Location Information Perception of Onsite Construction Crew Based on Person Re-identification
为结合施工场景动态性强、遮挡严重、人员衣着相似等特点,实现对施工现场人员持续的位置信息感知,提出一种基于计算机视觉的施工现场人员信息智能感知算法. 首先,利用基于深度学习的目标检测算法实现人员的初步感知;其次,以行人重识别的视角提出一种数据关联方法,通过深度特征匹配实现目标ID分配,采用基于重排序的距离度量优化相似度度量结果,再利用缓冲机制和特征动态更新机制对匹配结果进行后处理,减少施工场景难点带来的错误匹配;然后,利用图像透视变换获取与ID对应的2D坐标信息及运动信息,为生产力分析提供基础数据;最后,利用所采集的包含不同施工阶段的图像构建标准测试视频,并对方法进行测试. 研究表明:在不同场景下,算法平均IDF1(ID的F1得分)和多目标追踪准确度(multiple object tracking accuracy,MOTA)分别为85.4%和75.4%,所提出的重排序方法、匹配后处理机制有效地提升了追踪精度,相比去除这些优化机制后的算法,IDF1和MOTA平均分别提升了52.8%和3.8%.
Abstract:To obtain location information of onsite construction crew continuously with the consideration of dynamical changing, occluding, and high appearance similarity in construction scenes, a computer vision-based location information perception method for onsite construction crew was proposed. Firstly, a deep learning-based object detection method was utilized to percept targets preliminarily. Then, a data association method based on person re-identification was used, where ID assignment was completed by matching the deep learning-based feature. A distance metric method based on re-ranking was utilized to optimize the similarity measurement results, and the matching result was processed by using a buffering mechanism and a dynamical feature updating mechanism, so as to mitigate mismatch due to difficulties in construction scenes. 2D coordinates and movement information corresponding to ID were obtained using perspective transformation of images to provide basic data for productivity analysis. Finally, standard test videos were created from images collected at different construction stages to test the proposed method. The test results show that in different scenes, the average F1 score of ID (IDF1) and multiple object tracking accuracy (MOTA) of the algorithm are 85.4% and 75.4%, respectively. The proposed re-ranking method and post-processing mechanism for matching effectively improve the tracking accuracy. Compared with the algorithm after removing these optimization mechanisms, the average improvement of IDF1 and MOTA is 52.8% and 3.8%, respectively.
表 1 标准测试视频详细信息
Table 1. Details of standard test videos
编号 主要施工活动 视角 帧数/帧 目标数/个 难点 1 混凝土浇筑 平视 1479 10136 尺寸差异、遮挡 2 结构测设 平视 769 4606 尺寸差异、遮挡 3 混凝土浇筑 俯视 754 9803 夜间、遮挡 4 结构测设 俯视 616 8101 小目标、遮挡 5 钢筋绑扎 俯视 1230 26922 小目标、遮挡 6 混凝土浇筑 俯视 704 8427 夜间、小目标 7 混凝土模板搭设 俯视 1131 5656 姿态改变、背景复杂 8 预制柱吊装 俯视 1374 11220 动态性强、遮挡 9 预制板吊装 俯视 866 4221 动态性强、遮挡 10 脚手架搭建 俯视 497 6853 背景复杂 11 钢筋加工 俯视 632 3265 人员离开又重进入 表 2 软硬件配置详情
Table 2. Software and hardware configuration
项目 详情 监控设备 6寸球机 型号:DS-2DC6423IW-AE CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900X @3.70 GHz GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 2080 Ti 操作系统 Ubuntu 20.04.3 编程环境 Python 3.8.8 深度学习框架 Pytorch 1.9.1 + cu102 表 3 不同算法在标准测试视频中的结果(IDF1/MOTA,%)
Table 3. Performance of different algorithms on standard test videos (IDF1/MOTA, %)
算法 场景 1 场景 2 场景 3 场景 4 场景 5 场景 6 场景 7 场景 8 场景 9 场景 10 场景 11 DAN*[20] 61.5/65.8 44.2/55.4 66.8/67.8 79.2/77.9 73.1/61.5 78.9/81.3 95.3/86.4 76.7/84.2 78.6/81.3 65.5/59.0 93.5/96.2 TraDeS[21] 43.4/27.0 32.2/21.2 8.2/5.3 10.4/-10.8 8.8/-6.8 40.3/28.8 4.2/2.6 30.2/36.2 5.4/-0.7 10.5/2.8 40.4/16.6 FairMOT[22] 48.7/47.0 51.4/54.0 18.4/13.5 47.9/40.5 12.0/0 61.9/45 10.1/9.6 29.1/33.6 28.2/18.2 11.6/5.7 49.8/43.5 Trackformer*[23] 61.7/55.3 49.8/44.4 29.5/23.0 58.0/54.5 37.2/22.7 68.7/58.9 40.6/24.1 36.7/52.3 32.8/30.6 37.5/38.1 83.8/95.7 Unicorn[24] 61.4/57.5 70.5/64.0 13.2/4.6 62.6/46.9 20.1/16.4 72.5/66.3 3.2/3.4 54.6/58.7 34.3/29.2 40.4/34.2 81.7/79.9 ByteTrack[25] 73.4/63.7 67.3/62.4 64.6/58.2 82.1/73.5 38.5/29.6 77.6/71.2 33.4/31.1 61.8/67.1 52.6/54.1 47.0/34.4 83.0/75.8 本文算法* 78.0/66.0 73.3/57.1 82.4/67.8 87.2/77.7 78.0/63.1 89.1/81.6 97.8/95.6 91.8/84.8 90.5/81.5 73.8/58.3 97.5/96.4 注:带*的方法使用了相同的目标检测结果,最优结果加粗表示. 表 4 不同架构下追踪结果详情(IDF1/MOTA,%)
Table 4. Tracking results with different architectures (IDF1/MOTA, %)
架构 场景 1 场景 2 场景 3 场景 4 场景 5 场景 6 场景 7 场景 8 场景 9 场景 10 场景 11 完整 78.0/66.0 73.3/57.1 82.4/67.8 87.2/77.7 78.0/63.1 89.1/81.6 97.8/95.6 91.8/84.8 90.5/81.5 73.8/58.3 97.5/96.4 无重排序 77.3/66.0 60.1/56.6 81.6/67.6 77.8/77.5 74.8/61.9 88.1/81.4 97.8/95.6 80.6/84.2 90.4/81.3 66.8/58.3 95.9/92.6 无缓冲 76.9/66.0 56.8/55.6 79.3/68.0 81.5/77.9 76.0/61.5 87.1/81.6 97.8/95.6 91.3/84.2 89.5/81.0 72.8/59.1 96.0/96.4 无动态更新 67.0/62.9 47.1/53.5 46.7/60.5 56.1/66.4 45.0/54.7 69.2/77.8 68.4/91.9 60.4/79.4 69.1/78.5 51.3/51.2 92.3/93.7 仅动态更新 70.0/65.9 55.5/55.5 76.4/67.9 74.0/77.7 64.7/61.5 84.5/81.5 93.9/95.6 78.0/84.1 81.4/81.1 63.3/58.9 88.0/96.2 仅缓冲 60.6/63.6 31.0/53.0 30.1/59.3 36.2/68.9 28.3/53.9 60.3/77.2 40.2/87.3 37.5/78.8 45.1/77.0 27.0/52.3 44.7/90.2 仅重排序 63.0/63.9 45.0/54.6 38.8/64.4 41.5/72.6 36.8/56.6 64.0/79.9 58.3/92.4 52.8/80.3 69.5/77.8 38.3/55.8 63.2/94.0 无优化方法 47.8/63.4 27.8/53.4 22.9/62.5 29.6/73.3 21.7/56.2 49.2/79.0 31.6/91.3 29.1/80.4 37.7/77.9 24.5/56.4 36.7/94.1 表 5 运动数据获取结果
Table 5. Attained movement data
ID 移动距离/m 在场总时间/s 移动时间/s 平均速度/
(m•s−1)0 52.2 78.0 37.8 1.4 1 12.3 78.0 9.0 1.4 2 0.5 78.0 0.6 0.8 3 7.0 77.8 7.0 1.0 4 28.0 76.1 25.6 1.1 5 17.4 33.5 16.6 1.0 -
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