Bond-Slip of Connecting Bolts Between Tunnel Segments and Metro Station Portal Ring Beam
地铁车站洞口的混凝土环梁与隧道管片之间一般通过螺栓连接,螺栓往往以预埋的方式锚入车站环梁内,并且与握裹它的混凝土之间存在粘结-滑移变形,这对环缝张开宽度和环梁结构损伤发展都可能产生影响,为进一步明确其中的机理及影响程度,参考既有的粘结-滑移本构模型,利用可细化分析粘结-滑移的有限元分析平台,在充分考虑材料非线性特征的基础上,针对3种不同型号螺栓,分别考虑锚固长度足够和不足两种情况,分析了螺栓在环梁内的粘结-滑移,以及环缝宽度增大的过程;通过量化分析粘结应力和螺栓应力沿螺栓长度的分布,揭示了粘结-滑移对环缝宽度发展的影响机制. 分析表明:采用粘结-滑移模型时,得到的螺栓连接刚度介于嵌固模型和弹簧模型之间,粘结-滑移变形对盾构管片和车站环梁之间环缝宽度的影响不可忽略;仅考虑受拉影响,即便在锚固长度足够的情况下,当螺栓接近屈服时,螺栓与环梁间的粘结-滑移变形在环缝张开宽度中占比最大可达30%,螺栓屈服后,这个滑移占比会随环缝扩展降至8%以下,受此影响,考虑粘结-滑移的螺栓抗拉刚度最低约为完全嵌固模型的1/3.
Abstract:The concrete ring beam at the entrance of subway station is generally connected with the tunnel segment by bolts. The bolts are often embedded in the ring beam of subway station, and there is bond-slip deformation between the bolts and the concrete wrapping them. This may have an impact on the opening width of the ring joint and the damage development of the ring beam structure. Based on the existing constitutive model of bond-slip between concrete and steel, a high-precision finite element program function was utilized to investigate the concrete nonlinear behavior and cracking mechanism, and a model describing the behavior of bond-slip mechanism was built up to measure the influence of the slip displacement on the width of ring gap. For three different types of connection bolts with long anchorage and short anchorage, simulations were performed to analyze the bond-slip behaviors of these bolts in the ring beam concrete and the width increasing of the gap between ring beam and segment. Meanwhile, through quantitative analysis of distributions of bond stress and bolt stress along the bolt length, the mechanism for the contribution from the displacement and deformation of connecting blots to the width increasing of the gap was revealed. Results show that the bolt connection stiffness derived from the bond-slip models is between those derived from the completely fixed model and the spring model, and the influence of the bond-slip deformation on the width of the annular gap between the shield segment and the station ring beam cannot be ignored. In the case of long anchorages, the contribution of bond-slip to the gap width can reach up to about 30% when the bolt begins to yield. After the bolt yields, the slip proportion will decrease to less than 8% with the expansion of the circumferential seam. Affected by this, the tensile stiffness of the bolt considering bond slip is at least about 1/3 of the fully fixed model
Key words:
- shield tunnel /
- segments /
- concrete ring beam /
- bolts /
- bond-slip
表 1 某城市地铁站台附近隧道测点曲率半径分布情况
Table 1. Statistics of measurement results of curvature radius of tunnel near platform in a city
% 站台
名称R >
15.0 km5.0 km < R ≤ 15.0 km 2.5 km < R ≤ 5.0 km R ≤
2.5 kmA 83.00 11.14 4.00 1.86 B 88.43 8.29 2.42 0.86 C 90.43 7.14 2.29 0.14 D 92.85 6.14 0.72 0.29 E 88.57 8.86 2.43 0.14 -
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