Cutter Layout on Special-Shaped Cutterhead for Shaft Boring Machine
为解决竖井全断面掘进机类“W”型刀盘滚刀布局困难的问题,基于离散元法研究滚刀安装排布参数对滚刀破岩效果的影响规律,通过粒子群优化算法得到滚刀整体布局优化方案. 首先,分别建立掌子面凹陷区域处和锥面处滚刀组协同破岩的二维离散元模型;然后,研究不同布刀间距的凹陷区域处滚刀组协同破岩效果,揭示锥面处滚刀刀间距及安装倾角对岩石破碎情况、滚刀载荷和破岩效率的影响规律,以破岩比能为指标得到合理的锥面处滚刀刀间距和安装倾角;最后,分析确定星型布局方式是适合异型刀盘上滚刀的布局方式,并利用粒子群算法优化滚刀布局方案. 研究结果表明:千枚岩地层中凹陷区域处应该缩小滚刀组的布刀间距;锥面处异型刀盘的滚刀采用垂直锥面安装方式时,岩石破碎效率更高;滚刀布局优化后的异型刀盘径向载荷减小24.07%,刀盘合力矩减少40.83%. 研究成果可为竖井工程中异型刀盘的滚刀布局提供参考.
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of difficult cutter layout on a W-shaped cutterhead for a shaft boring machine, the influence of cutter installation and arrangement parameters on the rock breaking effect of cutters was studied based on the discrete element method, and the overall layout optimization scheme of cutters was obtained by particle swarm optimization algorithm. Firstly, the two-dimensional discrete element model of the cooperative rock breaking of cutters at the depression area and the conical surface of the tunnel face was established, respectively. Then, the cooperative rock breaking effect of cutters with different cutter spacing at the depression area was studied, and the influence of different cutter spacing and tilt angles at the conical surface on the rock breaking condition, cutter load, and rock breaking efficiency was revealed. The reasonable cutter spacing and tilt angle at the conical surface were obtained by taking the specific energy of rock breaking as the index. Finally, it was found that the star-shaped layout was suitable for cutters on the special-shaped cutterhead, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm was used to optimize the cutter layout scheme. The results show that cutter spacing of cutters should be reduced at the depression area of the phyllite strata. When cutters on the special-shaped cutterhead at the conical surface adopt the vertical conical installation method, the rock breaking efficiency is higher. After the optimization of the cutter layout, the radial load of the special-shaped cutterhead is reduced by 24.07%, and the resultant moment of the cutterhead is reduced by 40.83%. The research results can provide a reference for cutter layout on the special-shaped cutterhead in shaft engineering.
表 1 各地层岩石力学参数
Table 1. Rock mechanics parameters of each stratum
深度/m 地层 承载力/kPa 抗压强度/MPa 内摩擦角/(°) 凝聚力/MPa 密度/(g·cm−3) 2~4 粉质黏土 150 0.16 23.9 0.04 1.95 16~37 强风化石英岩 600 48.5 38.2 1.3 2.7 48~50 中风化石英岩 2500 63.5 5.2 4.5 2.9 60~79 微风化石英岩 5000 87.1 34.8 5.2 2.9 90~702 千枚岩 3500 78.5 24.8 9.93 2.7 表 2 千枚岩体模型的细观参数
Table 2. Meso-parameters of phyllite model
参数 取值 有效模量/GPa 9.95 刚度比 1.5 胶结有效模量/GPa 9.95 胶结刚度比 1.5 内聚力/MPa 8.0 摩擦角/(°) 38.5 摩擦系数 0.6 表 3 未优化的部分刀具布局参数
Table 3. Partial cutter layout parameters not involved in optimization
滚刀刀号 极径/mm 极角/(°) 滚刀刀号 极径/mm 极角/(°) S1 57.34 90 S6 794.14 180 130.66 867.86 S2 204.38 270 S7 925.2 90 278.1 1015.2 S3 351.82 90 S8 1105.2 270 425.54 1195.2 S4 499.26 270 S9 1285.2 225 572.98 1375.2 S5 646.7 0 S10 1465.2 45 720.42 1555.2 表 4 优化前后滚刀布局参数
Table 4. Partial cutter layout parameters before and after optimization
滚刀刀号 优化前 优化后 极径/mm 极角/
(°)极径/mm 极角/
(°)S11 1612.54 (1694.46 )315 1609.3 (1695.9 )315.0 S12 1776.38 (1858.30 )135 1781.8 (1859.3 )135.0 S13 1940.22 90 1932.8 90.0 S14 2022.14 270 2021.1 270.0 S15 2104.06 65 2098.5 65.0 S16 2185.98 245 2194.5 245.0 S17 2267.90 115 2265.1 115.0 S18 2349.82 295 2357.6 295.0 S19 2431.74 90 2432.2 90.0 S20 2513.66 270 2511.3 270.0 S21 2595.58 65 2599.7 65.0 S22 2677.50 245 2680.5 245.0 S23 2759.42 115 2755.9 115.0 S24 2841.34 295 2845.4 295.0 S25 2923.26 90 2924.4 90.0 S26 3005.18 270 3008.8 270.0 S27 3087.10 65 3085.5 65.0 S28 3169.02 245 3171.0 245.0 S29 3242.74 20 3245.2 17.8 S30 3316.46 200 3318.4 196.6 S31 3390.18 340 3392.8 337.2 S32 3463.90 160 3460.0 158.5 S33 3537.62 (3611.34 )0 3535.5 (3611.3 )−0.7 S34 3685.06 (3758.78 )180 3678.3 (3751.2 )180.0 S35 3832.50 20 3839.8 17.8 S36 3906.22 200 3903.5 196.6 S37 3979.94 340 3985.8 337.2 S38 4050.00 160 4050.0 158.5 表 5 优化前后各目标函数的对比
Table 5. Comparison of objective functions before and after optimization
目标函数 径向载荷/N 刀盘合力矩/
(×106 MN•m)破岩量方差/
( × 105 mm3)原刀盘 446.19 3.5 333.73 优化后 338.88 2.1 333.68 -
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