Modeling Method for Testing Railway Signal System Software
针对铁路信号系统软件测试模型不能系统地描述测试需求的问题,提出风险时间状态机建模方法. 首先,分析铁路信号系统软件测试建模的特点,并提出建模需求;然后,以有限状态机理论为研究基础,在有限状态机的变迁和状态中分别扩展出时钟和风险等级元素,提出风险时间状态机建模方法,满足功能逻辑、时间约束和风险等级3个方面的建模需求,采用Z规格说明语言给出风险时间状态机的形式化定义和格局转移机制;最后,以计算机联锁系统中的道岔转换功能为例,建立风险时间状态机测试模型,并与时间自动机建模方法进行了对比,结果表明,建模方法上,所建立风险时间状态机比时间自动机节省62%的变迁数,描述能力更强,能够满足铁路信号系统软件测试的建模需求.
Abstract:As the testing model of railway signal system software fails to describe the test requirements systematically, a risk timed statechart (RTSC) modeling method is proposed. First, the characteristics of testing railway signal system software are analyzed, and its modeling requirements are proposed. Then, based on the finite state machine (FSM) theory, the clock and risk level elements are extended respectively in the transition and state of the FSM, and the RTSC modeling method is proposed to meet the modeling requirements of the functional logic, clock constraint and risk level. The formal definition and configuration mechanism of the RTSC are expressed by Z notation. Finally, the switching function of computer-based interlocking system is used as an example to build the RTSC testing model and the proposed method is compared with the timed automata modeling method. The results show that in contrast to the timed automata modeling method, the RTSC saves 62% of transition numbers and has stronger description ability, which can meet the modeling requirements of the railway signal system software testing.
Key words:
- railway signal system software /
- modeling method /
- clock constraint /
- risk level /
- risk timed statechart /
- Z notation
表 1 道岔子系统信号含义
Table 1. Meaning of signals in switch subsystem
信号 含义 信号 含义 信号 含义 e1 定位请求 e4 定位需求 e7 道岔定位 e2 道岔转换 e5 道岔锁闭 e8 转换成功 e3 转换超时 e6 反位请求 e9 选排一致 表 2 DRTSC与DTA 对比
Table 2. Comparison between DRTSC and DTA
模型 构件/个 状态/个 变迁/条 信号/个 DRTSC 1 11 19 11 DTA 4 24 49 18 表 3 RTSC与测试需求的关系
Table 3. Relationship between RTSC and test requirements
特性 功能性 实时性 风险 状态迁移 √ × × 层次性 √ × × 并发性 √ × × 时间约束 × √ × 风险等级 × × √ 注:“√”表示RTSC特性满足建模需求;“×”则相反. -
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