Influence of Catenary Stitch Wire Parameters on Dynamic Performance Between Pantograph and Catenary
摘要: 为确定不同速度等级接触网弹性吊索参数的优选值,利用有限单元法,建立了中国高速铁路250、350 km/h两种速度等级的受电弓、接触网和弓网接触的动力学仿真模型,得到受电弓与接触网的动态性能指标,比较双弓作用下不同接触网弹性吊索截面积、张力和长度的弓网接触力数字特征和接触网定位点最大抬升. 研究结果表明:适应250 km/h的O2-1型接触网弹性吊索宜选用线型为JTMH 35 mm2、张力范围为(2.80 ± 0.10) kN,长度为14 m或18 m;适应350 km/h的京沪高速铁路接触网弹性吊索宜选用线型为JTMH 35 mm2、张力范围为(3.50 ± 0.10) kN,长度为18 m;弹性吊索参数变化对前弓的接触力影响较小,对后弓的接触力影响显著;250 km/h和350 km/h下弹性吊索长度22 m的定位点最大抬升分别是长度18 m的111%和117%,弹性吊索长度的变化对定位点最大抬升影响显著.Abstract: In order to determine the optimal design values of the catenary stitch wire at different speed levels, the dynamic simulation models of pantograph, catenary and pantograph-catenary contact have been established by finite element method, which correspond to the speed levels of 250 and 350 km/h for Chinese high-speed railways. The dynamic performance indexes of pantograph and catenary, such as the section area, statistics of contact force and the maximum uplift at supporting points have been obtained and compared, with different cross-sectional areas, tensions and length of the stitch wire under double pantographs. The results show that for the parameters of the stitch wire on O2-1 catenary, JTMH 35 mm2 cross-section, (2.80 ± 0.10) kN tension and 14 m or 18 m length at 250 km/h should be chosen; for the parameters of stitch wire on Beijing−Shanghai high-speed catenary, JTMH 35 mm2 cross-section, (3.50 ± 0.10) kN tension and 18m length at 350 km/h. The change of stitch wire parameters has little influence on the contact force of the anterior pantograph, but has a significant effect on that of the posterior pantograph. The maximum uplift at supporting points with the stitch wire length of 22 m is 111% at 250 km/h and 117% at 350 km/h of the stitch wire length of 18 m, which means that the change of stitch wire length has a significant impact on the maximum uplift.
Key words:
- catenary /
- pantograph /
- stitch wire /
- contact force /
- uplift
表 1 受电弓模型参数
Table 1. Model parameters of pantograph
受电弓 m3/kg m2/kg m1/kg k3/(kN•m−1) k2/(kN•m−1) k1/(kN•m−1) c3/(N•s•m−1) c2/(N•s•m−1) c1/(N•s•m−1) DSA250 7.51 5.85 4.64 8.38 6.20 0.08 0 0 70.00 DSA380 7.12 6.00 5.80 9.43 14.10 0 0 0 70.00 表 2 接触网设计参数
Table 2. Catenary design parameters
接触网 标称跨
距/m承力索线型 接触线
线型承力索单位长度质量/(kg•m−1) 接触线单位长度质量/(kg•m−1) 承力索
度/m弹性吊索长度/m O2-1型 60 JTMH
95 mm2CTMH
120 mm20.849 1.082 15 ≥ 15.0 1.6 18 京沪高速 50 JTMH
120 mm2CTMH
150 mm21.065 1.350 20 31.5 1.6 18 接触网 弹性吊索线型 弹性吊索单位长度质量/(kg•m−1) 弹性吊索张力/kN 吊弦间隔/m 吊弦数量/组 拉出值/m 跨距数
间/mO2-1型 JTMH
35 mm20.311 2.80~3.50 8~12 6 0.3 12 240~960 京沪高速 JTMH
35 mm20.311 3.50 8~12 5 0.2 12 200~800 表 3 250 km/h等级接触网接触力统计值
Table 3. Catenary contact force statistics at 250 km/h level
截面积/mm2 Fm/N σ/N Fmin/N Fmax/N (Fmax−Fmin)/N dup/mm 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 25 25 120.4 120.6 23.2 40.4 68.0 5.7 202.0 251.6 134.0 245.9 81.4 35 35 120.4 120.6 24.0 37.5 70.4 33.0 195.4 218.4 125.1 185.5 80.1 表 4 350 km/h等级接触网接触力统计值
Table 4. Catenary contact force statistics at 350 km/h
截面积/mm2 Fm/N σ/N Fmin/N Fmax/N (Fmax−Fmin)/N dup/mm 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 前弓 后弓 25 25 186.2 187.8 30.2 52.6 99.2 41.1 251.1 308.0 151.9 266.9 102.3 35 35 187.0 185.3 31.8 49.8 96.2 54.0 269.6 324.6 173.4 270.6 102.2 -
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