Automatic Path Planning Method Based on Terrain Adaptation for Freight Cableways
为降低货运索道路径规划工作的时间和经济成本,综合考虑地理信息、工程实际情况和索道架设与运营成本等多方面因素,提出了索道路径规划要求,形成自动化路径规划的技术流程. 针对索道架设要求,提出了基于聚类分簇思想的上、下料点自动筛选方法,实现索道对公路的避让;并根据三维地形数据提出了基于地形自适应的索道支架位置搜索方法,搜索的支架可保证索道承载索与地面的间距满足施工要求;通过支架位置优化,减少支架数量,实现索道成本的降低. 对实际工程的路径规划计算应用表明:该规划方法可在约半个小时的时间内自动获得的上千条索道路径及支架架设方案,规划速度快,数据分析全面.
Abstract:To reduce the time and economic costs of freight cableway path planning, according to factors such as geographical information, project requirements, and costs of cableway erection and operation, the requirements of cableway path planning are proposed, and the technical process of automatic path planning is developed. To meet the requirements of cableway erection, an automatic method for screening loading and unloading points based on clustering was presented to achieve the avoidance of cableway to highway, and by the use of three-dimensional terrain data, a search method for trestle positions based on terrain adaptation is proposed. The selected trestle positions can ensure that the distance between the bearing cable of the cableway and the ground meets the construction requirements, and in this way the number of trestles is optimized to reduce the cost of the cableway. The field applications of the proposed method demonstrate that it can provide thousands of cableway paths and trestle positions automatically in around half an hour, showing fast planning and comprehensive data analysis.
Key words:
- transmission line /
- freight cableway /
- path planning /
- terrain adaptation.
表 1 索道路径规划问题计算结果
Table 1. Results of cableway path planning problems
算例编号 备选上料点/个 备选下料点/个 备选索道路径/条 满足索道架设要求的索道/条 计算时长/min 1 1786 28 50008 3563 18.28 2 1514 18 27252 3760 10.47 3 3943 115 453445 0 165.90 4 163 3 489 14 0.56 5 1111 80 88880 0 32.15 6 69 31 2139 193 1.15 7 31 13 403 0 0.34 8 232 49 11368 443 4.66 9 971 3 2913 338 1.41 10 2229 80 178320 1850 66.62 均值 1205 42 81522 1016 30.16 -
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