Railcar Traffic Distribution and Route Optimization Model Based on Dynamic Penalty Function
为解决铁路车流分配与径路优化模型中的难约束问题,避免群智能算法在应对该问题时难以求解的不足,提出了一种基于惩罚函数的约束优化方法. 首先,在车流分配及径路优化基本模型的基础上设置虚拟弧,在目标函数中增加惩罚项的方式松弛掉模型中的弧段能力约束,同时对惩罚项中的惩罚力度和惩罚因子设计动态更新的策略;然后,将改进灰狼算法(improved grey wolf algorithm,IGWO)应用于车流分配与径路优化模型的求解;最后,结合某一地区的路网数据,对改进前、后的模型和算法进行对比分析. 算例结果表明:与改进前的模型相比,引入惩罚项之后,IGWO可以在限定的范围内找到满足弧段能力约束的可行解;与灰狼算法(gray wolf algorithm,GWO)相比,IGWO计算所得的配流方案使OD (origin-destination)货流的平均绕行率和货物总走行公里数分别下降了2.6%和5.2%.
Abstract:In order to solve the constraint difficulty in the railway traffic distribution and route optimization model, and the inadequacy of swarm intelligence algorithm, a constraint optimization method based on penalty function is proposed. First, a virtual arc is set on the basis of the basic model of traffic distribution and route optimization, and the arc segment capability constraints in the model are relaxed by adding a penalty term to the objective function. Meanwhile, a dynamic update strategy is designed for the penalty intensity and penalty factor of the penalty term. Then, the improved grey wolf algorithm (IGWO) is applied to the solution of traffic distribution and route optimization models. Finally, combined with the road network data in a certain area, the models and algorithms before and after improvement are compared and analyzed. The results of case study show that, compared with the model before improvement, after introducing the penalty term, IGWO can find feasible solutions that satisfy the arc capacity constraints within a limited range; compared with the grey wolf algorithm (GWO), the distribution scheme calculated by IGWO reduces the average detour rate of the OD (origin-destination) cargo flow and the total cargo kilometers by 2.6% and 5.2%, respectively.
表 1 路网相关参数
Table 1. Railway network parameters
弧段 里程/km 线路容量/
( × 104 车)弧段 里程/km 线路容量/
( × 104 车)(1,2) 210 300 (6,10) 246 300 (1,4) 265 300 (6,11) 280 300 (2,3) 232 300 (9,12) 503 300 (2,6) 123 300 (10,11) 130 300 (3,9) 480 380 (10,13) 115 300 (4,5) 109 300 (11,12) 336 300 (4,7) 190 300 (11,14) 218 300 (5,6) 172 300 (13,14) 158 300 (5,8) 149 380 (7,8) 117 380 (6,9) 368 380 (8,10) 220 400 表 2 年车流OD量
Table 2. Annual OD volume of cargo flow
发站 到站 年 OD 量/
(× 104 车)发站 到站 年 OD 量/
( × 104 车)3 7 55 3 11 52 7 9 35 10 3 40 7 14 50 2 12 50 12 7 45 4 9 45 8 9 64 11 4 46 8 12 52 5 13 70 1 8 60 5 12 68 1 14 40 14 5 62 12 1 50 3 13 50 3 8 65 10 1 45 表 3 车流径路的优化方案
Table 3. Optimization scheme of cargo flow route
发站 到站 优化后的车流径路 3 7 3→2→1→4→5→8→7 7 9 7→8→5→6→2→3→9 7 14 7→8→10→13→14 12 7 12→11→6→2→1→4→7 8 9 8→5→4→1→2→6→9 8 12 8→5→6→9→12 1 8 1→4→7→8 1 14 1→4→5→8→10→13→14 12 1 12→9→3→2→1 3 8 3→9→6→10→8 3 11 3→9→6→10→11 10 3 10→6→2→3 2 12 2→6→11→12 4 9 4→7→8→10→6→9 11 4 11→14→13→10→8→7→4 5 13 5→8→10→11→14→13 5 12 5→8→10→13→14→11→12 14 5 14→11→6→5 3 13 3→9→6→11→10→13 10 1 10→6→2→1 表 4 区间通过流量统计
Table 4. Interval traffic statistics
弧段 区间车流量/( × 104 车) 线路利用率/% (1,2) 256 86.33 (1,4) 264 88.00 (2,3) 180 60.00 (2,6) 279 93.00 (3,9) 252 66.32 (4,5) 119 39.67 (4,7) 236 78.67 (5,6) 149 49.67 (5,8) 344 90.53 (6,9) 328 86.31 (6,10) 247 82.33 (6,11) 207 69.00 (9,12) 102 34.00 (10,11) 172 57.33 (0,13) 254 84.67 (11,12) 163 54.33 (11,14) 246 82.00 (13,14) 274 91.33 (7,8) 331 87.11 (8,10) 384 96.00 表 5 改进前后模型的车流总走行公里
Table 5. Cargo flow kilometers before and after improving model
模型 算法 车流总走行数/
(车 • km)模型 P GWO 无法在限定范围内找
到可行解IGWO 模型 Q GWO 1132405 IGWO 1073973 表 6 两种算法的质量指标
Table 6. Quality metrics for two algorithms
算法 平均绕
OD 数/个车流总走行数/
(车 • km)GWO 1.55 3 1132405 IGWO 1.51 6 1073973 -
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