Technologies Research Review of Electro-Magnetic Suspension Medium−Low-Speed Maglev Train Levitation Frame
悬浮架是承载EMS(electro-magnetic suspension)型中低速磁浮列车运行的关键子系统,影响列车的悬浮稳定性、舒适性和安全性,需要对其进行深入研究. 围绕国内外EMS型中低速磁浮列车应用案例,介绍了(悬挂)端置式悬浮架、(悬挂)中置式悬浮架的技术方案和特征,总结了主要技术指标. 结合悬浮架技术研究、发展现状,讨论了磁轨作用关系、运动解耦能力、动力学性能、结构强度以及悬浮冗余设计五大研究方向,通过对研究内容梳理和总结,归纳了现有前沿科学问题和工程技术挑战:一是轨距亟须统一;二是动态磁轨关系研究欠缺;三是悬浮架横向动力学有待研究;四是悬浮架疲劳强度分析及试验不足;五是悬浮架机械结构冗余设计方案较少.
Abstract:The levitation frame is a key subsystem that carries EMS (electro-magnetic suspension) medium−low-speed maglev trains, which affects the levitation stability, comfort and safety of the train and needs to be studied in depth. According to domestic and overseas current application cases of EMS medium-low speed maglev trains, the technical solutions, and characteristics of (suspension) end-set levitation frame and (suspension) mid-set levitation frame are concluded, and the key technical indexes are summarized. With the combination of current research and development status of levitation frame technologies, the five major technical research contents which are magnetic-rail interaction relationship, motion decoupling capability, dynamics performance, structural strength and levitation redundant design are discussed. In addition, the existing frontier scientific issues and engineering challenges are summarized by sorting out and summarizing the research contents: first, the track gauge should be unified; second, the dynamic magnetic-rail relationship research is lacking; third, the lateral dynamics of levitation frames needs to be studied; fourth, the fatigue strength analysis and test of the levitation frame is insufficient; fifth, the levitation frame mechanical structure redundant design scheme is less.
表 1 EMS型中低速磁浮列车主要技术指标
Table 1. Main technical indexes of EMS medium-low speed maglev train
项目 轨距/mm 最高运行速度/
/m编组 单节车悬
浮架数量列车全长/m TKL磁浮 1700 100 70 50 3 5 43.3 仁川磁浮 1850 100 70 50 2 4 25 长沙磁浮 1860 140 70 50 3 5 48.3 北京磁浮 2000 120 70 50 6 5 89.6 (悬挂)中置式磁浮 1900 160 70 50 3 5 48.2 表 2 (悬挂)端置式悬浮架特征尺寸
Table 2. Technical parameters of levitation frame with end-set airspring
符号 定义 尺寸/mm Lm 悬浮模块长度 2720 Lg 轨距 1860 Larb 片梁长度 1030 l 吊杆距片梁安装座距离 226 Lpdl 吊杆长度 200 X 悬浮控制单元距防侧滚梁距离 273 表 3 悬浮架主要结构材料及工艺
Table 3. Main structural materials and process of levitation frame
部件 材料 密度/(kg·m−3) 质量/kg 成型工艺 纵梁 6061 2800 110.39 挤压+机加工 托臂 ZL204A 2810 32.36 铸造+机加工 上托臂连接件 ZL204A 2810 29.42 铸造+机加工 下托臂连接件 ZL204A 2810 25.95 铸造+机加工 滑台 ZL204A 2810 26.10 铸造+机加工 牵引座 Q235 7850 4.57 拼焊+机加工 片梁 Q235 7850 16.96 激光切割+机加工 吊杆 Q235 7850 1.00 机加工 -
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