Experiments Study on Longitudinal and Lateral Resistance of Steel Rod Reinforced Sleeper
为了探究钢棒加强式轨枕的纵横向阻力机理、分担以及钢棒插入深度和砟肩宽度的影响规律,为川藏铁路长大坡道韧性和稳定性增强提供新方法,通过进行一系列纵横向阻力试验得到了钢棒加强式轨枕纵横向阻力的总体特性和分担情况;通过改变钢棒插入深度和砟肩宽度探究了两者对钢棒加强式轨枕纵横向阻力的影响规律. 结果表明:与普通轨枕相比,钢棒加强式轨枕的纵横向阻力都有提高,当砟肩宽度为500 mm,堆高为0,钢棒插入深度为400 mm时,钢棒加强式轨枕纵横向阻力比肩宽为500 mm、堆高为150 mm条件下普通轨枕分别高39.2%和53.7%,枕底部分横向阻力分担比普通轨枕提升8%,纵向阻力提升26%;钢棒插入深度对道床阻力影响较大,在砟肩宽度为500 mm、堆高为0 时,插入深度由100 mm变至400 mm,相较于普通轨枕肩宽为500 mm、堆高为150 mm的工况,纵向阻力增幅由5.1%变至39.2%,横向阻力增幅由6.1%变至53.7%;砟肩宽度变化时,纵向阻力变化较小,横向阻力变化较大.
Abstract:In order to explore the longitudinal and lateral resistance mechanism, contribution and influence of steel rod depth and shoulder width of steel rod reinforced sleeper, and to provide a new method for increasing resilience and stability of the long sharp slope in Sichuan−Tibet railway, a series of longitudinal and lateral resistance tests were carried out. Firstly, the overall characteristics and contribution of the longitudinal and lateral resistance of the steel rod reinforced sleeper were obtained. Then, by changing steel rod depth and shoulder width, the influence of them on the longitudinal and lateral resistance of the steel rod reinforced sleeper was explored. The results show that, compared with ordinary sleepers, the longitudinal and lateral resistance of steel rod reinforced sleeper has increased. With the shoulder with of 500 mm, shoulder height of 0 and insertion depth of 400 mm, the lateral resistance of steel rod reinforced sleeper is 53.7% higher than that of ordinary sleepers with shoulder width of 500 mm and pile height of 150 mm, and longitudinal resistance is 39.2% higher. At the same time, the contribution of sleeper bottom in lateral resistance is 8% higher compared with ordinary sleepers, with 26% higher in longitudinal resistance. The insertion depth of the steel rod exerts a great influence on the resistance. For instance, with shoulder width of 500 mm and shoulder height of 0, when insertion depth changes from 100 mm to 400 mm, the increment of longitudinal is from 5.1% to 39.2%, and that of lateral resistance is from 6.1% to 53.7%, compared with ordinary sleepers with shoulder width of 500 mm and shoulder height of 150 mm. With the change of the shoulder width, the longitudinal resistance changes slightly and the lateral resistance changes more.
Key words:
- Sichuan−Tibet railway /
- ballast bed /
- bed resistance /
- steel rod reinforced sleeper
表 1 试验工况
Table 1. Test conditions
mm 试验类型 轨枕类型 肩宽 >堆高 插入深度 横向阻力 普通轨枕 500 150 钢棒加强式 500 0 400 500 0 200 500 0 100 400 0 400 300 0 400 纵向阻力 普通轨枕 500 150 钢棒加强式 500 0 400 500 0 200 500 0 100 400 0 400 300 0 400 表 2 道床阻力分担
Table 2. Resistance contribution
部分钢棒加强式 普通轨枕 横向阻力/
比例/%枕底 10.24 62 8.62 46 4.49 54 2.60 20 砟肩 3.96 24 1.12 6 2.58 31 1.06 8 枕心 2.31 14 8.99 48 1.24 15 9.54 72 总值 16.51 100 18.73 100 8.31 100 13.2 100 -
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