Influence of Nose Rail Reconstruction Profile Parameters Based on B-Spline Curve
针对固定辙叉钢轨廓形不规则变化特点,基于B样条理论提出一种考虑固定辙叉钢轨断面廓形特征的参数化设计方法,并提出拟合钢轨廓形贴合度评价指标和关键控制参数对廓形贴合度影响权重指标;以60 kg/m钢轨12号固定辙叉为例,采用DOE (design of experiments)方法分析轨顶横坡、侧面纵坡和复合圆弧段比例系数对心轨轨头整体廓形、轨顶面廓形和侧面廓形的影响. 结果表明:1) 在心轨20 mm断面,轨顶横坡、侧面纵坡和复合圆弧段比例系数对心轨整体廓形变化的影响权重分别为21.08%、56.89%和22.02%,对心轨顶面廓形变化影响权重分别为8.42%、61.95%、29.63%;在心轨50 mm断面,各关键控制参数对心轨轨头整体廓形变化影响权重分别为55.9%、33.38%、10.72%;侧面纵坡对心轨20 mm和50 mm断面的侧面廓形变化影响权重分别为76.82%、66.04%. 2) 当心轨轨头宽度为20 mm时,侧面纵坡对各部分廓形变化影响均达到50%以上;随着心轨轨头宽度的增大,心轨轨顶横坡对整体廓形变化影响权重由21.8%增至55.9%,侧面纵坡和复合圆弧段比例系数影响权重则分别减小41.3%和51.3%.
Abstract:According to irregular changes in rail profiles in a fixed-nose crossing, a parametric design method was proposed based on the B-spline theory by considering the section characteristics of rail profiles in a fixed-nose crossing. In addition, the rail profile fitting evaluation indexes and the influence weights of key control parameters on the rail profile fitting were proposed. With No.12 turnout of fixed-nose crossing of 60 kg/m rail as an example, the design of experiment (DOE) was employed to analyze the influence of railhead slope, rail side slope, and proportion coefficient of composite circular arc on the changes in the full railhead profile, rail top profile, and rail side profile of the nose rail. The results show that 1) for nose rail with a section of 20 mm, the influence weights of railhead slope, rail side slope, and proportion coefficient of composite circular arc on the full railhead profile change are 21.08%, 56.89%, and 22.02%, respectively, and the influence weights on the rail top profile change of the nose rail are 8.42%, 61.95%, and 29.63%, respectively. For nose rail with a section of 50 mm, the influence weights of the key control parameters on the full railhead profile change are 55.9%, 33.38%, and 10.72%, respectively. For nose rails with a section of 20 mm and 50 mm, the influence weights of the rail side slope on the rail side profile change are 76.82% and 66.04%, respectively. 2) When the nose railhead width is 20 mm, the influence of the rail side slope on the nose profiles is more than 50%. As the nose railhead width increases, the influence weight of railhead slope on full railhead profile gradually increases from 21.8% to 55.9%, while that of rail side profile and proportion coefficient of composite circular arc is reduced by 41.3% and 51.3%, respectively.
Key words:
- turnout /
- fixed-nose crossing /
- B-spline curve /
- rail profile /
- parametric design /
- design of experiments
表 1 DOE全阶乘方案设计
Table 1. DOE full factorial scheme design
方案 k1 k2 λ5 方案 1 1/30 1/6 1/4 方案 2 1/30 1/6 1/2 方案 3 1/30 1/4 1/4 方案 4 1/30 1/4 1/2 方案 5 1/10 1/6 1/4 方案 6 1/10 1/6 1/2 方案 7 1/10 1/4 1/4 方案 8 1/10 1/4 1/2 标准 1/20 1/5 1/3 -
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