Mechanical Properties of Tension-Torsion Coupling in Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
摘要: 导线扭转参数属于导线基本力学性能之一,尤其是拉扭耦合效应会极大地影响覆冰输电线舞动分析的准确性. 为此,对典型7股钢芯铝绞线LGJ/JL/G1A-70/10进行了扭转试验,并结合有限元仿真软件ANSYS对相应构件进行建模与数值分析,与基于钢丝绳拉扭耦合理论的4种理论进行了对比. 数值分析结果与扭转试验结果吻合较好,且对比分析表明:拧绕系数的取值浮动较大,会导致不容忽视的误差;在正常运行应力状态下,导线拉伸会产生较大的扭转效应,导线的截面扭转也会产生轻微张力变化;导线的拉扭耦合和扭拉耦合系数不相等;基于钢丝绳的理论均未考虑子股导线的滑移变形及坐标更新,会在一定程度上高估轴向刚度以及拉扭耦合效应.Abstract: The torsion parameter of the conductor is one of its basic mechanical properties. Moreover, the tension-torsioncoupling effect of iced transmission lines will greatly affect the accuracy of galloping analysis. To analyze this effect, the torsional test was carried out for the typical 7-strand aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) LGJ/JL/G1A-70/10, and the modeling and numerical analysis of the corresponding components are carried out by using the finite element simulation software ANSYS, the results ofwhich is compared with those calculated by the 4 theories based on the tension-torsioncoupling theory of wire rope. The results of numerical analysis are in good agreement with those of the torsion test. Thetwist factor values fluctuate greatly, which will lead to significant errors. Under the normal stress state, the conductor tension will produce a large torsion effect, and the section torsion of the conductor will also lead to a slight tension change. The tension-torsion coupling coefficient is not equal to the torsion-tension one. The theories based on steel wire rope do not consider the slip deformation and coordinate update of sub strand conductors, which overestimates the axial stiffness and the coupling effect of tension and torsion to a certain extent.
表 1 钢芯铝绞线LGJ/JL/G1A-70/10的物理参数
Table 1. Physical parameters of wires
参数 值 根 × 直径/mm 钢 1 × 3.80 铝 6 × 3.80 截面积/mm2 钢/铝 11.3/68.0 总截面 79.3 铝、钢截面比 6.02 直径/mm 11.4 单位质量/(t•km−1) 0.275 计算拉断力/kN 23.36 综合弹性模量/MPa 74300 节距/mm 13 线膨胀系数/(℃−1) 18.8 × 10−6 表 2 试件剪切模量
Table 2. Shear modulus of test specimens
工况 $\overline J $/mm4 $\overline G $/GPa 200-01 1125.893 4.378 200-02 1125.893 4.745 200-03 1125.893 3.882 200-04 1125.893 3.761 200-05 1125.893 4.684 300-01 1125.893 4.659 300-02 1125.893 4.565 300-03 1125.893 4.268 300-04 1125.893 4.058 300-05 1125.893 3.734 平均值 1125.893 4.405 表 3 纯扭下的轴力与扭矩
Table 3. Axis force and torque under pure torsion
(N•m)0.02 0.099 0.628 0.099 0.630 0.607 0.04 0.097 1.138 0.097 1.141 1.099 0.06 0.096 1.648 0.095 1.654 1.593 0.08 0.094 2.160 0.093 2.167 2.088 0.10 0.092 2.672 0.091 2.682 2.584 0.12 0.090 3.185 0.089 3.198 3.081 0.14 0.088 3.699 0.087 3.715 3.579 0.16 0.086 4.213 0.085 4.232 4.078 0.18 0.084 4.728 0.083 4.751 4.578 0.20 0.082 5.243 0.081 5.270 5.078 表 4 刚度方程对比
Table 4. Comparison of stiffness equation
方法 ${F_\varepsilon }$/kN ${M_\phi }$/
(N•m2•rad−1)${F_\phi }$/
(N•m)${M_\varepsilon }$/
仿真5 429.92 6.138 2 101.98 2 255.77 Hruska 6 224.01 3.517 2 792.47 2 792.47 M-Z 6 224.01 6.436 2 792.47 2 792.47 M-D 6 224.01 6.349 2 792.47 2 655.59 K-C 6 183.53 6.496 2 792.47 2 583.80 表 5 各方法精度对比
Table 5. Accuracy comparison of methods
方法 剪切模量/GPa 与试验误差/% ANSYS仿真 4.572 3.79 郭应龙等[4] 2.934 33.39 Hruska 2.012 54.33 M-Z 4.606 4.56 M-D 4.583 4.04 K-C 4.736 7.51 扭转试验 4.405 -
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