• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus
  • Indexed by Core Journals of China, Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese Science Citation Database

2009 Vol. 22, No. 1

Display Method:
Investigation Status and Development Trend of Hybrid Power Train Based on Fuel Cell
CHEN Weirong, QIAN Qingquan, LI Qi
2009, 22(1): 1-6.
As a novel train,a new rail transit tool with tremendous potential,with the features of high efficiency,environmental protection and energy saving,fuel cell hybrid power train(FCHP) will promote greatly the reform and development of rail transit systems.The investigation status and development trend...
Dynamic Interaction between Heavy Locomotive and Track under Longitudinal Force of Coupler
WANG Kaiyun, ZHAI Wanming
2009, 22(1): 7-12.
In order to investigate the wheel/rail dynamic performance of a heavy locomotive,the effect of longitudinal force of the coupler on locomotive-track coupled dynamics was taken into account.The dynamic performances under emergency braking on a tangent track and a curved track were computed numericall...
State of Arts of Research on Railway Wheel Profile Optimization
LI Li, CUI Dabin, JIN Xuesong
2009, 22(1): 13-19.
The effect of railway wheel/rail profiles match on the dynamical behavior of railway vehicle/track and the wear and rolling contact fatigue of wheels/rails were described.The theories,techniques and results of railway wheel profile optimization were presented,their advantages and disadvantages were ...
Optimal Design and Calibration Method of Six-Port System
XIONG Xiangzheng, LIAO Cheng, XIAO Huaqing
2009, 22(1): 20-25.
A microwave CMOS six-port system working in a frequency range of 1.7~2.3 GHz was designed.The correlation between voltage and power was determined with polynomial interpolation from power data.The reflecting coefficient of the system was tested with CMOS MIC(microwave integrated circuit)technique.Th...
Web Document Ensemble Clustering Based on Adaptive Resonance Theory
YANG Yan, JIN Fan, KAMEL Mohamed
2009, 22(1): 26-31.
A method for Web document ensemble clustering based on adaptive resonance theory(ART) was proposed.It consists of two steps: clusters are obtained with an ant-based clustering algorithm,and the clustering results are combined as the final target by an ART neural network.Experiments show that the ove...
Integrated Trust Evaluation Model in Grid Environment
ZHANG Nan, ZHANG Jianhua, HE Weilin, YAN Chunyan
2009, 22(1): 32-35.
To solve the security threaten due to in grid environment its instability and uncertainty,an integrated trust evaluation model was proposed to evaluate trust among grid nodes.In the model,a user describes trust with fuzzy logic,assigns weights to different attributes of a subject according to his co...
Adaptive Switching Interpolation Algorithm for Filtering Salt and Pepper Noises in Image
ZHOU Yan, TANG Quanhua, JIN Weidong
2009, 22(1): 36-40.
An adaptive switching interpolation filter was proposed using Newton interpolation method to remove salt and pepper noises in an image.Maximum-minimum noise detector and adaptive window size method were combined to identify pixels which are likely to be corrupted by noises.Then the image is restored...
Defect Extraction of ICT Images Based on Adaptive Morphological Filtering
FANG Liyong, LI Bailin, HE Chaoming
2009, 22(1): 41-44,65.
To overcome the shortcomings of the current defect extraction methods for ICT(industrial computerized tomography) images,an adaptive filtering method based on the mathematical morphology was proposed.Firstly,with this method,the primary region of a structural element is automatically chosen in the l...
Fast Algorithm for Real Signal Sparse Decomposition Based on FHT
LIU Hao, PAN Wei
2009, 22(1): 45-48.
A new signal sparse decomposition approach was proposed for easy software implementation.This algorithm converts very time-consuming inner-products in sparse decomposition into cross-correlations,so that the speed of sparse decomposition is increased greatly.For real signals,cross-correlations are d...
EMD for Multi-component LFM Radar Emitter Signals
YU Zhibin, JIN Weidong
2009, 22(1): 49-54.
A method for detection of multi-component LFM radar emitter signals was proposed based on empirical model decomposition(EMD).In this method,to improve decomposition precision,a forecast method of radial basis function(RBF) network is used to suppress the end effect of EMD,the correlation coefficient...
Single Frequency Estimator Based on Prefilter
GAN Lu, WEI Ping, XIAO Yangcan
2009, 22(1): 55-59.
A new method for estimating the frequency of a complex sinusoid in complex white Gaussian noise was proposed to acquire a uniform performance within whole frequency estimation range.With this method,the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) of input signal can be improved by utilizing a non-rectangle prefilter...
Damage Detection of Bridge Structures Based on Moving Vehicle Caused Vibration
SHAN Deshan, LI Qiao
2009, 22(1): 60-65.
Based on the vibration caused by moving vehicles,the pattern recognition method was adopted to identify the damage detection,localization and severity estimation for bridge structures.With the technique,the dynamic responses of a bridge under the same moving vehicle for various predefined damage loc...
Coupling Vibration Simulation of Long-Span Continuous Beam Bridge on Passenger Dedicated Railway
CUI Shengai, ZHU Bing
2009, 22(1): 66-71.
Based on the multibody system dynamics and the finite element method,a new co-simulation method for the coupling vibration of a vehicle-bridge system was proposed.By using the finite element substructure method,a dynamic analysis model for a long-span continuous beam bridge,Bahe super-long bridge on...
Advantage Analysis of Risk Model Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
JIA Hong, ZHOU Bo, LIU Guangbing
2009, 22(1): 72-76.
Based on the situation that construction supervision and project management are two parallel operations in Chinese construction industry,the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) was adopted,and a risk analysis model for the implementary stage of construction projects was established to show an optimal ma...
Time Series Extracting of Ground Deformation by Short Spatio-Temporal Baseline PS-DInSAR
MA Deying, LIU Guoxiang, CAI Guolin, DING Qiong
2009, 22(1): 77-82,111.
In order to decrease the negative effects of spatio-temporal decorrelation in differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry(DInSAR),a method for analyzing the time series of ground deformation with a network formed by connecting adjacent permanent scatters(PSs) was proposed.With this method,i...
Building Extraction from LIDAR Data Based on Shape Analysis of Contours
REN Zizhen, CEN Minyi, ZHANG Tonggang, ZHOU Guoqing
2009, 22(1): 83-88.
A new method for building extraction,without the need for DTM(digital terrain model) advance extraction,was proposed based on LIDAR(light detection and ranging) data and the shape analysis of contours.In this algorithm,firstly,the initial segmentation of DSM(digital surface model) contours is carrie...
Proposing-Testing Generic Reasoning and Its Application in Railway Location
HAN Chunhua, YI Sirong
2009, 22(1): 89-95.
To develop an inference engine that can be reused in an intelligent railway location system and directly utilize factual knowledge in software engineering,a proposing-testing generic inference model was put forward.In this model,knowledge is represented using the object-oriented technology.By using ...
Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamics of High-Speed Trains Running into Tunnels
ZHAO Jing, LI Renxian
2009, 22(1): 96-100.
To get the approaches to decrease the aerodynamic effects,the aerodynamic effects of high-speed trains running into tunnels were investigated by means of the computational fluid dynamics method with the technology of moving grids based on the 3D Reynolds average Navier-Storkes equations of viscous c...
Perturbed Numerical Algorithm of Nonprobabilistic Convex Set Theoretical Models for Temperature Field
LI Jinping, CHEN Jianjun, ZHOU Chuanjun
2009, 22(1): 101-105.
In order to investigate the uncertainties of heat conduction,the uncertainties of physical parameters and initial and boundary conditions of structural temperature fields were described using convex models.The perturbation formulas of the upper and lower bounds of responses of temperature fields wit...
Design of Electrical Control System of Test Machine of Automobile Clutch Centre Plate
ZHANG Bangcheng, LU Hongwei, WANG Zhanli, ZHOU Zhijie
2009, 22(1): 106-111.
Through the analyses of the algorithm of sliding mode control and the Kalman filter,a compound sliding mode control algorithm was proposed on the basis of the Kalman filter.In order to improve the controller performance of the test machine of automobile clutch centre plate,the proposed algorithm was...
Bi-level Programming for Optimization of Contraflow Lanes after Massive Activities
YAN Xinping, , Nengchao, LIU Zhenglin, XU Kun
2009, 22(1): 112-117.
A bi-level programming optimization model was proposed to configure contraflow lanes around the site after a massive activity for quick evacuation.In the proposed model,both the decision by traffic authorities and the reaction by the traffic participants were considered.The upper model is to minimiz...
Maximum Flow Assignment Algorithm for Transshipment Nodes with Flow Demands in Transportation Network
KOU Weihua, LI Zongping
2009, 22(1): 118-121.
In transportation networks,a transshipment node with flow demands fails to conform to flow conservation,and can not be categorized to a source,a sink or an intermediate node.To solve the maximum flow problems of transportation network containing this kind of transshipment nodes,the node is split int...
Multi-period Programming Approach for Optimal Design of Manufacturing/Remanufacturing Logistics Network
DI Weimin, MA Zujun, HU Pei
2009, 22(1): 122-127.
A mixed integer non-linear programming model was proposed for optimal design of manufacturing/remanufacturing(M/R) logistics network to determine the site and number of the facilities in different periods.In the model,multiple periods,capacities of facilities and time value of capital are taken into...
Collaborative Optimization of Capacity Utilization and Flow Assignment in Airport Terminal Area
ZHANG Honghai, HU Minghua, CHEN Shilin
2009, 22(1): 128-134.
To make full use of airport terminal area capability and reduce flight delay,capacity utilization and flow assignment were optimized collaboratively.A model for collaborative optimization of capacity utilization and flow assignment was proposed.In the model,arrival and departure are considered to be...
Simulation Analysis of Passenger Departure Procedure in Airport Terminals
LU Xun, TANG Xiaowei, ZHU Jinfu
2009, 22(1): 135-140.
To study passenger departure processes in airport terminals,improve their operation efficiencies,reduce delay,and improve service quality,a simulation system was developed using ServiceModel software and based on a survey on passenger departure processes and analysis on their behaviors in Shanghai H...
Interpretation of Traffic Flow Breakdown with Density-Flow Model
WANG Xin, WANG Wei, LI Wenquan, CHENG Lin
2009, 22(1): 141-146.
To interpret the phenomena of traffic flow breakdown,common parameters of driving behaviors,such as headways and drivers’ reaction time,etc.,were analyzed.Models were derived to describe the relationships between flow and wave speed,speed and density,and density and flow.The curves for the relations...