Operation Status of Tree Continuous Co-phase Power Supply System of Heavy-Haul Railways
重载铁路树形贯通式同相供电系统能够最大限度降低线路中电分相带来的安全隐患,提升牵引供电系统再生制动能量直接利用率、供电能力和供电品质. 为保障树形贯通式同相供电系统的良好运行,从均衡电流、供电能力、负序评估、故障分析及保护配置4个方面研究该系统的运行状态. 构建不同拓扑结构下双边供电系统均衡电流评估模型,揭示重载铁路树形贯通式同相供电系统的外部电源构成方式;以某重载铁路树形贯通式同相供电改造方案为例,探究正常和故障运行工况下系统的供电能力以及系统对外部电网的负序影响;对该系统不同类型的故障进行分析,并提出保护配置方案. 研究结果表明:相较平行双边供电,当两相邻牵引变电所变压器变比相同时,树形贯通式同相供电系统不会产生均衡电流;改造方案上、下行牵引网最低网压为22.74 kV,满足牵引网电压要求;设置组合式同相供电装置后,系统的三相电压不平衡度95%概率大值和最大值分别为1.20%和1.65%;相较于传统保护装置方案,所提保护配置方案能够确保牵引网停电区间最小.
Abstract:The tree continuous co-phase power supply system of heavy-haul railways can minimize the safety hazards caused by neutral sections in the line and improve the utilization rate of regenerative braking energy, power supply capacity, and power quality of the traction power supply system. In order to make the tree continuous co-phase power supply system run smoothly, the operation status of the system was studied from four aspects: equalizing current, power supply capacity, negative sequence evaluation, fault analysis, and protection configuration. The equalizing current evaluation model of the bilateral power supply system under different topologies was constructed to reveal the external power supply composition of the tree continuous co-phase power supply system of heavy-haul railways. With the tree continuous co-phase power supply transformation scheme of a heavy-haul railway as an example, the power supply capacity of the system under normal and fault conditions and the negative sequence impact on the external power grid were explored. Different types of faults in the system were analyzed, and the protection configuration scheme of the system was proposed. Compared with parallel bilateral power supply, the results show that the tree continuous co-phase power supply system will not produce an equalizing current when the transformer ratios of two adjacent traction substations are the same. The minimum voltage of the up and down traction network of the transformation scheme is 22.74 kV, which meets the voltage requirements of the traction network. By setting the combined co-phase power supply device, the 95% probability value and maximum value of the three-phase voltage unbalance factor of the system are 1.20% and 1.65%, respectively. Compared with the traditional protection device scheme, the proposed protection configuration scheme can ensure the minimum outage interval of the traction network.
表 1 正常供电情况下典型值统计结果
Table 1. Statistical results of simulation values under normal power supply
万吨牵引网最低电压/kV 钢轨对地最高电压/V 上行 下行 上行 下行 3500 24.37 24.44 41.81 42.33 5000 25.28 25.46 15.32 14.52 表 2 牵引变电所TS5故障时,TS4典型值统计结果
Table 2. Statistical results of simulation values of TS4 with traction substation TS5 fault
方向 牵引网最低电压/kV 钢轨对地最高电压/V 上行 22.74 50.44 下行 22.87 16.34 表 3 牵引变电所TS4故障时,TS5典型值统计结果
Table 3. Statistical results of simulation values of TS5 with traction substation TS4 fault
方向 牵引网最低电压/kV 钢轨对地最高电压/V 上行 22.78 59.81 下行 23.10 19.76 表 4 接触网不同位置发生故障时的保护装置动作分析
Table 4. Analysis of protection device action when faults occurred in different locations of overhead contact line system
故障位置 传统牵引供电系统保护装置动作情况 树形贯通式同相供电系统保护装置动作情况 K1 既有保护使断路器 DL31 动作切除故障供电臂 分段保护与测控装置识别故障区间并切除;如果不满足分段故障切除条件或分段保护装置故障,则既有保护使断路器 DL31 动作,切除故障供电臂,其余分段正常运行 K2 DL32 闭合,不越区,开闭所 不闭合;既有保护使断路器 DL32 动作,切除 DL32 至 DL33间接触网;
DL32闭合,越区,开闭所闭合;既有保护使断路器 DL32动作,切除 DL32至 DL35间接触网;
DL35 闭合,越区,开闭所闭合;既有保护使断路器 DL35 动作,切除 DL35 至 DL 32 间接触网分段保护及测控装置识别故障区间并切除;如不满足分段故障切除条件或分段保护装置故障,则既有保护使断路器 DL32和 DL35 动作,切除故障接触网区间 表 5 系统各类故障分析及措施对比
Table 5. Analysis of various types of system faults and comparison of measures
故障原因 传统牵引供电系统 树形贯通式同相供电系统 接触网短路 既有保护切除牵引变电所接触网上网馈线断路器 快速保护:分段测控装置故障将该段接触网切除 既有保护(后备):切除牵引变电所接触网上网馈线断路器,此时与未改造前情况一致 牵引变压器短路 牵引变压器保护将变压器切除,备用牵引变压器投入运行 牵引变压器保护将变压器切除,备用牵引变压器投入运行 同相供电装置短路 同相供电装置继电保护将同相供电支路切除,备用装置投入运行 高压进线短路 牵引变电所反向保护断开电源进线,备用进线投入运行 牵引变电所反向保护断开电源进线,备用进线投入运行 -
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