Anomaly Detection of Suspension System in Maglev Train Based on Missed Detection Rate
为实现中速磁浮列车悬浮系统的数据驱动异常检测,首先,引入基于参数化残差的异常检测方法;然后,针对当前悬浮系统的异常先验信息非常缺乏的问题,建立悬浮系统健康数据置信集和异常数据置信集,确定悬浮系统的异常检测评估函数与阈值;接着,异常误报率固定时以最小化异常漏检率为设计目标,从数理角度设计满足该目标的最优参数向量,并以此构建基于最低漏检率的悬浮系统异常检测算法;最后,以长沙磁浮快线的悬浮系统运行数据为例,对悬浮系统的间隙突变异常、砸轨异常和加速度传感器异常进行分析和检测. 结果表明,在异常误报率为5%时,所提出的方法能够实现3种典型异常的全部检测,不存在对3种异常的漏检和对正常数据段的误检,最大异常检测滞后0.2 s.
Abstract:In order to detect data-driven anomalies of the suspension system in medium-speed maglev trains, firstly, the paper introduced an anomaly detection method based on parameterized residuals. Secondly, in response to the lack of prior information on anomalies in the current suspension system, the paper established a confidence set for the health data and anomaly data of the suspension system and determined the anomaly detection and evaluation function and threshold for the suspension system. Thirdly, to minimize the missed detection rate of anomalies at a fixed anomaly false alarm rate, the paper designed an optimal parameter vector from a mathematical perspective and constructed an anomaly detection algorithm for the suspension system based on the minimum missed detection rate. Finally, taking the operational data of the suspension system in the Changsha Maglev Express as an example, the paper detected the gap mutation anomaly, rail smashing anomaly, and acceleration sensor anomaly of the suspension system. The experimental results show that the proposed method can detect all three typical anomalies at a false alarm rate of 5%, without any missed detections of the three anomalies or false detections of normal data segments. The maximum anomaly detection delay is 0.2 s.
表 1 间隙突变异常的检测位置与异常实际发生位置
Table 1. Detection position and actual occurrence position of gap mutation anomalies
异常 检测位置/s 实际位置/s 间隙异常 1 5.9 5.7 间隙异常 2 568.7 568.5 间隙异常 3 21.1 21.1 表 2 砸轨异常的检测位置与异常实际发生位置
Table 2. Detection position and actual occurrence position of rail smashing anomalies
异常 检测位置/s 实际位置/s 砸轨异常 1 7.1 7.0 砸轨异常 2 20.2 20.0 表 3 加速度计异常的检测位置与异常实际发生位置
Table 3. Detection position and actual occurrence position of accelerometer anomalies
异常 检测位置/s 实际位置/s 加速度计异常 1 52.2 52.2 加速度计异常 2 52.1 52.1 加速度计异常 3 40.5 40.5 -
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