Study on Compression Test and Equivalent Simulation Model of Aluminum Foam
为了研究泡沫铝结构在直升机耐坠性设计中的应用效果,本文基于万能材料试验机和霍普金森压杆分别对两种相对密度的闭孔泡沫铝在准静态(0.001 /s)和高应变率下(500 /s、1000 /s)的力学性能进行了测试;然后,建立了可反映应变率效应的泡沫铝等效有限元模型;最后,将泡沫铝等效模型应用于直升机驾驶舱耐坠性的仿真中,分析了置入不同密度泡沫铝等效模型后直升机受到的冲击和变形情况. 结果表明:泡沫铝的平台应力以及质量比吸能随相对密度、应变率的增加而增加,但密实化应变则相反;泡沫铝等效有限元模型与实验结果曲线保持一致,模型准确性较高;此外,通过置入两种密度的泡沫铝材料,驾驶舱地板的最大变形量分别减少了28%和73%,机身部件的承载压力平均减少了28%和42%,高密度泡沫铝承载能力更强,效果更好.
Abstract:In order to investigate the effectiveness of aluminum foam for helicopter crashworthiness design, the mechanical properties of closed cell aluminum foam with two relative densities were tested at quasi-static (0.001 /s) and high strain rates (500 /s, 1000 /s) based on universal testing machine and Hopkinson bar, respectively. An equivalent finite element (FE) model of aluminum foam which considers the strain rate was established. The developed equivalent model of the aluminum foam with different relative densities was applied to the dropping simulation of a helicopter FE model. The crushing level and the deformation of the helicopter were investigated. The results show that the platform stress and mass specific energy absorption increase with relative density and strain rate, but the opposite is true for densification strain. The equivalent finite element model has high accuracy whose response curve can keep consistent with the experimental results. In addition, the maximum deformation of the helicopter floor has been reduced by 28% and 73% and the load-bearing pressure on each component has been reduced by 28% and 42% on average as the aluminum foam with different relative densities was added into the bottom cockpit of the helicopter. The load carrying capacity of aluminum foam with high relative density is higher and more effective.
Key words:
- aluminum foam /
- strain rate /
- relative density /
- energy absorption /
- equivalent model /
- helicopter crashworthiness
表 1 不同密度泡沫铝压缩试验结果
Table 1. Test results of aluminum foams with different densities
试件 应变
试件0.001 0.95 0.57 1.88 500 1.31 0.53 2.75 1000 1.37 0.50 2.89 高密度
试件0.001 3.80 0.55 4.24 500 4.73 0.49 5.36 1000 4.85 0.48 5.42 表 2 不同密度的泡沫铝材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of aluminum foam with different density
密度 $ {\sigma }_{{\rm{p}}} $/MPa $ \gamma $ $ {\varepsilon }_{{\rm{D}}} $ $ \alpha $ $ \beta $ 密度$ \rho / $
$ {E}_{{\rm{AAU}}}={E}_{{\rm{BBU}}}={E}_{{\rm{CCU}}} $剪切模量/MPa
$ {G}_{{\rm{AAU}}}={G}_{{\rm{BBU}}}={G}_{{\rm{CCU}}} $应力应变
曲线低 0.97 −1.4 0.77 1.28 1.17 216 300 300 图7(a) 高 4.34 −10.1 0.82 8.46 1.23 340 800 800 图7(b) 表 3 应变率模型标定系数
Table 3. Calibrated coefficients of the strain-rate model
泡沫铝 b e 相关系数(R2) 低密度 5.969 × 106 0.485 0.999 高密度 2.112 × 108 0.248 0.992 -
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