A Review of Vulnerable Line Identification in Power Systems
摘要: 随着电网进一步互联互通,大停电事故波及的范围越来越大. 电力系统脆弱线路的辨识对预防连锁故障发生、保障系统安全稳定运行具有重要的理论和现实意义. 为此,综述了目前电力系统脆弱线路辨识的研究方法. 将近年来电力系统脆弱辨识方法的相关研究成果分为两大类:第一类基于电力系统状态分析,以潮流计算和电网动态特性为核心,介绍了熵理论法、连锁故障模拟法、风险评估法、能量函数法和强化学习法5种方法在电力系统脆弱线路辨识中的应用;第二类以复杂网络理论为背景,详细归纳了改进介数法、最大流理论法和对偶图法在电力系统脆弱线路辨识中的应用. 然后分析了现有方法具有兼顾系统结构和状态、考虑系统静动态特性的优点,以及缺乏考虑源荷不确定性,仅仅考虑单一线路脆弱性的不足. 最后,结合电力系统发展需求,提出了考虑新能源并网、移动冲击负荷接入、基于数据驱动以及组合脆弱线路辨识为下一步的主要研究方向.Abstract: With the further interconnection of the power grid, the scope of blackouts have become more extensive. Identification of vulnerable lines has important theoretical and practical significance for preventing cascading failures and ensuring the safety and stable operation of the system. The current research methods of vulnerable lines identification are summarized. The related research results in recent years are divided into two categories. The first category is based on power system status analysis, concentrating on power flow calculation and power grid dynamic characteristics. The application of entropy theory, cascading fault simulation method, risk assessment theory, energy function theory and reinforcement learning theory in the identification of vulnerable lines is introduced. The second category takes the complex network theory as the background. The application of the improved betweenness method, maximum flow theory method and dual graph method in the identification of vulnerable lines is summarized. According to the analysis, the existing methods favorably take into account the system structure and status, and the static and dynamic characteristics of the system, but exclude the uncertainty of the source and load; i.e., they only consider the vulnerability of a single line. Finally, given the development and demands of power systems, the main research interests in the future are illustrated as new energy grid integration, mobile shock load access, data-driven based and composite vulnerable lines identification.
表 1 不同辨识方法的主要优缺点比较
Table 1. Comparison of main advantages and disadvantages of different identification methods
方法 优点 缺点 电力系统
状态分析熵理论法 整体考虑了系统能量平衡与能量的转移 对电网整体的结构脆弱性考虑不足 能量函数法 考虑了能量与电压对系统稳定性的影响,考虑了电力系统静态和暂态过程 对电网整体的结构脆弱性考虑不足,时间复杂度高 连锁故障模拟法 充分考虑了连锁故障传播的动态机制,运用了静态安全域理论,考虑了负荷的动态特性及电压稳定性 计算的时间成本高,效率相对较低 风险评估法 可以根据自身区域电网特性选取指标因素,考虑天气、负荷水平等不确定因素,与实际运行经验相符 需要系统运行的历史数据 强化学习法 思路新颖,是人工智能在电力系统中的应用,可以离线学习,在线应用,计算效率高 欠缺对电网整体结构脆弱性的考虑 复杂网络理论 介数法 充分将电力网络的结构和状态结合起来,考虑线路的容量约束 对电力系统动态特性考虑不足 最大流理论 考虑线路容量约束,量化了线路传输潮流的贡献度 对电力系统动态特性考虑不足 对偶图法 将脆弱线路的识别转化为脆弱节点的识别,可同时计及系统结构特性和运行状态特性,计算效率高,速度快 需要额外建立衍生网络,增加了辨识步骤,考虑因素单一 -
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