Influence of Sand Sampling Method on Bearing Capacity Calculation of Shallow Foundation in Discrete Element Method
离散元数值模拟中,不同的制样方法会导致土体孔隙比和均匀性存在差异,进而对浅基础承载力的模拟计算结果产生影响,因此需要分析不同制样对浅基础承载力影响的问题. 本文分别使用粒径放大法、Distribute法、GM (grid method)法和欠层压实法对无黏性砂土进行制样,且试样在10
g 的重力场下进行地应力平衡;利用测量圆对不同位置土体孔隙比、水平应力和竖直应力进行监测,得到试样平均孔隙比e 和小于1的侧向土压力系数K 0值;通过在试样表面放置刚性墙体并以相同的速度加载来模拟浅基础承载力试验,研究不同制样方法对浅基础承载力的影响. 研究结果表明:GM法与欠层压实法生成的试样,其孔隙比接近最初设置的目标孔隙比,误差约为3.5%;而粒径放大法与Distribute法生成的试样,其孔隙比会小于目标孔隙比,误差为20.0%左右;在试样整体均匀性方面,GM法得到的试样均匀性最好,随后依次是欠层压实法、Distribute法和粒径放大法;由于不同制样方法所得的试样孔隙比和K 0不同,在浅基础承载力模拟计算中不同制样方法得到的承载力关系为:GM法 < 欠层压实法 < 粒径放大法 < Distribute法.Abstract:In the discrete element numerical simulation, different sample preparation methods will lead to differences in soil void ratio and uniformity, which will affect the simulation results of bearing capacity of shallow foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the influence of different sample preparation on bearing capacity of shallow foundation. Four methods (e.g., particle amplification method, distribute method, grid method, and under compaction method) were used to prepare the samples of cohesionless sand, and the samples were balanced under the gravity field of 10
g . The void ratio, horizontal stress and vertical stress of soil at different positions were monitored by measuring circle, and the average void ratioe and the lateral earth pressure coefficientK 0 value less than 1 were obtained. The influence of different sample preparation methods on the bearing capacity of shallow foundation was studied by placing rigid wall on the surface of the sample and loading at the same speed to simulate the bearing capacity test of shallow foundation. The results show that the porosity ratios of samples generated by the GM and under compaction method are closer to the original target porosity ratio with an error of about 3.5%. In comparison, the porosity ratios generated by particle amplification method and distribute method are smaller than the target porosity ratio, with an error of about 20.0%. Additionally, GM presents the most homogeneous sand samples, followed by the under compaction method, distribute method and particle amplification method, respectively. Due to the varying porosity ratios andK 0 of samples, the obtained bearing capacity of shallow foundation also changes. The relationship of bearing capacity obtained by different sample preparation methods in the simulation of bearing capacity of shallow foundation is : GM < underlayer compaction method < particle size amplification method < distribute method. -
表 1 模型细观参数
Table 1. Microscopic parameters of the model
参数 值 粒径/mm 0.8~1.2 颗粒密度/(kg•m−3) 2650 初始孔隙比 0.2 颗粒法向刚度 kn/ (N•m−1) 5 × 107 颗粒切向刚度 ks/ (N•m−1) 2.5 × 107 墙体法向刚 knw/ (N·m−1) 1 × 109 墙体切向刚 ksw/ (N•m−1) 1 × 109 初始摩擦系数 μ1 8.7 × 10−4 最终摩擦系数 μ2 0.839 墙体与颗粒摩擦系数 μ3 0 表 2 试样的极限承载力
Table 2. Ultimate bearing capacity of samples
制样方法 试样 e 均匀性 极限承载力/kPa GM 法 G-S 0.194 1 12.00 欠层压实法 Q-S 0.193 2 12.50 Distribute 法 D-S 0.157 3 18.19 粒径放大法 L-S 0.164 4 14.30 -
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