Application and Challenges of Digital Twin in Life Cycle of High-Speed Trains
数字孪生(DT)是推动轨道交通装备领域数字化、智能化的关键技术之一,但其相关研究仍处于起步阶段. 围绕高速列车生命周期研发现状,系统剖析传统高速列车研发数字化转型过程中的设计闭环难、高保真度、高精度模型缺乏、信息物理数据交互融合难等问题,结合产业发展趋势归纳提出高速列车生命周期发展新需求;在此基础上提出数字孪生高速列车技术框架,并对高速列车生命周期数字孪生模型构建和功能服务两个方面进行深入探讨,指出数字孪生高速列车所面临的关键技术问题与挑战. 通过展示前期在轨道车辆关键部件服役能力劣化方面的探索应用,以期为未来高速列车全生命周期数字化的深入研究和实践提供参考.
Abstract:Digital twin (DT) is one of the key technologies to promote digitalization and intelligence in the field of rail transit equipment, but its related research is still in its infancy. Focusing on the research and development status of the life cycle of high-speed trains, it systematically analyze the problems of difficulty in closed-loop design, lack of high fidelity, high-precision models, and difficulty in the interaction and integration of cyber-physical data in the process of digital transformation of traditional high-speed train research and development. Combined with the industrial development trend, the new requirements for the life cycle development of high-speed trains are put forward. Then, on this basis, the digital twin technology is introduced and the basic connotation of the digital twin high-speed train is described. The technical framework of the digital twin high-speed train is further described from the two aspects of the construction of the life cycle digital twin model and the functional service of the high-speed train, the key technical problems and challenges faced by digital twin high-speed trains are pointed out. By showing the exploration and application of the deterioration of the service capability of the key components of rail vehicles in the early stage, it is expected to provide a reference for the in-depth research and practice of the digitalization of the full life cycle of high-speed trains in the future.
Key words:
- digital twin /
- high-speed trains /
- life-cycle /
- key technologies /
- model-based system engineering
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