Misalignment Vibration Detection of Magnetic Suspension Multi-Span Rotors Based on SOGI-FLL-WPF
为解决磁悬浮多跨转子不对中振动检测问题,首先,建立磁悬浮转子系统动力学模型及联轴器不对中模型;其次,基于多跨转子力学模型模拟转子不对中振动状态,并采用二阶广义积分-锁频环(second order generalized integrator-frequency locked loop,SOGI-FLL)对振动信号进行转速辨识;然后,将转速辨识信息输入至SOGI进行转速同频陷波,进而利用带预滤波器的SOGI-FLL (SOGI-FLL with prefilter,SOGI-FLL-WPF)对陷波后的信号进行磁悬浮多跨转子不对中振动检测;最后,通过磁悬浮多跨转子定速和升速状态下的仿真计算,验证了本文提出多跨转子不对中振动检测方法的可行性. 实验结果表明:由转子不对中引起的转速二倍频振动信号可被快速辨识出幅值和频率,可为磁悬浮多跨设备的应用奠定基础.
- 磁悬浮轴承 /
- 多跨转子 /
- 不对中振动 /
- 振动检测
Abstract:Aiming at misalignment vibration detection of magnetic suspension multi-span rotors, the dynamic model of magnetic suspension rotor system and coupling misalignment model are firstly established. Secondly, the rotor misalignment vibration state is simulated based on the multi-span rotors mechanics model, and the speed of vibration signal is identified by second order generalized integrator-frequency locked loop (SOGI-FLL). Furthermore, the speed identification information is input to SOGI for co-frequency notch filtering, and then misalignment vibration detection of magnetic multi-span rotors is performed on the notch signal by SOGI-FLL with prefilter (SOGI-FLL-WPF). Finally, the feasibility of the proposed detection method is verified by the simulation of magnetic suspension multi-span rotors at constant and ascending speeds. The experimental results show that the amplitude and frequency of the vibration signal at double speed frequency caused by rotor misalignment can be quickly identified, which lays a foundation for the application of magnetic suspension multi-span equipment.
表 1 仿真参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters
参数 数值 m/kg 14.56 J/(kg·m2) 1.1729 Jz/(kg·m2) 1.4187 × 10−2 mu/kg 0.05 u/m 0.002 zu/m 0.01 d/μm 60 ${\varphi _0} $/(°) 0 -
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