Review on Advances in Seismic Research of Large-Span Prestressed-Concrete Continuous Rigid-Frame Bridges
我国已建设大量的大跨PC (prestressed concrete)连续刚构桥,其墩高可达百米及以上,存在遭受强震的可能,尤其是在西部高地震风险区,连续刚构桥主墩与主梁是刚性连接,主梁与桥墩共同承担地震力. 为促进刚构桥的抗震研究,首先,梳理了国内外近期经受地震考验的几座刚构桥的震害表现;然后,从抗震理论及模型试验、减隔震(耗能)设计和震后修复等方面,对连续刚构桥桥墩、上部结构、基础等主要构件以及全桥整体抗震性能等热点问题进行了评述,刚构桥具有良好的抗震性能,高阶效应及墩梁固结处纵桥向弯矩对桥墩地震反映影响较大,模型试验及理论分析中主梁开裂及损伤问题易被忽视,低墩或双柱墩刚构桥已展开墩底及基础隔震研究;最后,对未来可开展研究方向进行了探讨,强震下箱梁的开裂机理及损伤控制,基于新型材料及耗能构件组成的高墩,基础隔震及高墩底部隔震的实用技术,箱梁及空心墩的地震损伤识别及震后修复,(近)跨断层地震作用下刚构桥的渐进倒塌机理与防止.
Abstract:A large number of large-span prestressed concrete (PC) continuous rigid-frame bridges (CRFBs) have been built in China with heights of piers up to 100 m or more. They are likely to suffer strong earthquakes, especially in high seismic risks areas of Western China. The main girder and piers are rigidly connected together in CRFBs, and jointly bear the seismic force in earthquakes. In order to promote the seismic research of CRFB, the seismic damage of several CRFBs which have undergone recent earthquakes at home and abroad was reviewed firstly. Then, from the aspects of seismic theory, model tests, seismic isolation (energy consumption) design and post-earthquake repair, hot issues of the main components such as pier, superstructure, foundation, and the seismic performance of the whole bridge are reviewed. The current research shows that the CRFBs have good seismic performance; the high-order effect and the longitudinal bending moment at the pier-beam consolidation have a greater impact on the seismic response of piers. In the model test and theoretical analysis, the cracking and damage of the main girder are easily ignored, and research on pier bottom and foundation isolation has been carried out for low-pier or double-column CRFBs. Finally, future research directions were explored, including the cracking mechanism and seismic control of box girder under strong earthquakes, the high piers composed of new materials and energy-consuming components, the practical isolation technology of the bottom and foundation of high-piers, the identification of earthquake damage and post-earthquake repair of box girders and hollow piers, the mechanism and prevention of the progressive collapse of rigid frame bridges under the action of (near-fault) cross-fault earthquakes.
Key words:
- continuous rigid-frame bridge (CRFB) /
- review /
- seismic response /
- seismic design /
- ground motion effect
表 1 发生震害的刚构桥基本信息
Table 1. Basic information of continuous rigid-frame bridges damaged in earthquakes
m 大桥名称 跨径 主墩墩高 能登岛大桥 75.0 + 108.5 + 75.0 24.4/24.4 庙子坪特大桥 125.0 + 220.0 + 125.0 102.5/99.5 阿苏长阳大桥 39.3 + 91.0 + 91.0 + 53.3 37.0/68.0/33.0 注:能登岛大桥跨径及墩高为估算值. -
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