• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus
  • Indexed by Core Journals of China, Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese Science Citation Database

2009 Vol. 22, No. 4

Display Method:
Overview of Error Concealment for Video Transmission
PENG Qiang, ZHANG Lei, CHEN Jim X.
2009, 22(4): 473-483.
The history and present situation of researches on video error concealment were discussed.Several representative spatial and temporal error concealment algorithms were presented with an emphasis on edge detection based adaptive spatial error concealment,motion vectors extrapolation based error conce...
Hybrid Open-Close Loop FGS Coding Framework Based on Key Reference Frame
YIE Xiaotong, DENG Yun, CAI Lecai
2009, 22(4): 484-489.
A novel fine granularity scalability coding framework with hybrid open-close loop structures based on key reference pictures was proposed.In the framework,the open-loop structure with one prediction loop is adopted to code non-key frames to achieve the best coding efficiency;some key frames exploiti...
Effective Twice-Clustering Algorithm for Data Streams
HU Xuegang, CAO Yongzhao, WU Gongqing
2009, 22(4): 490-494.
In order to enhance the quality of data stream clustering towards noisy and unbalanced data,an effective twice-clustering algorithm for data streams,TCLUSA for short,was proposed.TCLUSA is based on the simple divide-and-conquer and separability theorems,uses DBSCAN(density-based spatial clustering o...
Performance Testing-Oriented TTCN-3
2009, 22(4): 495-500.
By analyzing the limitations of test verdict,timer and synchronization mechanism in the current TTCN-3 standard,the methodology for TTCN-3 based on performance testing description was investigated from three aspects,including performance extension of the current TTCN-3 core language,performance eval...
Radar Emitter Number Estimation Based on Principal Component Analysis
CHEN Taowei, JIN Weidong
2009, 22(4): 501-506.
To estimate the number of radar emitters in a complex electromagnetic condition,a novel information-theoretic criterion was formulated based on the characteristic of eigenvalues extracted from the principal component analysis of received pulse envelope vectors and arranged in a decreasing order.Comp...
New Coherency Identification Approach and Its Application to Generator Tripping Algorithm
TAN Wei, ZHANG Xuemin, SHEN Chen
2009, 22(4): 507-512.
In order to forecast the unstable modes of an electric power system,a new generator coherency identification approach was proposed by analyzing the state matrix of the system in unstable state.In this method,the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of the state matrix are calculated to forecast the do...
Optimal Design of No-Load Airgap Flux Density of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
XU Yinglei, LI Qunzhan, WANG Tao
2009, 22(4): 513-516,540.
To improve the back-EMF(electromotive force) waveform of PMSM(permanent magnet synchronous motor),the waveform of no-load airgap flux density of radial V-shaped magnet configuration of PMSM was analyzed.The eccentricity airgap was got by changing the pole shoe’s shape.Asymmetric airgap was used to i...
Optimization Model of Passenger Transfer Network for Integrated Transportation
ZHANG Yiying, PENG Qiyuan
2009, 22(4): 517-522.
To resolve multi-modal transport coordination problem during passenger transfer,a optimization model of passenger transfer network for integrated transformation,with the shortest travel time and the least expense taken as optimization objectives,was built according to the characteristics and structu...
Adaptive Path Selection in Stochastic and Time-Dependent Traffic Networks
CHEN Jingrong, YU Jianning, LI Yinzhen
2009, 22(4): 523-529.
The travel time for each road section at different time was defined as a discrete random variable according to the stochastic and time dependent properties of travel time in traffic networks.Based on this,an adaptive path selection model was built in stochastic,time dependent networks,and an algorit...
Improvement of Elitism Preservation and Optimum Selection of Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
YU Jin, HE Zhengyou, QIAN Qingquan
2009, 22(4): 530-534,563.
In order to improve the performance of MOPSO(multi-objective particle swarm optimization) algorithm for solving multiple objective problems,decrease the calculation complexity and ameliorate the convergence of this algorithm,a modified MOPSO algorithm was proposed.In this modified algorithm,the exte...
Experimental Psychology Study on Relationship between Fatigue and Driving Time
MA Yanli, WANG Yaowu, PEI Yulong
2009, 22(4): 535-540.
Based on an analysis of influences of fatigue on driving safety,experimental psychology tests and subjective fatigue investigation were conducted to study the effects of continuous driving time on driver’s fatigue.The results show that a break of at least 30 min must be taken after 3.5 h continuous ...
Probability Model for Driver Attention State under High Driving Load
GUO Zizheng, CHEN Chongshuang, CHEN Yaqing
2009, 22(4): 541-546.
To study the shifting progress of driver’s attention under high driving load,a probability model for driver’s attention state during a short period and a approximate solution algorithm were presented based on the Markov process theory.This model is not directly applicable to a long period because it...
Response of Noise Barrier for Existing Railway Bridges under Impulsive Pressure Induced by High-Speed Train
L? Jianpin, ZHANG Jiwen, LIAO Jianzhou, HU Weinan, TU Yongming
2009, 22(4): 547-551.
A finite element model for noise barriers of the existing railway bridges was built by using an SAP2000(structural analysis programme) software.In this model,the connections between stop plank and H-type steel columns are simulated using displacement springs and rotation springs.The dynamic response...
Dynamic Performances of Pantograph-Catenary System with Double Pantographs
ZHOU Ning, ZHANG Weihua
2009, 22(4): 552-557.
Finite element models for the catenary and the double pantographs were derived.The latter was simplified as a multi-lumped-mass system.The two models was coupled by contact elements to form a pantograph-catenary system model,and its dynamic equilibrium equations were presented.The parameters in the ...
Experimental Research on Bearing Behavior of New-to-Old Concrete Interface in Arch Bridge Strengthening
ZHANG Jing, WANG Zhenling, QIAN Yongjiu
2009, 22(4): 564-568.
Two models of arch ring were made to research the bearing behaviors of new-to-old concrete interface in arch bridge strengthening.Destructive experiments were carried out on the two models to investigate their failure characteristics and service behaviors and the distributions of stress and strain o...
Multi-regression Analysis of In-situ Stress Field in Deep River Valley
2009, 22(4): 569-573.
Based on the geological characteristics of deep river valleys,factors inflencing in-situ stress fields were analyzed.It was strongly believed that valley development is an important factor affecting in-situ stress fields besides self-weight and geological structures.An in-situ stress field was simul...
Prediction Model for Buried Personnel Probabilty in Earthquake
XIAO Dongsheng, HUANG Dingfa, CHEN Weifeng, PENG Jinchuan
2009, 22(4): 574-579.
To meet the demand of fast response and lifesaving assistant decision-making,a model for buried personnel probabilty in an earthquake was established based on collapsing ratio and in-building probabilty by analyzing factors influencing the buried personnel probabilty.In this model,the in-building pr...
Particle Flow Numerical Simulation of Landslip of Loose Slope under Seismic Loading
YANG Qinghua, YAO Lingkan, YANG Ming
2009, 22(4): 580-584.
The landslip process and law of loose slopes under seismic loading were investigated by using PFC2D(particle flow code in two dimensions) based on the discrete element method.In the numerical simulation,the effect of seismic intensity on the landslip of loose slopes was analyzed by changing the angl...
Spatio-temporal Visualization Method of Spatial Interaction between Regions
CHENG Hongxia, LI Yongshu, LIN Yuejiang
2009, 22(4): 585-589.
The existing visualization methods for spatial interaction between regions lack comparability and are limited by time points.In order to overcome these shortcomings,a spatio-temporal visualization method of spatial interaction between regions was proposed.In this method,the center point of every reg...
Soil Respiration of Three Typical Subtropical Forest Ecosystems in Tianmu Mountain of China
LIU Yuanyue, JIANG Hong, QIU Zhongping, YUAN Huanying, LI Yahong
2009, 22(4): 590-594.
The soil respiration(SR) of three typical forest ecosystems,which were Chinese fir,broadleaf evergreen and Phyllostachys pubescens,were measured by the infrared system(LI-8100) in situ in West Tianmu Mountain of Chinese subtropical area,to study the relationship between the fluxes of CO2 released fr...
Wet Surface Modification of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Superfine Powder
PENG Xiaoqin, HE Fang, ZHANG Le, QI Xuejun, TIAN Yuanyan
2009, 22(4): 595-599.
Four kinds of modifiers were chosen to conduct wet modification experiments for calcium silicate hydrate to improve its compatibility with polymer materials.The modifier with the best modification effect was optimally selected to do orthogonal experiments to investigate the effects of modifier quant...
Experiments in Vitro of Biofuel Cell for Implantable Medical Devices
LIN Jieqiong, ZHOU Xiaoqin, MA Long
2009, 22(4): 600-603,619.
A prototype device of an implantable biofuel cell(BFC) that utilizes body fluid was developed,and experiments in vitro were carried out for the implantable BFC in a simulated physiological environment of human body,to investigate the influences of the concentration,temperature,and pH value of glucos...
Dynamic Characteristic Modeling and Control of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
LI Qi, CHEN Weirong, JIA Junbo, CHAM Yew Thean, HAN Ming
2009, 22(4): 604-608.
To solve the problem that the current model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) is hard to be used in the design of control systems,a dynamic model of PEMFC was established with Matlab-Simulink,and a fuzzy logic controller(FLC) was designed based on this dynamic model.The combined applicati...
Traffic Impact Analysis of MCBD in Urban Planning:Case Research on Pearl River New Town in Chengdu
GENG Huamin, JIANG Yangsheng, ZHONG Yongyan
2009, 22(4): 609-614.
By taking the Pearl River new town in Chengdu as an example,the method of traffic impact analysis of minitype central business districts(MCBD) was presented.Great effects of the traffic impact analysis on location-selection for urban planning and support for the sustainable development of MCBD were ...
Far-Field Divergence Angle and Directionality of One Dimensional Off-Axis Gaussian Beams
JI Guangming, XU Bicai, JI Xiaoling
2009, 22(4): 615-619.
Based on the Huygens-Fresnel principle,the analytical expression for the far-field divergence angle of one-dimensional off-axis Gaussian beams propagating in free space was derived using the integral transform technique to study the properties of the far-field divergence angle and the directionality...
Modeling and Simulation of CONWIP Systems Based on Petri Net
KANG Jie, LI Liang
2009, 22(4): 620-624.
A hierarchical Petri net model for CONWIP(constant work in process) production control systems was built.Based on this model,the CONWIP system was simulated by software Arena,and compared with the MRP(material requirement planning) system and the Kanban system in terms of the amount of WIP(work in p...
Automated Supply Chain Coordination by Probability Conversion Rule
ZHOU Jianpin, ZHANG Qin
2009, 22(4): 625-630.
To improve efficiency,transparency and goal synergy in supply chain coordination of multi-agent system,a probability conversion rule for automating the coordination among supply chain agents was proposed based on the mapping correlation among agent belief,intention and policy space.Then,the policy s...