Multi-objective Optimization of Yaw Damper Parameters for High-Speed Train
为了研究抗蛇行减振器参数匹配规律以兼顾不同轮轨接触状态下高速列车横向稳定性,针对国内运行典型结构参数的高速列车,建立车辆横向动力学简化模型,分别考虑到高、低锥度两种轮轨接触状态下车辆的横向稳定性,采用多目标优化方法对抗蛇行减振器刚度和阻尼值进行多参数优化,并分析最优抗蛇行减振器参数的影响因素. 结果表明:优化的抗蛇行减振器阻尼值主要取决于车辆二系横向阻尼,得出了两类阻尼值的抗蛇行减振器选配类型,即当二系横向阻尼较小时,转向架单侧需匹配较小阻尼值600~1000 kN•s•m−1,或当二系横向阻尼较大时,匹配大于4 000 kN•s•m−1的抗蛇行减振器;抗蛇行减振器刚度显著影响不同轮轨接触状态下的车辆稳定性,减小抗蛇行减振器刚度有利于低锥度状态车辆稳定性,反之亦然.
Abstract:In order to study the parameter matching law of yaw damper for the lateral stability of high-speed trains under different wheel-rail contact conditions, a simplified model of vehicle lateral dynamics was established aiming at the typical parameters of high-speed trains operating in China. Considering the lateral stability of vehicles under the high or low wheel-rail contact conicity states respectively, the multi-objective optimization method was used to optimize the stiffness and damping parameters of yaw damper, and the influencing factors of the optimal parameters of yaw damper were analyzed as well. The results show that the optimal damping value of yaw damper mainly depends on the lateral damping of the secondary suspension, and two types of damping value selection for yaw damper are obtained. That is, when the secondary lateral damping is small, a small damping value of 600−1 000 kN•s•m−1 in one side of bogie should be selected. On the contrary, the yaw damper greater than 4 000 kN•s•m−1 should match the vehicle adopting a large secondary lateral damping. The stiffness of yaw damper significantly affects the stability of vehicles in different wheel-rail contact states. A smaller stiffness is conductive to the lateral stability of vehicles in low conicity wheel-rail contact state, and vice versa.
Key words:
- high-speed train /
- lateral stability /
- yaw damper /
- multi-objective optimization /
- parameter matching
表 1 两类高速列车悬挂参数
Table 1. Suspension parameters of two types of high-speed trains
类型 Kpx/(kN•mm−1) Kpy/(kN•mm−1) Csy/(kN•s•m−1) Type 1 13.7 5.49 40 Type 2 120.0 12.50 15 -
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