Review of Research on Vehicle Hydro-Pneumatic Suspension Technology
油气悬架具有缓冲减振、车身姿态调整等功能,其结构复杂、压力冲击大、耐磨性与密封性要求高,优良的悬架油缸结构、油气悬架系统及控制方法是决定车辆行驶性能的重要条件. 首先,从悬架结构、工作特性与控制方式等方面系统阐述了油气悬架的构成型式,归纳总结油气悬架的分类与原理;然后,基于悬架可控制性角度,从油气悬架的结构设计与优化、数学建模、控制算法与策略等方面论述油气悬架技术,分析现有结构的特点与不足得出:被动悬架结构简单、技术成熟,但缺乏自适应性;半主动悬架能耗小、成本较低、响应快、可靠性高,但自适应性有限;主动悬架性能优良,但能耗大、成本高、系统结构与控制策略复杂. 最后,总结与展望3种悬架的发展现状和研究方向,为车辆油气悬架设计与控制方法的深入研究和发展提供参考.
Abstract:The hydro-pneumatic suspension has the functions of cushioning and damping, body attitude adjustment, etc., but its structure is complex, with large pressure impact and high wear resistance and sealing. The excellent suspension cylinder structure, hydro-pneumatic suspension system, and control method are the important conditions to determine the driving performance of the vehicle. Firstly, the type of hydro-pneumatic suspension was analyzed, and the classification and principle of hydro-pneumatic suspension were summarized from the aspects of suspension structure, working characteristics, and control mode. Secondly, from the perspective of suspension controllability, the hydro-pneumatic suspension technology was discussed in terms of structural design and optimization of hydro-pneumatic suspension, mathematical modelling, and control algorithm and strategy. By analyzing the characteristics and shortcomings of existing structures, it is concluded that passive suspension is simple in structure and mature in technology, but it lacks adaptability. The semi-active suspension has low energy consumption, low cost, fast response, and high reliability, but its adaptability is limited. Active suspension has excellent performance, but it has high energy consumption, high cost, and complex system structure and control strategy. Finally, the development status and research direction of the three types of suspension were summarized and prospected, so as to provide a reference for the further research and development of vehicle hydro-pneumatic suspension design and control methods.
表 1 悬架控制理论分类及特点
Table 1. Suspension control theory classification and characteristics
控制理论 控制特点 天棚阻尼 根据簧载质量速度反馈实现阻尼控制,计算简便、响应快、鲁棒性强,广泛应用于半主动悬架,但只考虑幅频特性、忽略相频,致使传递函数评价悬架性能存在不确定性,在具体应用中存在局限性[17-18] 模糊控制 基于专家经验准则、基于模糊规则及隶属函数,以“if-then”为控制逻辑处理系统不确定性参数控制问题,对模型精度要求低、适应性强、鲁棒性好且易于理解,但精度低且因主观经验影响控制效果,对其实际应用造成局限性[19] 最优控制 在已知运动方程及控制范围前提下,通过性能指标参数优化实现其指标函数的最优调控,此方法目的明确且计算速度快,包括线性、非线性最优调控及H∞最优控制等,但实际悬架含有许多不确定因素,因而难以达到预期控制性能[20-21] 自适应控制 因路面工况、环境等不确定因素会影响油气悬架性能,而自适应控制基于数学模型,依据实际路面激励的变化对悬架系统参数进行实时合理、自动调节,以保持良好工作性能,但控制方案复杂、运算量大,有模型参考自适应和自校正控制两类[22] PID(proportional integral derivative)控制 控制器输入输出间无需精确数学模型,通过对输入量的比例、积分、微分参数修定可得合理的输出量,该方法简单实用,但控制效果较差且参数整定影响系统响应速度[23] 遗传算法 基于自然选择与遗传机理,通过选择、交叉与变异寻找问题最优解,搜索过程简单、覆盖面大,适应度函数选取不当易陷入局部最优解且容易过早收敛、效率低 神经网络 依据动物神经元的大规模信息处理、传递存储等特点而提出,具备信息并行处理、容错能力强与自适应学习等特点,多用于处理系统复杂非线性问题,可逼近任意连续函数[24] 变结构滑模控制 系统结构不固定,可依据系统当前的信息调整其结构,改变控制规则,具备操作简单、响应迅速、对干扰不敏感,通过调整滑模面或控制律参数可增强其控制性能[25] 复合控制 依据不同控制方法的特点以及被控对象的工作特性,通过各方法性能匹配,实现系统单个或者多目标控制,充分发挥各自优点并弥补其缺陷,具备优良控制性能及稳定性,常用模糊 PID、模糊滑模控制、模糊神经网络等 -
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