Dynamic Analysis of Lifting Lug of Equipment Under High Speed EMU
为揭示CRH380AL高速动车组车下设备不同位置的吊耳产生裂纹差异很大的原因,开展实车运行工况下的振动和气动载荷测试,建立车下设备-车辆-轮轨-线路多重耦合大系统动力学模型,其中的车体和车下设备利用有限元法建立弹性体模型,轮轨子系统和转向架子系统使用多刚体动力学建模,轨道不平顺谱应用武汉至广州区间的实际测量数据,隧道通过和隧道交会等工况的气动载荷由八节车气动模型数值模拟获得,分析了车体弹性、气动载荷和螺栓刚度等因素对车下设备吊耳支反力的影响. 研究表明:车下设备与车辆系统之间存在强烈的耦合行为,车下设备本身质量分布和车体弹性耦合效应导致4号吊耳垂向动态载荷最大,与现场故障裂纹占比最高的情况对应;气动载荷对车下设备8号吊耳动态载荷存在明显影响;低频区域的吊耳动态载荷随螺栓刚度的增大而增大,垂向平均动载荷和最大动载荷分别为其余2个方向的4倍和6倍. 基于线路和车辆耦合的动力学分析方法可为车下设备动态力学行为的设计和疲劳性能的优化提供理论支撑.
Abstract:In order to reveal the reasons for the great difference of cracks in the lifting lugs at different positions of the under-chassis equipment of CRH380AL high-speed EMU, full-scale test on vibration acceleration and aerodynamic load are carried out. The dynamics model of the large-scale system with multiple coupling of under-chassis equipment, vehicle, wheel-rail, and railway line is established. The vehicle body and under-chassis equipment are established as elastomer models by finite element method. The wheel-rail subsystem and bogie subsystem are modeled by rigid multibody dynamics. The track irregularity spectrum is based on the measured data samples from Wuhan to Guangzhou. The aerodynamic load under the conditions of tunnel passing and tunnel intersection is numerically simulated by the eight-car aerodynamic model. The influence of elasticity, aerodynamic load, bolt stiffness and other factors of the vehicle body on the lifting lug reaction force of the under-chassis equipment is analyzed. The research shows that, there is a strong coupling behavior between the under-chassis equipment and the vehicle system. The mass distribution of the under-chassis equipment and the elastic coupling effect of the vehicle body lead to the maximum vertical dynamic load of No. 4 lifting lug, which corresponds to the highest proportion of on-site fault cracks. The aerodynamic load has a significant impact on the dynamic load of No. 8 lifting lug of the under-chassis equipment. The dynamic load of the lifting lug in the low-frequency domain increases with the increase of bolt stiffness, the vertical average dynamic load and the maximum dynamic load are 4 times and 6 times of the other two directions respectively. The dynamic analysis method based on the coupling of line and vehicle can provide theoretical support for the design of dynamic mechanical behavior of equipment under the vehicle and the optimization of fatigue performance.
Key words:
- high speed train /
- under vehicle equipment /
- lifting lugs /
- line /
- aerodynamic load /
- rigid flexible coupling /
- dynamic load
表 1 实际线路振动测试结果
Table 1. Vibration test results from actual lines
m/s2 方向 工况 1 号吊耳振动方均根值 4 号吊耳振动方均根值 垂向 纵向 横向 垂向 纵向 横向 上行 明线 0.37 0.39 0.34 0.57 0.54 0.55 隧道 0.41 0.43 0.41 0.60 0.59 0.54 交会 0.42 0.45 0.39 0.81 0.79 0.84 下行 明线 0.38 0.41 0.34 0.48 0.49 0.44 隧道 0.45 0.48 0.42 0.68 0.68 0.62 交会 0.44 0.45 0.42 0.73 0.74 0.68 表 2 车体用铝合金材料的主要机械性能参数
Table 2. Main mechanical performance parameters of aluminum alloy materials for vehicle body
MPa 材料名称 使用部位 弹性极限 疲劳强度 母材 焊缝 母材 焊缝 A5083P-O 端墙 125 125 103 39 A6N01S-T5 侧墙、车顶 205 120 78 39 A7N01P-T4 底架补强板 195 176 135 39 A7N01S-T5 底架 245 205 119 39 -
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