Effect of Reflective Thermal Insulation Coatings on Temperature and Stress of Track Slab
摘要: 为了降低无砟轨道板板温及板内应力,缓解夏季高温期无砟轨道胀板导致的各类病害,使用钛白粉、玻璃微珠等组份配置了一种无砟轨道用反射隔热涂料;探究了各组份使用量的合理性,并在红外光及自然光下测试了其降温性能;分析了轨道板板表及内部温度差对轨道板内部应力的影响. 研究结果表明:该种涂料可在夏季高温期降低轨道板板表温度最高达16 ℃,可使轨道板板表与180 mm深处温度差由24 ℃下降至12 ℃,降幅约50%,并可有效降低轨道板应力0.4 MPa;该种涂料可有效降低因温度应力产生的各种轨道病害风险.Abstract: To reduce the slab temperature and internal stress of ballastless track and alleviate damage caused by ballastless track expansion during high temperature period in summer, a reflective thermal insulation coating for ballastless track was explored with titanium dioxide, glass beads, and other components. The rationality of the dosage of each component was explored, and its cooling performance was tested under infrared light and natural light. The influence of the temperature difference between the surface and the interior of track slab on the internal stress of track slab was analyzed. The results show that the coating can decrease the surface temperature of track slab by up to 16 ℃ during the high temperature period in summer, it can also decrease the temperature difference between the surface and the depth of 180 mm of track slab from 24 ℃ to 12 ℃, with a decrease of about 50%, and effectively decrease the stress of track slab by 0.4 MPa. The coating can effectively reduce the risk of various track diseases caused by temperature stress.
Key words:
- reflective thermal insulation /
- track slab /
- temperature /
- stress /
- titanium dioxide
表 1 基体材料配方
Table 1. Matrix material formula
序号 项目 牌号 份数/份 1 水 400.0 2 分散剂 5040 5.0 3 润湿剂 LCN407 1.0 4 纤维素 HBR250 2.5 5 多功能助剂 AMP-95 1.0 6 乳液 296DS 90.0 7 成膜助剂 醇脂十二 5.0 8 助溶剂 丙二醇 15.0 9 防腐剂 Cp11 2.0 10 消泡剂 NXZ 2.5 11 增稠剂 601 1.0 12 流平剂 621N 1.5 13 白水泥 525 160.0 14 石英砂 200目 30.0 15 减水剂 F10 4.5 表 2 反射隔热填料配方
Table 2. Reflective insulation filler formula
份 组别 钛白粉 玻璃微珠 陶瓷微球 复合陶瓷微晶体 1 50 180 0 0 2 100 180 0 0 3 150 180 0 0 4 200 180 0 0 5 50 120 60 0 6 50 60 120 0 7 50 0 180 0 8 150 180 0 30 9 150 180 0 60 10 150 180 0 90 11 150 180 0 120 表 3 2018年7月5日至8日天气情况
Table 3. Weather from July 5 to 8,2018
日期 天气情况 温度/℃ 风况 2018 年 7 月 05日 多云/晴 33/24 东北风 1~2 级 2018 年 7 月 06 日 多云/晴 34/23 东北风 <3 级 2018 年 7 月 07 日 多云/多云 33/23 东风 1~2 级 2018 年 7 月 08 日 阴/阴 31/24 东风 1~2 级 表 4 各组涂料反射率及热辐射率
Table 4. Reflectivity and thermal emissivity of each group paint
% 项目 第 3 组 第 8 组 第 9 组 第 10 组 第 11 组 反射率 84 84 85 85 85 热辐射率 82 83 86 88 89 -
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