Locomotion Analysis and Simulation of Piezo-Driven Miniature Robot
摘要: 为满足桌面工厂对机器人在平面内大行程、高精度和全方位运动的要求,研制了一种压电陶瓷驱动的 微小型机器人.该机器人采用stick灢and灢slip运动原理,通过压电陶瓷和电磁铁的配合动作,在铁磁性工作表面上 实现了前进、后退、左转、右转和原地旋转运动.在假设平行配置的压电陶瓷驱动器在每一步的运动过程中保持 平行基础上,分析了一步运动中机器人的4个支撑脚的坐标变化情况,进而推导出在该条件下反映机器人位姿 变化的运动学差分模型.计算结果显示,机器人直线运动最大步长为0.0420mm,旋转运动最大偏转角度为 0.185曘/步.通过开环轨迹控制、点灢点位姿控制和路径跟踪闭环控制实验,验证了机器人应用于桌面工厂时的可 行性.Abstract: A PZT(piezoelectric ceramic)-driven electromagnetic miniature robot which could fulfill the requirement of large range, high precision and omni-direction in a desktop factory was presented. With the cooperation of two electromagnets, the robot was able to move forward/backward, turn left/right, and rotate around its own center based on the stick-and-slip motion principle. On the assumption that the two parallel-setup piezoelectric actuators maintain parallel to each other in one step motion, coordinates of the four standing legs were analyzed, resulting in a locomotive differential model to reflect position and orientation changes. The calculated results showed that the maximum step length in rectilinear movement was 0.042 0 mm, while the maximum step degree in rotary movement was 0.185°/step. Experimental results of open loop trajectory control, point-to-point pose control and closed-loop path following control proved the effectiveness of the miniature robot when used in a desktop factory.
Key words:
- miniature robot /
- piezoelectric ceramic /
- locomotion analysis

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