Numerical Simulation of Mean Wind Characteristics at Bridge Site in Funnel-Shaped Canyon Terrain
结合某大跨悬索桥所在山区地形,研究了漏斗型峡谷这一特殊构造地形的桥址区平均风特性,为大跨度桥梁在漏斗型峡谷地区的抗风设计提供依据. 首先,建立实际地形的数值模型,并利用Fluent软件对24个不同来流工况进行比较分析;然后,将整体模拟结果与实测结果进行对比,验证数值模拟的合理性;最后,通过模拟结果的对比分析,探讨漏斗型峡谷桥位对风速大小、风攻角、风向角在不同来流方向的影响规律,分析平均风速随攻角分布的特点以及不同位置处的竖向风剖面特性. 研究结果表明:漏斗型峡谷桥址区存在明显峡谷风加速效应;漏斗型地形对桥址区来流的攻角和风向分别表现为弱扰乱性和高导向性,来流攻角和风向分别稳定集中在−5°~0° 和25°~30°;峡谷中风速对攻角变化的敏感性更高.
- 复杂山区地形 /
- 漏斗型峡谷 /
- 平均风特性 /
- 计算流体动力学数值模拟
Abstract:Taking the mountainous terrain of the long-span suspension bridge as a typical example, the mean wind characteristics at bridge site in the mountainous terrain of a funnel-shaped canyon are studied, which provide a basis for the wind resistance design of large-span bridges in the funnel-shaped canyon area. Firstly, a numerical model of the actual terrain is established and 24 cases with different wind directions are analyzed by Fluent. Then, the simulation results are compared with the measured data to verify the resonableness of the numerical simulation. Finally, simulation results are used to explore the influence of the bridge location at the funnel-shaped canyon on mean wind velocity, wind attack angle, wind direction angle in different flow directions, and to analyze the characteristics of wind velocity distribution with different attack angles and vertical wind profiles at different locations. The research results show that there is an obvious canyon wind acceleration effect at the bridge site. The topography of funnel-shaped canyon shows weak disturbance and high directivity to the wind attack angle and wind direction angle in different flow directions at the bridge site in funnel-shaped canyon area, and the wind attack angle and wind direction angle are −5°–0° and 25°–30°, respectively. The wind velocity in the funnel-shaped canyon is more sensitive to the change of the attack angle.
表 1 工况类别划分
Table 1. Case classification
工况类型 类型描述 工况 Ⅰ 从西往东反向吹向桥位 1~6 Ⅱ 南北向来流受到山体的阻挡 7~12、19~24 Ⅲ 从东往西吹向漏斗型峡谷 13~18 表 2 大风速工况
Table 2. Cases at high wind velocity
工况 工况类型 风速大小/(m·s−1) 放大系数 3 Ⅰ 38.87 0.96 13 Ⅲ 39.25 0.97 14 Ⅲ 44.68 1.10 15 Ⅲ 44.67 1.10 16 Ⅲ 45.66 1.12 17 Ⅲ 41.75 1.03 注:风速放大系数为主梁桥面处的平均风速大小与入口处桥面高度风速大小的比值. -
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