Citation: | CUI Xiaolu, PENG Shuangqian, XU Jia, ZHONG Jianke, QI Yayun. Fracture Mechanism of Cologne-Egg Fastener Clips in Rail Corrugation Sections[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2025, 60(1): 205-213. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230025 |
As typical rail damage of the railway, rail corrugation is often accompanied by the fastener clip fracture, which seriously affects the operation safety of the train. Moreover, the small-radius section of the Cologne-egg fastener experiences frequent rail corrugation. To explre the fracture mechanism of Cologne-egg fastener clips, firstly, the finite element model of the wheel set-rail-fastener system, including the complete Cologne-egg fastener model, was established baesd on the field investigation. Then, the resonant response of the Cologne-egg fastener clip was explored, considering the frictional coupling vibration of the wheel-rail system. Finally, the fatigue life of the Cologne-egg fastener clip was compared in the cases of with and without rail corrugation sections, and the fatigue damage of different clips was quantified. The results show that the dominant frequency of the frictional coupling vibration of the wheel-rail system is consistent with the first-mode constraint mode of the Cologne-egg fastener clip in the frequent rail corrugation sections, which indicates that the clip resonance induced by the frictional coupling vibration of the wheel-rail system is the main reason for the Cologne-egg fastener fracture. The frictional coupling vibration of the wheel-rail system is aggravated by the rail corrugation, which makes the clip life of the Cologne-egg fastener in the rail corrugation section decrease by 99.04% compared with that in the absence of rail corrugation section. The clip life is thus only 3.11% of the design clip life. Besides, the Cologne-egg fastener clip on the low gauge side is more prone to fatigue failure in the small-radius curved section, and the failure position is located on the inner side of the rear arch end of the clip.
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