Influence of Temperature-Varying Characteristics on Operating Performance of Alpine Electric Multiple Units
高寒动车组服役环境长期受温度的影响,车辆悬挂元件参数和轨下参数具有很强的季节变化特性,为了探究高寒动车组中橡胶元件温变特性对运行性能的影响,本文建立高寒动车组多体动力学模型,分析不同温度下的车辆动力学特性;利用Jendel磨耗模型探究不同温度下的车轮磨耗特性;基于疲劳预测模型提出车轮表面疲劳因子. 结果表明:温度变化会改变悬挂参数的刚度和阻尼值,随着温度降低,悬挂参数刚度增大;低温状态下,动车组动力学性能整体下降,随着温度降低车辆磨耗都会增大,当运行20万里程后,−40 ℃下车轮的磨耗深度最大,较20 ℃ 时增大6.2%;随着温度降低,表面接触疲劳指数也逐渐增大,温度分别为20、−20、−40 ℃时,车轮表面疲劳因子分别为
6.4648 ×10−4,6.6150 ×10−4,6.7885 ×10−4;温变特性对高寒动车组悬挂参数有较大影响,低温下整体动力学性能下降,磨耗增大,车轮表面疲劳增大.Abstract:The service environment of alpine electric multiple units (EMUs) is affected by temperature for a long time, and the vehicle suspension element parameters and under-rail parameters have strong seasonal variation characteristics. To investigate the influence of temperature-varying characteristics of rubber elements on the operating performance of alpine EMUs, a multi-body dynamics model of alpine EMUs was established to analyze the vehicle dynamics characteristics under different temperatures. Then, the wheel wear characteristics at different temperatures were analyzed by the Jendel wear model. Finally, the wheel surface fatigue index was proposed based on the fatigue prediction model. The results show that the temperature variation will change the stiffness and damping value of suspension parameters, and the stiffness of suspension parameters increases as the temperature decreases. The dynamic performance of the EMUs decreases at low temperatures. The wear of the vehicle increases as the temperature decreases. After 200 000 miles of operation, the largest depth of wheel wear is found at a temperature of −40 ℃, which is 6.2% greater than the depth of wheel wear at a temperature of 20 ℃. The surface contact fatigue index gradually increases as the temperature decreases, with wheel surface fatigue indexes being
6.4648 ×10−4,6.6150 ×10−4, and6.7885 ×10−4 at temperatures of 20 ℃, −20 ℃, and −40 ℃, respectively. Temperature-varying characteristics have a large effect on the suspension parameters of alpine EMUs, with dynamic performance deteriorating at low temperatures, wear intensifying, and wheel surface fatigue increasing. -
表 1 高速客运专线典型计算工况
Table 1. Typical calculation working conditions for high-speed passenger special lines
%直线 300 60 12000 80 220 480 300 1 9000 100 300 320 300 7 8000 120 340 250 300 8 7000 145 360 210 300 10 5500 165 360 210 300 7 5000 120 360 210 300 7 -
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