Self-Healing Performance of Cement-Based Materials Mixed with Magnesium Acrylate
以抗压强度修复率、裂缝修复率、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)为表征手段,对不同龄期、修复温度的水泥砂浆试件进行自修复性能试验,同时,结合SEM (scanning electronic microscope)探究了丙烯酸镁水泥基材料的自修复性能及微观机理. 试验结果表明:早龄期时丙烯酸镁修复体系对砂浆试件抗压强度修复及表观修复效果不明显,随着龄期增长,抗压强度修复效果逐渐显著,且7 d龄期试件表观裂缝修复率达100.0%;中高温有利于丙烯酸镁修复体系的自修复效果,但40 ℃ 以上提高温度对修复效果提升不再明显;电化学阻抗谱测试表明,28 d龄期时试验组的等效电路参数全面优于对照组;高龄期下丙烯酸镁修复体系的修复效果显著优于水泥基材料水化反应带来的修复效果.
Abstract:The self-healing performance of cement mortar specimens at different ages and temperatures was tested by compressive strength repair rate, crack repair rate, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and then was analyzed using the scanning electronic microscope (SEM) to study the microscopic self-healing mechanism of magnesium acrylate cement-based materials. The test results showed that the effect of magnesium acrylate on the compressive strength repair and apparent repair of the mortar specimens was not obvious at the early age. The effect on compressive strength repair intensifies gradually with the increasing age, and the apparent crack repair rate at 7 d reached 100.0%. Meanwhile, medium-high temperature was beneficial to self-healing effect, but the effect above 40 ℃ was no longer significant. EIS showed that the equivalent circuit parameters of the test group at the age of 28 d were better than those of the control group; the repair effect of the magnesium acrylate at old age is significantly better than the "healing" effect brought by the hydration reaction of cement-based materials.
Key words:
- magnesium acrylate /
- cement-based materials /
- self-healing /
- EIS /
表 1 基础砂浆配合比
Table 1. Mix proportion of the mortar matrix
材料 水泥 砂 水 配合比/(kg•m−3) 450 1 350 225 表 2 试验分组
Table 2. Test group
% 组别 修复剂 引发剂 促进剂 交联剂 A 0 0 0 0 B 0.5 2 2 1 表 3 表观裂缝修复率
Table 3. Repair rate of apparent cracks
组别 龄期/d 温度/℃ 裂缝修复率/% A 3 20 8.3 40 0 60 0 7 20 2.0 40 6.2 60 0 28 20 7.5 40 0 60 67.6 B 3 20 18.3 40 72.3 60 94.2 7 20 100.0 40 100.0 60 100.0 28 20 96.0 40 96.1 60 95.7 -
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