Influence of Sharing Tasks on Automobile Driving Safety and Software Interactive Usability
摘要: 为了确定汽车共享交互任务与驾驶任务协同作用对驾驶安全性和交互可用性的影响,进而为汽车共享软件优化和汽车共享驾驶员筛选培训提供理论参考,首先针对24名经验丰富的中国驾驶员,利用汽车模拟驾驶试验,采集了车速变化、制动时间、交互时间等驾驶安全性和交互可用性参数数据,然后通过配对样本t检验方法,在停车状态和驾驶状态,对比分析了是否使用汽车共享软件对交互可用性绩效和驾驶安全性绩效的影响. 研究表明:相对于不操作共享任务,驾驶时操作汽车共享任务交互时间增加了24%~87%,满意度降低了15%,认知负荷增加了33%~61%,但交互错误不受影响;反向来看,驾驶时操作汽车共享任务会对驾驶安全性产生影响,表现为相对于不操作共享任务,制动反应时间增加了45%,方向盘调整次数增加了217%~761%,方向盘调整角度增加了25%~66%,驾驶错误增加了512%~1053%,车速降低了8%;汽车共享软件导致的驾驶分心只影响反应时间,不影响制动行为.Abstract: In order to form a theoretical base for the optimization of car sharing software and drivers’ selection, how automobile sharing tasks and driving task affect driving safety and interactive usability is explored. Firstly, 24 experienced Chinese drivers were recruited for driving simulation tests, and driving safety and usability data such as speed, braking time, and interaction time were collected, and data were processed through paired sample t-test method. Using automobile sharing software in the scenarios of parking and driving are analyzed and compared in terms of interaction and safety performance. It is found that the operation of sharing tasks during driving can lead to the interaction time increase of 24%−87%, satisfaction decrease of 15%, and cognitive load increase of 33%−61%, but interaction errors are not affected. On the other hand, the operation of automobile sharing tasks during driving will affect driving safety, showing that in contrast to no sharing tasks, braking reaction time is increased by 45%, steering wheel adjustment times is increased by 217%−761%, adjustment angle of steering wheel is increased by 25%−66%, driving error is increased by 512%−1053%, and speed is decreased by 8%. However, driving distraction caused by automobile sharing software only affects reaction time rather than braking behavior.
Key words:
- sharing task /
- automobile driver /
- human-computer interaction /
- driving safety /
- usability
表 1 方向盘调整次数
Table 1. Times of adjusting steering wheel
次 状态 任务 T1 任务 T2 任务 T3 DWOS 0.460 ± 1.100 0.460 ± 1.100 0.460 ± 1.100 OSWD 1.458 ± 1.865 2.670 ± 2.240 3.960 ± 4.630 表 2 驾驶错误
Table 2. Driving errors
次 状态 任务 T1 任务 T2 任务 T3 DWOS 0.17 ± 0.38 0.17 ± 0.38 0.17 ± 0.38 OSWD 1.04 ± 0.95 1.37 ± 1.24 1.96 ± 1.88 -
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