Performance Optimization of Ultra-High Speed Permanent Magnet Electrodynamic Suspension System
为提高超高速永磁电动悬浮系统的综合性能,围绕浮重比、浮阻比和悬浮刚度3个重要指标开展了多目标性能优化研究. 首先,对永磁电动悬浮系统进行横向延拓,推导三维电磁力模型,并进行有限元仿真分析;然后,针对浮重比、浮阻比和悬浮刚度的多目标优化问题,提出基于“系统级+子系统级”架构的并行优化策略,实现了线性加权意义下的系统性能最优. 最后,搭建了“Halbach永磁阵列+凸缘式铝制转盘”实验平台,验证上述优化策略在提高系统性能上的有效性. 研究结果表明:在超高速工况下,理论解析计算得到悬浮力与仿真结果误差在8%以内,而磁阻力几乎没有误差;通过优化设计,浮重比从11.0提升至18.3,增幅为75.50%;浮阻比从3.5提升至3.8,增幅为7.50%;单位质量永磁阵列的悬浮刚度从6.1 kN/m提升至20.6 kN/m,增幅为235.94%.
Abstract:In order to improve the overall performance of the ultra-high speed permanent magnet electrodynamic suspension system, multi-objective performance optimization was carried out based on three important indexes: lift-to-weight ratio, lift-to-drag ratio, and suspension stiffness. Firstly, the transverse continuation of the permanent magnet electrodynamic suspension system was carried out, and a three-dimensional electromagnetic force model was derived. In addition, the finite element simulation was performed. Then, in view of the multi-objective optimization problem involving lift-to-weight ratio, lift-to-drag ratio, and suspension stiffness, a parallel optimization strategy based on “system + subsystem” architecture was proposed to obtain the optimal system performance in the sense of linear weighting. Finally, the experimental platform of “Halbach permanent magnet array + flanged aluminum turntable” was built, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the above optimization strategy in improving system performance. Research results show that the suspension force error between theoretical analysis and simulation results is less than 8%, and the error of magnetic resistance is little. By optimization design, the lift-to-weight ratio is increased by 75.50% from 11.0 to 18.3; the lift-drag ratio is increased by 7.50% from 3.5 to 3.8; the suspension stiffness of the unit mass permanent magnet array is increased by 235.94% from 6.1 kN/m to 20.6 kN/m.
表 1 M=4,8时,εn、γn的取值
Table 1. Values of εn and γn when M = 4,8
M n/次 εn γn 4 1 sin π/4 sin π/4 3 1/3sin π/4 −1/3sin π/4 5 −1/5sin π/4 −1/5sin π/4 7 −1/7sin π/4 1/7sin π/4 9 1/9sin π/4 1/9sin π/4 8 1 2sin π/8 2sin π/8 7 2/7sin π/8 −2/7sin π/8 9 −2/9sin π/8 −2/9sin π/8 15 −2/15sin π/8 2/15sin π/8 17 2/17sin π/8 2/17sin π/8 表 2 电动悬浮系统特征参数
Table 2. Parameters of electrodynamic suspension system
参数 Br/T M λ/mm l/mm w/mm d/mm W/mm h/mm y1/mm 取值 1.44 8 0.24 0.27 60 30 100 30 15 表 3 基于PSO和PCS的多目标优化结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of multi-objective optimization results
参数 PSO PCS λ/mm 162.5 232.1 w/mm 86.8 191.6 d/mm 22.8 22.4 W/mm 130.1 383.1 h/mm 3.2 1.0 ζ1 72.6 74.9 ζ2 15.0 16.3 ζ3/(MN·m−1) 0.5 0.7 表 4 优化前、后永磁电动悬浮系统的性能对比
Table 4. Performance comparison of permanent magnet electrodynamic suspension system before and after optimization
参数及指标 优化前 优化后 永磁阵列
66.8(宽),23.4(厚)v/(m·s−1) 60 60 y1/mm 20 20 浮重比 11.0 18.3 浮阻比 3.5 3.8 悬浮刚度/
((kN·m−1)·mg−1)6.1 20.6 -
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