Characteristics and Calculation Method of Impact Load in Rockburst Tunnel
隧道中的硬脆围岩在高地应力情况下易发生岩爆,而目前国内针对岩爆隧道的支护结构设计主要采用工程类比法. 为了量化作用在支护结构上的岩爆冲击荷载,从能量角度分析岩爆过程中的能量转化关系,利用动能定理及能量守恒原理计算冲击荷载,并结合隧道松散压力提出隧道发生岩爆时的荷载计算方法,同时探明洞径等不同因素对岩爆作用范围的影响规律;结合某高地应力隧道岩爆段对其合理性进行验证. 研究结果表明:岩爆冲击荷载计算公式中,动荷因数与隧道支护所采用结构刚度正相关;在相同跨度与地应力条件下,圆形隧道的岩爆深度小于马蹄形隧道,岩爆横向范围大于马蹄形隧道;在相同洞形和地应力条件下,随着隧道跨度越大,岩爆深度与横向范围越大;在相同洞形和跨度条件下,地应力值越高,岩爆深度与横向范围越大;单线隧道Ⅱ级围岩岩爆荷载为12.02~337.75 kPa,单线隧道Ⅲ级围岩岩爆荷载为25.36~352.12 kPa,双线隧道Ⅱ级围岩岩爆荷载为8.54~288.55 kPa,双线隧道Ⅲ级围岩岩爆荷载为33.11~300.83 kPa.
Abstract:The hard and brittle surrounding rock in tunnels is prone to rockburst under high ground stress conditions. Currently, the support structure design for rockburst tunnels in China mainly adopts the engineering analogy method. In order to quantify the impact load of the rockburst on the support structure, the energy conversion relationship during the rockburst process was analyzed from an energy perspective. Then, the kinetic energy theorem and energy conservation principle were used to calculate the impact load. Combined with the loose pressure of the tunnel, a load calculation method for rockburst in tunnels was proposed. At the same time, the influence of different factors such as tunnel diameter on the range of rockburst action was explored. Finally, the rationality was verified based on the rockburst section of a high ground stress tunnel. The research results indicate that the dynamic load factor in the formula for rockburst impact load is positively correlated with the structural stiffness used for tunnel support. Under the same span and ground stress conditions, the rockburst depth of a circular tunnel is smaller than that of a horseshoe tunnel, and the lateral range of the rockburst is larger than that of a horseshoe tunnel. Under the same tunnel shape and ground stress conditions, as the tunnel span increases, the depth and lateral range of the rockburst also increase. Under the same tunnel shape and span conditions, a higher ground stress value indicates a greater depth and lateral range of the rockburst. The rockburst load of Grade Ⅱ surrounding rock in a single-track tunnel ranges from 12.02 kPa to 337.75 kPa, and that of Grade Ⅲ surrounding rock in a single-track tunnel ranges from 25.36 kPa to 352.12 kPa. Moreover, the rockburst load of Grade Ⅱ surrounding rock in a double-track tunnel ranges from 8.54 kPa to 288.55 kPa, and that of Grade Ⅲ surrounding rock in a double-track tunnel ranges from 33.11 kPa to 300.83 kPa.
Key words:
- high ground stress /
- rockburst tunnel /
- energy method /
- impact load
表 1 岩体应变能及爆块动能计算表
Table 1. Calculation for strain energy of rock mass and kinetic energy of rockburst
蕴含能量/kJWet 弹性应变能
释放率 δ单位体积转化
爆块动能/kJ轻微 7 11.43 3.27 Wet<2.0 δ<66.7% 2.18 中等 4 20.00 10.00 2.0≤Wet<3.5 66.7%≤δ<77.8% 7.78 强烈 2 40.00 40.00 3.5≤Wet<5.0 77.8%≤δ<83.3% 33.32 极强 1 80.00 160.00 Wet≥5.0 δ≥83.3% 140.00 表 2 岩爆影响深度
Table 2. Influence depth of rockburst
岩爆等级 影响深度/m 轻微 ≤0.5 中等 (0.5, 1.0] 强烈 (1.0, 3.0] 极强 >3.0 表 3 爆块速度计算表
Table 3. Calculation of rockburst speed
岩爆分级 影响深度/m 爆块体积/m3 密度/(t·m−3) 质量/t 动能/kJ 速度/(m·s−1) 轻微 0.5 0.04 2.75 0.115 0.09 1.25 中等 1.0 0.33 2.75 0.917 2.57 2.37 强烈 3.0 9.00 2.75 24.750 299.88 4.92 极强 4.0 21.33 2.75 58.670 2986.20 10.09 表 4 各岩爆等级对应的地应力值
Table 4. Ground stress values at different rockburst grades
MPa 岩爆等级 水平 垂直 中等 43.0 29.7 强烈 70.5 48.6 极强 80.0 55.17 表 5 计算工况
Table 5. Calculation conditions
工况 岩爆等级 隧道跨度/m 洞型 1 中等 12.0 圆形 2 强烈 12.0 3 极强 12.0 4 中等 8.5 5 强烈 8.5 6 极强 8.5 7 中等 8.5 马蹄形 8 强烈 8.5 9 极强 8.5 10 中等 12.0 11 强烈 12.0 12 极强 12.0 表 6 Ⅱ级围岩力学参数
Table 6. Mechanical parameters of Grade Ⅱ surrounding rock
容重/(kN·m−3) 变形模量/GPa 泊松比 内摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/MPa 25~27 20~33 0.20~0.25 50~60 1.5~2.1 表 7 不同地应力、洞形以及跨度隧道的岩爆范围
Table 7. Rockburst range of tunnels with different ground stresses, tunnel shapes, and tunnel spans
洞形 隧道跨
部位岩爆深度/m 岩爆作用
范围/m圆形 12.0 中等 拱部 0.65 8.0 强烈 拱部 1.67 9.1 极强 拱部 2.10 10.4 8.5 中等 拱部 0.48 5.6 强烈 拱部 1.28 6.9 极强 拱部 1.78 7.7 马蹄形 8.5 中等 拱部 0.50 5.2 强烈 拱部 1.52 6.5 极强 拱部 1.88 7.2 12.0 中等 拱部 0.73 6.5 强烈 拱部 1.77 8.4 极强 拱部 2.20 9.2 表 8 Ⅲ级围岩力学参数
Table 8. Mechanical parameters of Grade Ⅲ surrounding rock
容重/(kN•m−3) 变形模量/GPa 泊松比 内摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/MPa 23~25 6~20 0.25~0.30 39~50 0.7~1.5 表 9 单线钻爆法岩爆地段支护参数
Table 9. Support parameters of rockburst section by single-track drilling and blasting method
岩爆等级 围岩级别 喷砼/ cm 钢筋网 锚杆 钢架 轻微 Ⅱ 5 局部设置(岩爆部位),直径 6 mm 钢筋网,间距 25 cm 局部设置(岩爆部位),直径 25 mm,长度=3 m Ⅲ 8 拱部设置,直径 6 mm 钢筋网,间距 25 cm 拱墙设置,直径 25 mm,长度=3 m,间距 1.5 m 中等 Ⅱ 5 拱墙设置,直径 6 mm 钢筋网,间距 25 cm 拱墙设置,直径 25 mm,长度=4 m,间距 1.0 m (数量按 50% 计列) Ⅲ 8 拱墙设置,直径 6 mm 钢筋网,间距 25 cm 强烈 Ⅱ、Ⅲ 初喷 5 cm,复喷 15 cm 拱墙设置,直径 6 mm 高强钢丝网或热处理钢筋,间距 25 cm 拱墙设置,直径 25 mm,长度=5 m,间距 1.0 m (数量按 50% 计列) 拱墙设置,HW125 钢架,间距 1.2 m (数量按 1/3 计列) 极强 Ⅱ、Ⅲ 初喷 5 cm,复喷 18 cm 拱墙设置,直径 6 mm 高强钢丝网或热处理钢筋,间距 25 cm 拱墙设置,直径 25 mm,长度=6 m,间距 1.0 m (数量按 50% 计列) 拱墙设置,HW150 钢架,间距 1.0 m (数量按 1/3 计列) 注:喷砼采用C30高性能钢纤维喷混凝土;锚杆采用25低预应力涨壳式中空注浆锚杆. 表 10 双线钻爆法岩爆地段支护参数
Table 10. Support parameters of rockburst section by double-track drilling and blasting method
岩爆等级 围岩级别 喷砼/cm 钢筋网 锚杆 钢架 轻微 Ⅱ 5 局部设置(岩爆部位),直径 6 mm 钢筋网,间距 25 cm 局部设置(岩爆部位),直径 25 mm,长度=3 m Ⅲ 12 拱部设置,直径 6 mm 钢筋网,间距 25 cm 拱墙设置,直径 25 mm,长度=3 m,间距 1.5 m 中等 Ⅱ 5 拱墙设置,直径 6 mm 钢筋网,间距 25 cm 拱墙设置,直径 25 mm,长度=4 m,间距 1.0 m (数量按 50% 计列) Ⅲ 12 拱墙设置,直径 6 mm 钢筋网,间距 25 cm 强烈 Ⅱ、Ⅲ 初喷 5 cm,复喷 19 cm 拱墙设置,直径 6 mm 高强钢丝网或热处理钢筋,间距 25 cm 拱墙设置,直径 25 mm,长度=5 m,间距 1.0 m (数量按 50% 计列) 拱墙设置,HW150 钢架,间距 1.2 m (数量按 1/3 计列) 极强 Ⅱ、Ⅲ 初喷 5 cm,复喷 21 cm 拱墙设置,直径 6 mm 高强钢丝网或热处理钢筋,间距 25 cm 拱墙设置,直径 25 mm,长度=6 m,间距 1.0 m (数量按 50% 计列) 拱墙设置,HW175 钢架,间距 1.0 m (数量按 1/3 计列) 注:喷砼采用C30高性能钢纤维喷混凝土;锚杆采用25低预应力涨壳式中空注浆锚杆. 表 11 隧道岩爆冲击荷载计算
Table 11. Impact load calculation of tunnel rockburst
kPaⅡ级 单线 轻微 7 3.27 δ≤66.7 2.18 1.25 291.67 2.67 12.02 中等 4 10.00 66.7<δ≤77.8 7.78 2.37 291.67 1.79 16.08 强烈 2 40.00 77.8<δ≤83.3 33.32 4.92 20141.92 5.72 154.20 极强 1 160.00 δ>83.3 140.00 10.09 31791.67 9.40 337.75 双线 轻微 7 3.27 δ≤66.7 2.18 1.25 291.67 1.89 8.54 中等 4 10.00 66.7<δ≤77.8 7.78 2.37 291.67 1.27 11.43 强烈 2 40.00 77.8<δ≤83.3 33.32 4.92 35091 5.35 144.08 极强 1 160.00 δ>83.3 140.00 10.09 47138.47 8.03 288.55 Ⅲ级 单线 轻微 7 2.14 δ≤66.7 1.43 1.06 1194.67 5.62 25.36 中等 4 6.54 66.7<δ≤77.8 5.09 2.00 1194.67 3.78 33.94 强烈 2 26.17 77.8<δ≤83.3 21.80 4.14 20141.92 5.97 160.76 极强 1 104.69 δ>83.3 92.13 8.50 31791.67 9.80 352.12 双线 轻微 7 2.14 δ≤66.7 1.43 1.06 4032.00 7.34 33.11 中等 4 6.54 66.7<δ≤77.8 5.09 2.00 4032.00 4.93 44.32 强烈 2 26.17 77.8<δ≤83.3 21.80 4.14 35091.00 5.57 150.21 极强 1 104.69 δ>83.3 92.13 8.50 47138.47 8.37 300.83 -
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