Experimental Study on Emission Law of VOCs from Non-metallic Materials for Railway Passenger Trains
为了研究温度对铁路客车典型非金属材料中挥发性有机化合物释放量的影响,基于多气固比法和数据拟合法,对典型非金属材料(重防腐涂料、地板布、玻璃纤维增强塑料)的挥发性有机化合物释放规律进行了试验研究. 首先,分别测量了4种不同气固比条件下的挥发性有机化合物浓度,得到挥发性有机化合物释放关键参数(初始可散发浓度和分配系数);然后,结合车辆工艺和运用场景,研究不同温度对挥发性有机化合物释放规律的影响. 研究结果表明:材质的物理化学性能和温度是影响挥发性有机化合物释放特性的重要因素;温度从16 ℃升高至55 ℃,苯系物和醛类散发浓度均呈减小的趋势,重防腐涂料的初始可散发浓度减小为1.8%,其分配系数减小,地板布和玻璃钢的初始可散发浓度减小至0.3%以下,地板布的分配系数增大,玻璃钢的分配系数减小;苯系物是挥发性有机化合物的主要成分,其中以苯乙烯占比最大,甲苯、乙苯以及二甲苯占比排序规律不明显,并且未检测出苯;在铁道车辆烘焙法环保净化处理时,建议重防腐涂料的烘焙温度不小于55 ℃,地板布和玻璃钢的烘焙温度不小于45 ℃.
Abstract:In order to study the effect of the temperature on the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from typical non-metallic materials (heavy anti-corrosion coatings, floor covering, and glassfiber reinforced plastics) for railway passenger trains, tests were carried out to analyze the emission law of VOCs based on multi-gas-solid ratio method and data fitting method. First, the concentrations of VOCs under four different gas-solid ratios were measured, and key parameters (initial emittable concentration and diffusion coefficient) influencing the emission of VOCs were obtained. Then, with the help of vehicle manufacturing technology and application scenarios, the effect of different temperatures on the emission law of VOCs was studied. The results show that the physical and chemical properties of the materials and the temperature greatly affect the emission of VOCs. When the temperature rises from 16 to 55 ℃, the concentrations of benzene compounds and aldehydes decrease; the initial emittable concentration of heavy anti-corrosion coatings is decreased to 1.8%, and its diffusion coefficient is decreased. At the same time, the initial emittable concentrations of both floor covering and glassfiber reinforced plastics are decreased to less than 0.3%; the diffusion coefficient of floor covering is increased, while that of glassfiber reinforced plastics is decreased. Benzene compounds are the main components of VOCs, in which the styrene accounts for the largest proportion, and the ranking rule of toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene is not obvious. Meanwhile, the benzene is not detected in the test. In the baking process of railway trains for environmental protection, it is suggested that the baking temperature of heavy anti-corrosion coatings should not be less than 55 ℃, and that of floor covering and glassfiber reinforced plastics should not be less than 45 ℃.
表 1 试验设备
Table 1. Experimental equipment
设备名称 型号规格 聚氟乙烯(PVF)薄膜袋 100 L 氮气 体积分数不小于99.99% 恒温恒湿环境仓 DNF-500A 大气采样仪 QC-2B双路 2,6-二苯呋喃多孔聚合
物树脂(porous polymer 2,6-diphenyl
furan resin, Tenax-TA)采样管200 mg 2,4-二硝基苯肼(2,4-dinitrophenyl
hydrazine, DNPH)采样管300 mg/mL 质谱联用仪(GC-MS/MS) EXPEC 5231 气相色谱 高效液相色谱仪 EX1600 表 2 测试工况
Table 2. Experimental conditions
测试材料 测试
温度/℃气固比 实车气
35、45、55941.2、392.2、170.0、94.1 170.0 地板布 671.4、333.3、142.9、65.8 617.4 玻璃钢 1000.0、416.0、333.3、250.0 416.0 表 3 重防腐涂料中VOCs的释放关键参数值
Table 3. Key emission parameters for VOCs in heavy anti-corrosion coatings
编号 VOC 16 ℃ 25 ℃ 35 ℃ 45 ℃ 55 ℃ C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K 1 甲苯 518.135 3725.824 61.576 835.039 21.128 793.823 23.095 502.336 6.455 1446.152 2 乙苯 390.625 1110.180 75.643 333.204 10.492 85.016 71.839 626.232 4.187 425.315 3 二甲苯 540.541 1382.216 71.839 280.830 6.913 122.833 101.523 751.252 5.675 390.967 4 苯乙烯 2917.893 850.041 558.659 343.128 56.211 144.483 729.927 795.599 46.926 1071.506 5 TVOC 4099.150 915.176 1562.500 744.719 104.932 128.583 970.874 667.942 72.098 361.066 表 4 地板布中VOCs的释放关键参数值
Table 4. Key emission parameters for VOCs in floor covering
VOC 16 ℃ 25 ℃ 35 ℃ 45 ℃ 55 ℃ C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K 甲苯 606.061 1219.267 12.133 974.328 51.125 904.766 4.318 373.513 乙苯 1154.450 932.784 99.602 4463.983 81.169 514.978 1.514 104.657 二甲苯 1261.456 853.349 36.298 1847.089 56.433 477.818 1.124 54.591 苯乙烯 7435.884 1076.419 15.359 415.293 699.301 472.664 7.343 89.615 TVOC 10360.687 971.211 189.394 1251.769 961.538 505.750 17.268 86.127 8.632 1501.000 表 5 玻璃钢中VOCs的释放关键参数值
Table 5. Key emission parameters for VOCs in glassfiber reinforced plastics
VOC 16 ℃ 25 ℃ 35 ℃ 45 ℃ 55 ℃ C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K C0/(mg·m−3) K 甲苯 52.138 1903.920 11.022 459.013 168.067 1807.793 乙苯 198.807 1348.443 12.620 293.751 359.712 2394.435 二甲苯 240.385 1249.683 13.748 448.944 537.634 3066.505 苯乙烯 1578.467 1295.969 55.066 160.374 3723.909 1973.337 TVOC 2162.751 1288.589 100.705 177.282 4668.207 1350.396 21.231 1758.985 6.831 292.682 -
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