Effects of Expansive Agents on Deformation Property of CA Mortar
摘要: 为保持板式轨道关键弹性垫层CA(cement asphalt)砂浆的体积稳定性,研究了膨胀剂种类、掺量和养护湿度对CA砂浆依时变形特性的影响.结果表明,铝粉作膨胀剂时,CA砂浆在0~12 h内膨胀,16 h后收缩,铝粉掺量对其硬化后变形基本无影响.U型膨胀剂对CA砂浆12 h内的收缩补偿作用较小,20 h后体积产生明显膨胀,7 d时膨胀率最大,后收缩,且其收缩率随膨胀剂掺量增加而降低.复掺铝粉和U型膨胀剂的CA砂浆7 d时膨胀率达到最大,后收缩,收缩率随养护湿度增大而减小,介于0.035‰~0.100‰之间.M型膨胀剂能明显地降低CA砂浆的后期收缩,180 d龄期收缩率降低0.16‰以上.Abstract: In order to maintain the volume stability of CA(cement asphalt) mortar,the effects of the type and dosage of expansive agents and curing humidity on the volume stability of CA mortar were investigated experimentally.The investigation results indicat that the expansion effect of aluminum powder occurs within 12 h after casting,and volume shrinkage occurs after 16 h.U-type expansive agent has a little shrinkage compensating effect within 12 h,but the volume of CA mortar expands obviously after 20 h and reaches the maximum at 7 d after casting,and volume shrinkage is followed immediately.Furthermore,the shrinkage ratio reduces with increasing the dosage of U-type expansive agent.The volume of CA mortar including aluminum powder and U-type expansive agent expands persistently within 7 d,and volume shrinkage follows and decreases with the increase of curing humidity,from 0.035‰ to 0.100‰.M-type expansive agent can reduce remarkably volume shrinkage at the later stage,and the shrinkage ratio decreases by more than 0.160‰ at 180 d after casting.
Key words:
- slab track /
- CA(cement asphalt) mortar /
- volume deformation /
- expansive agent /
- curing humidity
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