments,in which the concentration of leachate was increased step by step.The performances of the five dominant strains for degradation of COD were studied.The experimental results show that the...