Identification of Wheel-Rail Vertical Forces of Rail Vehicles Based on Square Root Cubature Kalman Filter Algorithm
轮轨作用力是评估轨道车辆运行品质的关键指标,为实现对轨道车辆轮轨垂向力的在线监测,提出一种基于平方根容积卡尔曼滤波(SRCKF)算法的识别方法. 以考虑悬挂元件非线性的车辆-轨道垂向耦合动力学模型为例,建立包含轮轨垂向力和车辆部件状态变量的非线性过程函数,将车体、构架和轮对垂向加速度作为观测量,基于SRCKF算法递推识别轮轨垂向力;在此基础上,建立整车动力学模型及其对应的17自由度轮轨垂向力估计模型,对车辆在实际不平顺激扰下的左右侧轮轨垂向力进行识别. 仿真结果表明:所提方法识别垂向车辆模型在随机不平顺、钢轨波磨不平顺和钢轨焊缝不平顺作用下的轮轨垂向力时,轮轨垂向力识别值在时域和频域同仿真值均有较高的吻合度,相关系数分别为0.988、0.999和0.969;在识别整车模型的轮轨垂向力时,左、右侧轮轨垂向力的相关系数最低分别为0.747和0.720,左、右侧轮轨垂向力之和的相关系数为0.999.
Abstract:The wheel-rail interaction force is the key index to evaluate the operation quality of rail vehicles. An identification method based on the square root cubature Kalman filter (SRCKF) algorithm was proposed for online monitoring of the wheel-rail vertical force of rail vehicles. By taking the vehicle-track vertical coupled dynamics model considering the nonlinearity of suspension elements as an example, a nonlinear process function of wheel-rail vertical forces and state variables of vehicle components was established. The vertical accelerations of the vehicle body, frame, and wheelset were adopted as observations, and the SRCKF algorithm was employed for the recursive estimation of wheel-rail vertical forces. Furthermore, a vehicle dynamics model and its corresponding wheel-rail vertical force estimation model of 17 degrees of freedom were established to identify the vehicle’s left and right wheel-rail vertical forces under actual irregularity excitation. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method can precisely identify wheel-rail vertical forces of vehicles excited by the random irregularity, rail corrugation irregularity, and rail weld irregularity, with the identified value of wheel-rail vertical forces is in good agreement with the simulation value in both time domain and frequency domain. The correlation coefficients are 0.988, 0.999, and 0.969, respectively. When the proposed method is used to identify the vehicle’s wheel-rail vertical force, the lowest correlation coefficients of the left and right wheel-rail vertical forces are 0.747 and 0.720, respectively, and the correlation coefficient of the sum of the left and right wheel-rail vertical forces is 0.999.
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