Method of Motor Starting Current Control Based on Hydraulic Pump/Motor Reverse Drive
摘要: 针对蓄电池轨道工程车续航里程短、永磁同步牵引电机启动电流大等问题,基于液压泵/马达能量逆向传递特性,提出了利用液压泵/马达逆向驱动的电机启动电流控制新方法. 通过使液压泵/马达工作在马达模式将电机驱动至一定初始转速后接通电源实现电机带速启动,抑制或削弱电机启动电流;永磁同步电机带速启动采用无位置矢量控制方式,结合短路电流矢量法对电机启动时刻的转子转速和位置进行计算,并通过AMESim与MATLAB/Simulink进行联合仿真. 研究结果表明:所提出的电机启动电流控制新方法能让电机的启动峰值电流最大降低70%左右;启动电流与电机接通电源启动时的初始转速有关,且初始转速越接近需求转速则启动电流越小;电机转速稳定后电流大小仅与电机负载有关;液压泵/马达工作排量或蓄能器充液压力越大,电机被逆向驱动时的转速响应越快.Abstract: Aiming at the short cruising range of the battery rail engineering vehicles (BREVs) and the large starting current of the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), a new method of controlling the starting current of the PMSM driven by the hydraulic pump/motor was proposed based on the characteristics of the reverse transmission of the energy of the hydraulic pump/motor. By making the hydraulic pump/motor work in the motor mode, the PMSM was driven to a certain initial speed and then the power was turned on to realize the start of the PMSM with initial speed, which can suppress or weaken the starting current of PMSM. The PMSM was started at initial speed by adopting the positionless vector control method, combined with the short-circuit current vector method, the rotor speed and position at the starting time of the motor were calculated, and the joint simulation was carried out by AMESim and MATLAB/Simulink.The results show that the proposed new method of starting current control of PMSM can reduce the starting peak current of the PMSM by about 70%. The starting current is related to the initial speed when the PMSM is switched on and starting. The closer the initial speed of PMSM is to the required speed, the smaller the starting current is. After the speed of PMSM is stable, the current is only related to the PMSM load. The greater the working displacement of the hydraulic pump/motor or the charging pressure of the accumulator, the faster the speed response of motor during reverse drive.
表 1 仿真参数设置
Table 1. Simulation parameters
参数名 数值 定子电阻/Ω 0.875 d 轴电感/mH 8.5 q 轴电感/mH 8.5 主磁极磁通/Wb 0.175 极对数 4 转动惯量 J/(kg•m2) 0.01 泵/马达排量/(cc•rev−1) 50 溢流阀调定压力/MPa 4 囊式蓄能器充气压力/MPa 17 囊式蓄能器标称体积/V 40 囊式蓄能器最大压力/MPa 32 -
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