Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Fired Hollow Bricks Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frame with Horizontal Slip Layers
为了降低地震作用下填充墙体的破坏程度,提高填充墙体的变形可恢复性能,基于框架填充墙破坏模式,提出了在空心砖填充墙中设置水平滑移层的构造措施;设计并制作了两组足尺填充墙框架构件,进行了拟静力试验,研究了带水平滑移层的填充墙框架的抗震性能;提出了衡量填充墙破坏程度的计算方法,比较了增设水平滑移层的构造措施后填充墙体的破坏程度. 分析结果表明:空心砖填充墙增设水平滑移层后,填充墙体的斜撑作用弱化,水平滑移层的设置改变了墙体的破坏模式,墙体破坏由对角破坏转向滑移破坏,框架构件的耗能能力增加,填充墙体的破坏程度和构件的残余变形显著降低,残余变形下降了27%,填充墙体破坏率最少降低93%以上.
Abstract:In order to reduce the damage degree of masonry infills and improve their deformation recoverability under earthquake, based on the failure mechanism of infill walls of reinforced concrete frames, a structural measure of installing horizontal slip layers (HSLs) in masonry infills constructed by hollow bricks is put forward. Two groups of full-scale HSL-specimens were manufactured and tested under quasi-static loads to study the seismic behaviors of HSL-frame structures. A calculation method for measuring the damage degree of infills is proposed and their damage degree after adding HSLs are compared. Results show that after HSLs are added in the hollow brick infills, the diagonal bracing effect of the infill walls is weakened. With the HSLs, the failure mode of the infill walls changes from diagonal failure to sliding failure, the energy dissipation capacity of frames increases, and the damage degree of the infills and their residual deformation are decreased significantly. In our experiment, the residual deformation decreased by 27% and the failure ratio decreased by more than 93%.
表 1 配筋信息
Table 1. Reinforcement information of specimens
编号 框架柱
纵筋框架梁纵筋 箍筋/mm FIW-1 6 164 16 8@100/200FIW-2 6 164 16 8@100/200表 2 试件材料信息
Table 2. Material properties of specimens
强度/MPa孔洞率/% 单位
强度/MPa钢筋 16402 8480 空心砖 47.85 49.6 3.5 表 3 承载力达到最大加载阶段的强度退化系数
Table 3. Strength degradation coefficient of the loading stage when bearing capacity reaches the maximum
试验编号 循环次数 第2次 第3次 FIW-1 0.91 0.99 FIW-2 0.92 0.95 -
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