Three-Phase Isolated Inverter with Wide-Voltage Input, High Power Density and Low Noise
随着舰船综合电力系统向小型化、轻型化、高效率和隐形化方向不断发展,储能环节逐渐成为发电系统的重要组成部分,对于变配电系统的三相隔离型逆变器来说,面临着直流电压范围宽、交流电能质量要求高的挑战,而且需要尽可能提高功率密度、降低噪声干扰. 为此,提出了一种高功率密度低噪声的三相二重化逆变器工频隔离拓扑. 首先,采用多重化技术以提高等效开关频率,达到相电压四倍频五电平的效果,降低声学噪声和振动噪声,减小隔振降噪设备的体积质量;其次,采用载波移相调制策略降低共模电磁噪声,减小EMI (electromagnetic interference)滤波器的体积质量;最后,采用磁集成技术和立体卷铁芯结构减小隔离变压器和输出滤波电感的体积质量. 通过实验证明:与传统拓扑结构相比,新型拓扑的声学噪声降低了8 dBA,振动噪声全频段范围都比传统拓扑低;体积功率密度达到136 kW/m3,质量功率密度达到116 kW/t,整机效率达到93.5%.
Abstract:With the continuous development in miniaturization, lightness, high efficiency and invisibility for shipboard integrated power systems, the energy storage component gradually become an important part of power systems. For the three-phase isolated inverter in the power distribution system, the challenges of wide DC voltage range and high AC power quality arise, resulting the need to increase power density as much as possible and reduce noise. A three-phase dual inverter isolated of line frequency topology is proposed, which possesses high power density and low noise. Firstly, the use of multiple technologies significantly increases the equivalent switching frequency to achieve the effects of four times the phase voltage and five levels, which reduces acoustic noise, vibration noise, and the volume and weight of the vibration isolation and noise reduction device. Secondly, the phase-shift modulation strategy on carriers reduces the common-mode electromagnetic noise and the volume and weight of the EMI (electromagnetic interference) filter. Finally, the use of magnetic integration technology and the three-dimensional wound core structure reduces the volume and weight of the isolation transformer and output filter inductor. The experimental results show that compared with the traditional topology, the acoustic noise of the new topology is reduced by 8 dBA, and the vibration noise in whole frequency band is lower than the traditional topology. The volume power density reaches 136 kW/m3, the weight power density reaches 116 kW/t, and the overall efficiency reaches 93.5 %.
Key words:
- multiple inverter /
- isolated /
- power density /
- noise
表 1 逆变器原理样机参数
Table 1. Parameters of the prototype inverter
参数 数值 输入直流电压 Udc/V 400 ~ 700 输出线电压 Uline/V 390 输出基波频率 fo/Hz 50 输出有功功率 Po/kW 130 功率因数 cos φ 0.8 变压器变比 NT 1 开关频率 fsw/kHz 5.5 表 2 声学噪声测试值
Table 2. Test values of acoustic noise
工况 等效开关频率/kHz 噪声/dBA 场地背景 46.8 传统拓扑(两电平) 11 71.0 新型拓扑(五电平) 22 63.0 -
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