Wind-Resistant Safety Analysis of High-Speed Trains Passing Through Bridge-Tunnel Transition
摘要: 列车由隧道驶上桥梁时会承受突变的风荷载,列车的响应发生突变,导致列车的行车安全受到威胁. 以某客运专线桥隧过渡段为研究背景,通过计算流体动力学 (CFD) 数值模拟和车桥耦合振动分析,计算了CRH3型列车通过桥隧过渡段时受到的气动力及车辆响应;对比分析了头车、中间车及尾车的气动力及列车响应,研究了大风攻角对列车气动力及行车响应的影响,探讨了最不利的安全指标. 研究结果表明:越靠近车头的车体,气动力突变与列车响应越大;相比0° 攻角,正风攻角对行车相对有利,+7° 的风攻角下列车受到的气动阻力和力矩减小了约10%;负风攻角会增大列车的气动力突变效应和行车响应,−7° 风攻角下列车受到的气动阻力和力矩增加了约10%;风速在22.5 m/s以下时,CRH3列车能够以200 km/h的车速安全通过桥隧过渡段;20 m/s风速时,车速在325 km/h以下时列车能够安全通过桥隧过渡段;随着车速与风速的增加,轮轴横向力是首先超限的安全性指标.Abstract: When a train travels from a tunnel to a bridge, it bears a sudden wind load, and the response of the train changes abruptly, which will threaten the travelling safety. Taking a bridge-tunnel transition of a passenger dedicated line as the research background, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation and vehicle-bridge coupling vibration analysis are conducted to calculate the aerodynamic forces and responses of a CRH3 train passing through the bridge-tunnel transition. The aerodynamic forces and vehicle responses of the front train, the middle train and the tail train are compared, the influences of wind attack angle on the aerodynamic force and vehicle response are studied, and the most unfavorable safety index is discussed. Results show that the closer the vehicle body is to the front, the greater the sudden variation in aerodynamic load and vehicle response will be. Compared with the 0° wind attack angle, a positive wind attack angle is relatively favorable to the train running, and the +7° wind attack angle brings a 10% decrease in the drag force and rolling moment of the train; however, a negative wind attack angle will increase the sudden variation effect of aerodynamic load and the running vehicle’s responses, and the −7° wind attack angle brings a 10% increase in the drag force and rolling moment of the train. When the wind speed is below 22.5 m/s, the CRH3 train can safely pass through the transition at a speed of 200 km/h. When the wind speed is 20.0 m/s, the train can safely pass through the transition at a speed of less than 325 km/h. With an increase in the vehicle speed and wind speed, the lateral force of the wheel axle is the first safety index to exceed the limit.
表 1 风洞实验与数值模型横向力对比
Table 1. Comparison of the transverse force between the CFD model and wind tunnel test
工况 头车 中间车 风洞实验/kN 数值模拟/kN 误差/% 风洞实验/kN 数值模拟/kN 误差/% 车速 270 km/h,风速 15 m/s 36.08 40.34 11.81 16.54 15.57 −5.86 车速 200 km/h,风速 25 m/s 39.60 44.77 13.12 24.34 26.49 8.83 表 2 各风攻角下头车的气动力突变值
Table 2. Sudden variations in the aerodynamic force at different wind attack angles for the front vehicle
风攻角/(°) 阻力突
变/kN升力突变/kN 力矩突变/
(kN•m)上升段至波峰 波峰至
波谷−7 48.74 9.53 15.19 24.10 −5 48.09 8.87 15.02 23.72 −3 46.85 7.81 14.12 23.03 0 45.20 6.25 12.68 22.35 +3 43.45 5.61 11.40 22.45 +5 42.26 5.19 10.31 20.78 +7 40.68 4.30 8.46 20.27 表 3 列车各部分响应最大值对比
Table 3. Comparison of the maximum response values for different parts of the vehicle
位置 脱轨系数 轮重减载率 轮轴横向力/kN 横向加速度/(m•s−2) 竖向加速度/(m•s−2) 头车 0.208 0 0.293 5 34.76 0.938 8 0.868 3 中间车 0.169 2 0.253 3 28.53 0.704 6 0.694 4 尾车 0.123 8 0.174 5 17.90 0.459 0 0.559 2 -
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