Study on Validation Conditions of Rail Corrugation Prediction Models
钢轨波磨会降低乘坐舒适性,增大轨道结构伤损,甚至影响列车的安全运行. 为判断钢轨波磨预测模型的准确性,首先,基于钢轨波磨现场调研数据,统计地铁线路和干线铁路的钢轨波磨发生率;其次,针对现有钢轨波磨预测模型验证方法的局限性,同时结合钢轨波磨发生的规律性,提出预测模型验证的3种基本工况:线路曲线半径≤350 m时的内轨波磨和外轨波磨、曲线半径 ≥ 650 m时的非科隆蛋扣件曲线线路或者直线线路钢轨的波磨,并进行实例验证;最后,根据基于轮轨蠕滑力饱和情况,提出了一种快速预测钢轨波磨发生的新方法. 研究结果表明:现有的波磨预测模型验证工况缺乏一般性,大部分没有考虑线路曲线半径的影响,忽视了从新轨到波磨出现阶段的钢轨振动演变规律,造成通过验证的波磨预测模型预测准确率偏低;所提出的波磨快速预测方法准确率可达到85.00%.
Abstract:Rail corrugation not only reduces the ride comfort of passengers, but also increases damages of tracks and vehicles, and even affects the safe operation of trains. In order to verify the correctness of rail corrugation prediction models, firstly the occurrence probability of rail corrugation was calculated based on field investigation data into a metro line and railway main-lines. Secondly, aiming to the shortcomings of the validation method of traditional rail corrugation prediction models, and based on the regularity of rail corrugation occurrence, the benchmark conditions for the verification of the rail corrugation prediction models were proposed, which include the first condition: rail corrugation on the low and high rails at a tight curved tracks whose radii are less than 350 m;the second condition: rail corrugation on the low and high rails at mild curved tracks whose radii are larger than 650 m without Colong-egg fasteners; the third condition: rail corrugation on the two rails of tangential tracks without Colong-egg fasteners. A case study on the prediction of rail corrugation on an actual metro line was performed. Finally, based on whether the creep force is saturated or not, a fast method for predicting rail corrugation was proposed. The research result shows that existing validation conditions for rail corrugation are not universal, that the traditional rail corrugation models neglect the effect of track radii; and that the rail vibration evolution from a new rail without corrugation to the rail with corrugation was ignored in the model validation procedure, which lead to a low model prediction accuracy of rail corrugation. The prediction accuracy of the proposed fast method for predicting rail corrugation reaches 85.00%.
Key words:
- rail corrugation /
- wear /
- model validation /
- friction coupling /
- self-excited vibration
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