Detection of Air Gap Defects in Cable Terminals of Electric Multiple Units Based on Electric Field Characteristics
针对动车组电缆终端绝缘现有检测手段复杂,易受到现场噪声干扰,检测效率不高的问题,提出一种基于电场强度的电缆终端绝缘状态检测新方法. 首先,制备不同长度的预制气隙缺陷动车组电缆终端;其次,获取预制气隙缺陷电缆终端样本的高频脉冲电流信号;最后,利用电场传感器测量不同缺陷长度的电缆终端电场强度值. 研究结果表明:通过缺陷电缆终端高频脉冲电流峰值信号以及电场强度特征,可将电缆终端缺陷发展划分为
S 1、S 2、S 3 3个阶段;缺陷越大,电缆终端沿面电场强度四分位差、平均值、方差和离散系数越大,当界面缺陷由20%l 增加到100%l (l 为高压电缆终端内部第1层应控管长度)时,电场强度四分位差斜率由0.126增加到0.671,电场强度方差指前因子和偏移量绝对值分别增加约81.3%和80.66%.-
- 动车组 /
- 电缆终端 /
- 高频脉冲电流(HFCT) /
- 检测 /
- 电场强度
Abstract:The existing detection methods for the insulation of cable terminals of electric multiple units (EMUs) are complex and susceptible to onsite noise interference, and they thus have low detection efficiency. Therefore, a novel method for detecting the insulation condition of cable terminals based on electric field intensity was proposed. Firstly, cable terminals of EMUs with prefabricated air gap defects of different lengths were prepared. Secondly, high frequency current transform (HFCT) signals of the prefabricated air gap defects in the cable terminal samples were obtained. Finally, electric field intensity values of cable terminals with different defect lengths were measured by using electric field sensors. The research results show that by analyzing the peak value of HFCT signals and the electric field intensity characteristics of cable terminals with defects, the development of defects in cable terminals can be divided into three stages:
S 1,S 2, andS 3. As the defect size increases, the interquartile range, mean value, variance, and coefficient of variation of the electric field intensity along the surface of the cable terminals increase. When the interface defect increases from 20%l to 100%l (l refers to the length of the stress control tube in the first layer inside the high-voltage cable terminal), the slope of the interquartile range of electric field intensity increases from 0.126 to 0.671, and the variance of electric field intensity increases by approximately 81.3% for the pre-exponential factor and 80.66% for the absolute value of the offset. -
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