Numerical Simulation Method of Aerodynamic Noise of High-Speed Maglev Train Considering Quadrupole Noise Source
随着列车速度的提高,四极子声源对列车气动噪声的贡献增大,高速磁浮列车的运行速度达到600 km/h时,有必要考虑四极子声源对高速磁浮列车气动噪声的影响. 为此,本文建立考虑四极子声源的高速磁浮列车气动噪声数值模拟方法,对高速磁浮列车流线型尾部、头部区域的积分面进行局部外推,探索流线型尾部、头部区域的四极子声源对高速磁浮列车气动噪声的影响. 研究发现:高速磁浮列车的尾涡会穿过下游的积分面,流线型尾部区域不能采用全封闭积分面,否则会产生非常大的伪声;流线型尾部区域的积分面需要较多地向尾涡区延伸,并去除尾涡穿过的区域;高速磁浮列车流线型头部区域四极子声源的贡献很小,流线型头部区域的积分面可以取为流线型头型表面;在600 km/h下,高速磁浮列车四极子声源引起的气动噪声能量占比达到42%.
Abstract:With the increase in the train speed, the contribution of the quadrupole noise source to the aerodynamic noise of the train increases. When the running speed of the high-speed maglev train reaches 600 km/h, it is necessary to consider the influence of the quadrupole noise source on the aerodynamic noise of the high-speed maglev train. The numerical simulation method of the aerodynamic noise of the high-speed maglev trains considering the quadrupole noise source was set up. The local extrapolation of the integral surfaces for the streamlined tail and head regions of the high-speed maglev train was carried out, and the influence of the quadrupole noise sources of the streamlined tail and head regions on the aerodynamic noise of the high-speed maglev train was explored. The study shows that the wake vortex of the high-speed maglev train will pass the downstream integral surface. The fully enclosed integral surface can not be used for the streamlined tail region, or otherwise, it will produce large spurious noise. The integral surface for the streamlined tail region needs to extend more towards the wake vortex region and remove the region through which the wake vortex passes. The contribution of the quadrupole noise source of the streamlined head region of the high-speed maglev train is small, and the integral surface for the streamlined head region can be taken as the streamlined head surface. When the high-speed maglev train runs at a speed of 600 km/h, the aerodynamic noise energy of the high-speed maglev train caused by the quadrupole noise source accounts for 42%.
Key words:
- high-speed maglev train /
- aerodynamic noise /
- quadrupole noise source /
- wake vortex
表 1 流线型尾部积分面选取
Table 1. Selection of integral surface for streamlined tail
方案 积分面(灰色为选择的积分面) 方案 积分面(灰色为选择的积分面) x1 x2 x1 x2 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 -
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