Aerodynamic Load Characteristics of Trains Exposed to Wind Velocity with Longitudinal and Lateral Components
为探索侧向环境风作用下列车气动载荷变化特性,对任意风向角下随车移动点处的风速纵、横分量进行建模,研究考虑风速纵、横分量的列车气动载荷计算方法,并分析在列车速度200~400 km/h、平均风速10~35 m/s及风向角30°~150° 时的列车气动载荷特性. 研究发现:在不同风向角下,考虑风速横向分量后,高速列车气动载荷波动变大,作用于列车上的瞬时气动载荷极值增大;风速横向分量主要影响列车气动载荷的标准差,且影响程度与风向角有关;随着风向角接近临界风向角,风速横向分量对列车气动载荷标准差的影响逐渐变小,随着风向角远离临界风向角,风速横向分量对列车气动载荷标准差的影响逐渐变大;列车气动载荷的标准差/均值主要与侧偏角有关,且在风向角为30° 及150° 时较大,其次是风向角60° 和120°,而在风向角90° 时则较小.
Abstract:To explore the aerodynamic load characteristics of trains under side wind environments, the model of the longitudinal and lateral components of wind velocity at a point moving with the train for any wind angle was set up. The computational method of aerodynamic loads of the train exposed to wind velocity with longitudinal and lateral components was studied. The aerodynamic load characteristics of the train at a speed of 200–400 km/h, mean wind speed of 10–35 m/s, and wind angle of 30°–150° were analyzed. The results show that under different wind angles, when the lateral component of wind velocity is considered, the aerodynamic load of high-speed trains fluctuates greatly, leading to an increase in the extreme value of instantaneous aerodynamic load acting on the train. The lateral component of wind velocity mainly affects the standard deviation of aerodynamic loads of the train, and the influence has much relationship with wind angle. The influence becomes smaller when the wind angle is closer to the critical wind angle and becomes larger when the wind angle is far away from the critical wind angle. Under different wind angles, the ratio of standard deviation to mean value of aerodynamic load of the train mainly depends on the yaw angle. The ratio is relatively large at wind angles of 30° and 150°, followed by wind angles of 60° and 120°, but it is relatively small at wind angles of 90°.
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